Comparative Analysis of Supersonic Flow in Atmospheric and Low Pressure in the Region of Shock Waves Creation for Electron Microscopy
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Chamber
3. Methodology
- Flow in free space, in an intact environment—Free Flow.
- Flow in an environment with an inserted temperature sensor with a flat end—Flat shape.
- Flow in an environment with an inserted temperature sensor with a conical end—Angle 30°.
- Incompressible regime
- Compressible subsonic regime
- Compressible supersonic regime
Simulation Settings in the Ansys Fluent System
- Provides exact resolution of contact and shock discontinuities
- Preserves positivity of scalar quantities
- Free of oscillations at stationary and moving shocks
4. Theoretical Materials
4.1. Determination of the Computational Cross-Section
4.2. Gas Flow Regimes
- Incompressible Regime
- Subsonic Compressible Regime
- Supersonic Compressible Regime
4.2.1. Incompressible Regime
4.2.2. Subsonic Compressible Regime
4.2.3. Supersonic Compressible Regime
4.3. Temperature Measurement
4.4. Perpendicular—Detached Shock Wave
4.5. Cone Shock Wave
5. Results
5.1. Evaluation of Flow Velocity
5.2. Evaluation of Static Pressure
5.3. Evaluation of Static Temperature
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Šabacká, P.; Maxa, J.; Bayer, R.; Binar, T.; Bača, P.; Dostalová, P.; Mačák, M.; Čudek, P. Comparative Analysis of Supersonic Flow in Atmospheric and Low Pressure in the Region of Shock Waves Creation for Electron Microscopy. Sensors 2023, 23, 9765.
Šabacká P, Maxa J, Bayer R, Binar T, Bača P, Dostalová P, Mačák M, Čudek P. Comparative Analysis of Supersonic Flow in Atmospheric and Low Pressure in the Region of Shock Waves Creation for Electron Microscopy. Sensors. 2023; 23(24):9765.
Chicago/Turabian StyleŠabacká, Pavla, Jiří Maxa, Robert Bayer, Tomáš Binar, Petr Bača, Petra Dostalová, Martin Mačák, and Pavel Čudek. 2023. "Comparative Analysis of Supersonic Flow in Atmospheric and Low Pressure in the Region of Shock Waves Creation for Electron Microscopy" Sensors 23, no. 24: 9765.
APA StyleŠabacká, P., Maxa, J., Bayer, R., Binar, T., Bača, P., Dostalová, P., Mačák, M., & Čudek, P. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Supersonic Flow in Atmospheric and Low Pressure in the Region of Shock Waves Creation for Electron Microscopy. Sensors, 23(24), 9765.