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Two New Species of Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from China Based on Morphological and Molecular Markers

Department of Life Sciences, National Natural History Museum of China, 126 South Tianqiao Street, Beijing 100050, China
College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, 105 Xisanhuan Beilu, Beijing 100048, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Diversity 2024, 16(5), 303;
Submission received: 11 April 2024 / Revised: 15 May 2024 / Accepted: 16 May 2024 / Published: 17 May 2024


Two new species from China, Hymenogaster pseudoniveus and H. zunhuaensis, are described and illustrated based on morphological and molecular evidence. Hymenogaster pseudoniveus is distinguished from other species of the genus based on the color of peridium, which is snow white to white when unexcavated but then turns yellowish to earth yellow, and the basidiospores, which are ornamented with nearly longitudinally arranged ridges up to 2 μm high. H. zunhuaensis is diagnosed by its dirty white to pale yellow peridium, yellow brown to brown gleba, and the smaller (Lm × Wm = 11.7 μm × 9.8 μm) broadly ellipsoidal to subglobose basidiospores (Q = 1.1–1.3). ITS/LSU-based phylogenetic analysis supports the erection of the two new species, each placed in distinct clades with strong statistical support, suggesting that they represent two distinct species novel to science. Based on the morphological and molecular evidence, we have published two new species of Hymenogaster. A key for Hymenogaster species from China is provided.

1. Introduction

As a globally widespread genus, the Hymenogaster are found in Europe [1,2,3,4], Asia [5,6], North America [7] of the Northern Hemisphere, Australia [8], Oceania [9,10], South America [11], and Central Africa [12] of the Southern Hemisphere. In China, Hymenogaster has been recorded across 21 provinces or cities, notably in areas such as Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Yunnan [13,14], which are recognized for their high species richness.
As hypogeous fungi, the Hymenogaster species symbiotically form ectomycorrhizae with various tree species, helping plants uptake nutrients and rebuild the ecosystems [6,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]. They also serve as food sources for small mammals in the forest, such as Clethrionomys gapperi, Napaeozapus insignis, Sus scrofa, Tamias striatus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, and Zapus hudsonius, as well as some birds and invertebrates, and in this way, these small animals can also help spread Hymenogaster spores [23,24,25,26].
To date, about 170 species of this group have been reported globally [27], but only 32 species and variants of Hymenogaster have been reported in China, and most of them lack molecular data. Recently, seven species have been identified based on morphological and molecular evidence [14]. In this study, two new species were recognized from our collections based on morphological and molecular evidence, which have been described and illustrated.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Morphological Studies

Fresh specimens were collected from Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Yunnan provinces over a period of several years in China and were subsequently dried and deposited at BJTC (Herbarium Biology Department, Capital Normal University). Several older specimens were also examined from HMAS (Herbarium Mycologicum Academiae Sinicae, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences). Macroscopic characters were recorded from fresh specimens whenever possible. Microscopic characters were examined in both fresh and dried materials by mounting free-hand sections of basidiomata in 5% KOH and Melzer’s reagent [28]. Basidiospores dimensions, excluding ornamentation, were based on 30 spores for each basidiome, with the measurements presented as the diameter (mean diam ± SD, n = 30) for each species. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), spores were scraped from the dried gleba, placed onto double-sided adhesive tape that was mounted directly on the SEM stub, coated with an 8 nm thick platinum–palladium film using an ion-sputter coater (HITACHI E-1010), and examined with a HITACHI S-4800 SEM.

2.2. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification, Sequencing and Nucleotide Alignment

Dried gleba was ground by shaking for 45 s at 30 Hz 2–4 times (Mixer Mill MM 301, Retsch, Haan, Germany) in a 1.5 mL tube along with a 3 mm diameter tungsten carbide ball, and total genomic DNA was extracted using the modified CTAB method [29]. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was amplified using primers ITS1f/ITS4 [29,30]. The 28S large subunit (nrLSU) nrDNA region was amplified using primers LR0R/LR5 [31]. Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) were performed in 50 µL reactions containing 2 μL of each DNA primer (10 μM), 25 μL of 2 × Master Mix (Tiangen Biotech (Beijing) Co., Beijing, China), 17 μL ddH2O, and 4 μL of dNTPs. Amplification reactions were implemented as follows: for the ITS gene—an initial denaturation at 95 °C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles at 95 °C for 30 s, 55 °C for 45 s, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min; for the nrLSU gene—an initial denaturation at 95 °C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles at 95 °C for 30 s, 55 °C for 1 min, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR products were sent to Beijing Zhongkexilin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China) for purification and sequencing. Validated sequences are stored in the NCBI database (, accessed on 10 April 2024) under the accession numbers provided; other sequences used in this study were downloaded from GenBank (Table 1).

2.3. Phylogenetic Analysis

The ITS-LSU combined dataset was assembled and aligned utilizing the MAFFT algorithm [32], adhering to default parameters, and manually adjusted to allow maximum sequence similarity in Se-Al v.2.03a [33]. Alignments of all datasets used in this study were submitted to TreeBASE (No. 31314). Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analysis were used to construct a phylogenetic tree separately using two methods. ML analysis was performed with RAxML v.8.0.14 [34,35,36] employing the GTRGAMMAI substitution model with the parameters unlinked, which was determined by MrModeltest v.2.3 [37]. ML bootstrap replicates (1000) were computed in RAxML using a rapid bootstrap analysis and a search for the best-scoring ML tree was conducted. The ML trees were visualized using TreeView v.32 [38]. Clades with bootstrap support (BS) ≥70% were considered significant [39]. BI was conducted using MrBayes v.3.1.2 [40] as an additional method of evaluating branch support. In the BI analysis, after selecting the best substitution models (GTRGAMMAI) determined by MrModeltest [37], two independent runs of four chains were conducted for 1,440,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) generations using the default settings. Average standard deviations of split frequency values were far less than 0.01 at the end of the generations. Trees were sampled every 100 generations after burn-in (well after convergence), and a 50% majority-rule consensus tree was constructed and visualized using TreeView [38]. Clades with Bayesian posterior probability (PP) ≥ 0.95 were considered significantly supported [41].

3. Results

3.1. Molecular Phylogenetics

The ITS and LSU datasets were concatenated to find the phylogenetic positions of the new species described in this study. The final alignment of this comprehensive dataset comprises 111 sequences from 25 different species, inclusive of 26 newly generated sequences derived from our collections. The length of the aligned dataset was 1360 bp after the exclusion of poorly aligned sites, with 618 bp for ITS and 742 bp for nrLSU. Sequences were analyzed by ML and BI, which yielded identical tree topologies, and only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Figure 1). The sequences isolated from our collections were grouped into two independent clades with strong statistical support (Figure 1), suggesting that they represent two distinct species novel to science. We described them as Hymenogaster zunhuaensis sp. nov. and H. pseudoniveus sp. nov. in this paper. Hymenogaster zunhuaensis further clustered together with H. minisporus with relatively strong statistical support, suggesting that both species are related. Hymenogaster pseudoniveus is resolved in an independent clade with strong statistical support, and it is basal to a large clade formed by H. minisporus, H. latisporus, H. variabilis, H. zunhuaensis, and three undescribed species.

3.2. Taxonomy

Hymenogaster pseudoniveus L. Fan & T. Li, sp. nov. (Figure 2)
MycoBank: MB853450
Etymology: pseudoniveus, referring to the snow white basidiome when freshly excavated, which is similar to that of Hymenogaster niveus.
Holotype: China. Shanxi Province, Linfen City, Pu County, Wulu Mountain, Gelaozhang Village, alt. 1700 m, 26 October 2017, in soil under Pinus tabuliformis Blume, LT054 (BJTC FAN1075).
Diagnosis: Hymenogaster pseudoniveus is characterized by the color of the peridium that is snow white to white when freshly excavated, turning yellowish to earth yellow, with a slight reddish tinge, brown to dark brown gleba, and the basidiospores ornamented with ridges scattered, sometimes longitudinally arranged, occasionally verrucose, up to 2 μm high.
Basidiome subglobose to irregular globose, 0.8–2.5 cm diam, soft and elastic, snow white to white when freshly excavated, which turns yellowish to earth yellow or light yellow brown, with a distinct depression at the white sterile base. Surface smooth, glabrous.
Peridium 110–265 μm thick, composed of elliptic cells of 4.1–9.3 × 4.3–9.6 µm, light yellow brown to pale yellow, and more or less parallel interwoven hyphae of 2.1–3.9 µm broad, light yellow brown. Gleba has a slight reddish tinge, brown to dark brown at maturity, loculate, locules irregular oblong to subglobose, empty, filled with spores at maturity. Hymenium 18–30 μm thick. Hymenial cystidia 29–44 μm long, only present when young, collapses and disappeares at maturity. Basidia clavate, 2–3-spored, mostly 2-spored, sterigmata short, 1–3(–4) μm, basidia collapses and disappeares at maturity. Basidiospores ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal, yellow brown to dark brown at maturity, ornamented with ridges up to 2 μm high, ridges scattered, sometimes longitudinally arranged, occasionally verrucose, (10.2–)13–17 (–20) × (8–)10–13(–14) μm (Lm × Wm = 15.3 ± 1.1 × 11.4 ± 0.8, n = 30), Q = 1.2–1.5 (Qav = 1.3), excluding ornamentations, with gelatinous perisporium when young, with a pronounced apex, obtuse, nearly hyaline, 2–3 μm high, with appendix, truncate, nearly hyaline, 1–2 μm long.
Figure 1. Phylogeny derived from maximum likelihood analyses of the ITS/LSU sequences from Hymenogaster. Two sequences of Anamika lactariolens were selected as the outgroup. Values on the left represent the likelihood of bootstrap support values (≥70%). Values on the right represent significant Bayesian posterior probability values (≥0.95). Chinese sequences from basidiomates are in bold; two new species in this study are in green background. Super index “H” in red means “Holotype”.
Figure 1. Phylogeny derived from maximum likelihood analyses of the ITS/LSU sequences from Hymenogaster. Two sequences of Anamika lactariolens were selected as the outgroup. Values on the left represent the likelihood of bootstrap support values (≥70%). Values on the right represent significant Bayesian posterior probability values (≥0.95). Chinese sequences from basidiomates are in bold; two new species in this study are in green background. Super index “H” in red means “Holotype”.
Diversity 16 00303 g001aDiversity 16 00303 g001b
Figure 2. Hymenogaster pseudoniveus (BJTC FAN1075, holotype). (a) Basidiomes. (b) Peridium under LM. (c) Basidiospores under LM. (d) Basidiospore under SEM.
Figure 2. Hymenogaster pseudoniveus (BJTC FAN1075, holotype). (a) Basidiomes. (b) Peridium under LM. (c) Basidiospores under LM. (d) Basidiospore under SEM.
Diversity 16 00303 g002
Habit, habitat, and distribution: hypogeous, gregarious, in the soil under Betula platyphylla Sukaczev, Castanea mollissima Blume, Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr., Pinus armandii Franch., P. bungeana Zucc. ex Endl., P. tabuliformis Carr., Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., Hebei, Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces, Northern China.
Additional specimens examined:China. Hebei Province, Tangshan City, Zunhua County, Zhangzhuangzi Village, alt. 100 m, 16 November 2019, in soil under Castanea mollissima, LT124 (BJTC FAN1238); Shanxi Province, Yuncheng City, Yuanqu County, Lishan Town, Shunwangping scenic spot, alt. 2276 m, 17 October 2016, in soil under Pinus armandii, YXY026 (BJTC FAN662), CM015 (BJTC FAN667), SXY011 (BJTC FAN672), CM011 (BJTC FAN675), CM016 (BJTC FAN679), HKB030 (BJTC FAN705), WYW027 (BJTC FAN709); Lvliang City, Jiaocheng Country, Pangquangou, alt. 1897 m, 8 September 2017, in soil under Larix gmelinii, HKB099 (BJTC FAN874); Linfen City, Xi Country, Shenjiagou, alt. 1321 m, 10 September 2017, YXY 080 (BJTC FAN894), HKB114 (BJTC FAN940); Linfen City, Pu County, Wulu Mountain, Gelaozhang Village, alt. 1321 m, 10 September 2017, in soil under Pinus bungeana, LT024 (BJTC FAN916), LT027 (BJTC FAN919), LT028 (BJTC FAN920), LT029 (BJTC FAN921), HKB107 (BJTC FAN933), HKB108 (BJTC FAN934), 11 September 2017, HKB109 (BJTC FAN943), HKB118 (BJTC FAN945), XYY037 (BJTC FAN963), Chaoyanggou, alt. 1645 m, 11 September 2017, in soil under Quercus mongolica, XYY041 (BJTC FAN967); Gelaozhang Village, alt. 1321 m, 12 September 2017, in soil under Pinus bungeana, HKB128 (BJTC FAN997); Gelaozhang Village, alt. 1730 m, 26 October 2017, in soil under Quercus sp., XYY068 (BJTC FAN1068), XYY069 (BJTC FAN1069), alt. 1700 m, in soil under Pinus tabuliformis, LT054 (BJTC FAN1075); Yuncheng City, Xia County, Sijiao Town, Xigou Village, Taikuanhe, alt. 900 m, 26 October 2017, in soil under Pinus tabuliformis, HKB155 (BJTC FAN1117); Shaanxi Province, Yanan City, Huangling County, Diantou Town, Huangling National Forest Park, alt. 1100 m, 15 September 2020, in soil under Larix gmelinii, LT135 (BJTC FAN1251).
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis L. Fan & T. Li, sp. nov. (Figure 3)
MycoBank: MB853448
Etymology: zunhuaensis, referring to the locality where the type specimen was collected.
Holotype: China. Hebei Province, Tangshan City, Zunhua County, alt. 107 m, 17 September 2017, in soil under Castanea mollissima, XYY062 (BJTC FAN1062).
Diagnosis: Hymenogaster zunhuaensis is characterized by the dirty white to pale yellow peridium, yellow brown to brown gleba, and small, broadly ellipsoidal to subglobose basidiospores.
Basidiomes subglobose to irregular globose, gibbous, 1.0–2.5 cm diam, soft and elastic, dirty white to pale yellow, partial with pale brown when fresh, earth yellow to yellow brown when dry, with a distinct depression at the sterile base. Surface smooth, glabrous.
Peridium 70–280 μm thick, pseudoparenchymatous, composed of ellipsoid cells of 7–12 × 12–17 μm in diam, with some interwoven hyphae of 2.8–3.9 µm broad, pale yellow to nearly hyaline. Gleba has reddish to rusty tinge, yellow brown to brown when maturity, deep brown when dry, loculate, locules irregular, oblong or irregular globose, empty, filled with spores at maturity. Hymenium 27.8–55 μm thick. Hymenial cystidia hypha-like, 42–60 µm long, only present when young, collapses and disappears at maturity. Basidia narrow clavate, not inflate on the apex, 1–3-spored, mostly 2-spored, 42.5–65 µm long, sterigmata 2–4 μm long, basidia collapses and disappeares at maturity. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoidal to subglobose, yellow brown to dark brown at maturity, ornamented with short ridges of about 1 μm high, some ridges anastomosed, forming an irregular reticulum, 10–13.4(–15.6) × (7.2–)8.2–11.6(–13.3) μm (Lm × Wm = 11.7 ± 0.9 × 9.8 ± 0.8, n = 30), Q = 1.1–1.3 (Qav = 1.2), excluding ornamentations, without gelatinous perisporium, with a pronounced apex, obtuse, nearly hyaline, 2–3 µm high, with appendix, truncate, occasionally tenuous, hyaline, 1–3 μm long.
Habit, habitat, and distribution: hypogeous, gregarious, in the soil under Castanea mollissima, Quercus acutissima Carruth., Q. mongolica, Q. palustris Münchh., and Q. variabilis Blume, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Yunnan provinces, China.
Figure 3. Hymenogaster zunhuaensis (BJTC FAN1062, holotype). (a) Basidiomes. (b) Peridium under LM. (c) Basidiospores under LM. (d) Basidiospore under SEM.
Figure 3. Hymenogaster zunhuaensis (BJTC FAN1062, holotype). (a) Basidiomes. (b) Peridium under LM. (c) Basidiospores under LM. (d) Basidiospore under SEM.
Diversity 16 00303 g003
Additional specimens examined: China. Shanxi Province, Yuncheng City, Yuanqu County, Lishan Town, Houwentang Village, alt. 1250 m, 4 June 1988, in soil under mixed forest, J.L. Wang 414 (HMAS83127 ex MHSU 2031), 7 July 1990, Y. Ma, B. Qiao & X.K. Bai 386 (HMAS96762 ex MHSU 2032), 1 August 1990, Y. Ma & B. Qiao 377 (HMAS81693, HMAS 83128 ex MHSU 2033); Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Heilongtan Park, 10 August 1990, in soil under Quercus acutissima, M.C. Chang & L. Wang 408 (HMAS83129 ex MHSU 2034); Hebei Province, Chengde City, Pingquan County, Liaoheyuan National Forest Park. alt. 1193 m, 1 October 2018, in soil under Quercus mongolica, GLJ010 (BJTC FAN1162); Tangshan City, Zunhua County, alt. 107 m, 17 September 2017, in soil under Castanea mollissima, XYY061 (BJTC FAN1061), XYY063 (BJTC FAN1063), XYY064 (BJTC FAN1064), XYY065 (BJTC FAN1065), LT080 (BJTC FAN1161); Shanxi Province, Yuncheng City, Xia County, Sijiao Town, Yujialing Village, alt. 970 m, 27 October 2017, in soil under Quercus variabilis, LT056 (BJTC FAN1082), LT057 (BJTC FAN1083), LT058 (BJTC FAN1084), LT060 (BJTC FAN1086), YXY125 (BJTC FAN1093), XYY073 (BJTC FAN1103), XYY075 (BJTC FAN1105), XYY077 (BJTC FAN1107), Xigou Village, alt. 900 m, 27 October 2017, in soil under Quercus sp., YXY132 (BJTC FAN1100), HKB148 (BJTC FAN1110), HKB149 (BJTC FAN1111), HKB150 (BJTC FAN1112), HKB157 (BJTC FAN1119), alt. 1057 m, 29 October 2017, in soil under Castanea mollissima, HKB163 (BJTC FAN1127); Jincheng City, Yangcheng County, Manghe Natural Reserve, alt. 580 m, 31 October 2017, YXY145 (BJTC FAN1145), YXY146 (BJTC FAN1146), Sijiao Town, alt. 1270 m, 5 October 2020, in soil under Quercus palustris, LT 141 (BJTC FAN1256), alt. 970 m, in soil under Quercus sp., LT143 (BJTC FAN1258), LT144 (BJTC FAN1259), alt. 1370 m, LT145 (BJTC FAN1260); Shaanxi Province, Hanzhong City, Fuoping country, Liangfengya Natural Reserve, alt. 890 m, 12 September 2020, in soil under Castanea mollissima, LT133 (BJTC FAN1249).

4. Discussion

Hymenogaster pseudoniveus is differentiated from other species of Hymenogaster based on the color of peridium changes, a slight reddish tinge, brown to dark brown gleba, and spore ornamentations up to 2 μm high. Hymenogaster pseudoniveus is similar to H. arenarius [42] in spore shape, but H. pseudoniveus has larger spores and longer apex than H. arenarius (Lm × Wm = 13.3 μm × 10.2 μm, 1–1.5 μm).
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis is similar to H. gilkeyae [43] and H. minisporus [14] in spore size. However, the peridium is earth yellow to yellowish and relatively uniform in thickness (112.5–185 μm thick) in H. gilkeyae, while it is of a different color with very variable thickness in H. zunhuaensis (see description). Hymenogaster minisporus clustered together with new species in the phylogenetic tree (Figure 1), while the former has light brown gleba, with a small apex (1–1.3 μm high), which is different from those of H. zunhuaensis.
Currently, nine Hymenogaster species have been supported with morphological and molecular data in China. A key for them is provided below.
Key to the species of Hymenogaster from China:
1. Basidiome pale yellow, white to dirty white when fresh2
1. Basidiome earth yellow to yellow brown when fresh6
2. Gleba reddish brown to brown when fresh3
2. Gleba light brown when freshH. minisporus
3. Basidiospores length >17 μm4
3. Basidiospores length ≤17 μm5
4. Basidiospores 21–25.5 × 14–18.5 μmH. citrinus
4. Basidiospores 17–22 × 12–15 μmH. perisporius
5. Basidiospores 10–13.5 × 8–11.5 μmH. zunhuaensis
5. Basidiospores 13–17 × 10–13 μm H. pseudoniveus
6. Peridium exhibits substantial variation in thickness, differing by at least 120 μm7
6. Peridium exhibits substantial variation in thickness, differing by at the most 120 μm8
7. Basidiospores broad ellipsoidal to subglobose, Q = 1.1–1.3H. variabilis
7. Basidiospores broad fusiform to broad citriform, Q = 1.3–1.4H. papilliformis
8. Basidiospores fusiform, Q = 1.2–1.4H. arenarius
8. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoidal to subglobose, Q = 1.1–1.3H. latisporus

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.F.; Formal analysis, T.L.; Funding acquisition, T.L.; Investigation, N.M., H.F. and Y.Z.; Methodology, T.L.; Resources, L.F.; Software, N.M.; Writing—original draft, T.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was supported by the BJAST Budding Talent Program (Grant No. 24CE-BGS-19), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 32370010), and the Beijing Government.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The sequencing data have been submitted to GenBank.


We thank the three anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and corrections to improve this paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Table 1. Sources of specimens and GenBank accession numbers for sequences used in this study. Chinese sequences from basidiomates are in bold, and newly generated sequences are in red.
Table 1. Sources of specimens and GenBank accession numbers for sequences used in this study. Chinese sequences from basidiomates are in bold, and newly generated sequences are in red.
Taxon Name in AnalysisTaxon NameCollectionCountryGenBank Accession Number
Anamika lactariolens AY818352Anamika lactariolenstaxon:301353 AY818352-
Anamika lactariolens NR_119524 Anamika lactariolensHC 88/95 NR_119524 -
Hymenogaster arenarius BJTC FAN786 ChinaHymenogaster arenariusBJTC FAN786ChinaPP467413PP467449
Hymenogaster arenarius BJTC FAN856 ChinaHymenogaster arenariusBJTC FAN856ChinaPP467414PP467450
Hymenogaster arenarius GU479233 GermanyHymenogaster arenariusit10_26_2GermanyGU479233-
Hymenogaster arenarius GU479272 GermanyHymenogaster arenariusit5_2GermanyGU479272-
Hymenogaster arenarius GU479278 GermanyHymenogaster arenariusit6_3GermanyGU479278-
Hymenogaster bulliardii GU479261 GermanyHymenogaster bulliardiiit20_4GermanyGU479261-
Hymenogaster bulliardii GU479262 GermanyHymenogaster thwaitesiiit20_4_1GermanyGU479262-
Hymenogaster cf. niveus MT005942 GermanyHymenogaster xxxKR-M-0044217GermanyMT005942-
Hymenogaster cf. niveus MT005967 GermanyHymenogaster niveus c
‘ryptic species 3’
Hymenogaster cf. rehsteineri MT005990 GermanyHymenogaster rehsteineriKR-M-0044423GermanyMT005990-
Hymenogaster citrinus BJTC FAN1079 ChinaHymenogaster citrinusBJTC FAN1079ChinaPP467412PP467448
Hymenogaster citrinus BJTC FAN883 ChinaHymenogaster citrinusBJTC FAN883ChinaPP467410PP467446
Hymenogaster citrinus BJTC FAN915 ChinaHymenogaster citrinusBJTC FAN915ChinaPP467411PP467447
Hymenogaster glacialis AF325634Hymenogaster sp.GP 5302-AF325634-
Hymenogaster griseus AF325636 USAHymenogaster griseus 2Trappe 12841USAAF325636-
Hymenogaster knappii GU479287 GermanyHymenogaster thwaitesiiit9_2GermanyGU479287-
Hymenogaster latisporus BJTC FAN1134 ChinaHymenogaster latisporusBJTC FAN1134, holotypeChinaPP467404PP467440
Hymenogaster luteus cf. trigonospora GU479306 HungaryHymenogaster luteuszb1457HungaryGU479306-
Hymenogaster luteus GU479341 HungaryHymenogaster luteuszb2603HungaryGU479341-
Hymenogaster luteus var. berkeleyanus GU479273 GermanyHymenogaster bulliardiiit5_21GermanyGU479273-
Hymenogaster luteus var. subfuscus GU479358 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 2zb37HungaryGU479358-
Hymenogaster luteus var. trigonospora GU479334 HungaryHymenogaster luteuszb235HungaryGU479334-
Hymenogaster lycoperdineus GU479353 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 2zb3533HungaryGU479353-
Hymenogaster megasporus GU479239 GermanyHymenogaster megasporusit12_1GermanyGU479239-
Hymenogaster megasporus GU479286 GermanyHymenogaster megasporusit8_5_1GermanyGU479286-
Hymenogaster minisporus BJTC FAN1244 ChinaHymenogaster minisporusBJTC FAN1244, holotypeChinaPP467407PP467443
Hymenogaster niveus GU479255 GermanyHymenogaster niveus c
‘ryptic species 1’
Hymenogaster niveus GU479307 HungaryHymenogaster xxxzb1461HungaryGU479307-
Hymenogaster niveus GU479344 HungaryHymenogaster niveus c
‘ryptic species 3’
Hymenogaster niveus KU878613 USAHymenogaster xxxSC14_3USAKU878613-
Hymenogaster olivaceus GU479292 BelgiumHymenogaster citrinusdt8293BelgiumGU479292-
Hymenogaster olivaceus GU479313 HungaryHymenogaster citrinuszb1645HungaryGU479313-
Hymenogaster olivaceus GU479317 HungaryHymenogaster citrinuszb1817HungaryGU479317-
Hymenogaster olivaceus GU479332 HungaryHymenogaster citrinuszb2300HungaryGU479332-
Hymenogaster olivaceus GU479345 HungaryHymenogaster thwaitesiizb2804HungaryGU479345-
Hymenogaster olivaceus GU479359 HungaryHymenogaster luteuszb3721HungaryGU479359-
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1002 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1002ChinaPP467396PP467432
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1070 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1070ChinaPP467399PP467435
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1074 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1074, holotypeChinaPP467400PP467436
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1109 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1109ChinaPP467402PP467438
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1156 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1156ChinaPP467406PP467442
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1266 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1266ChinaPP467408PP467444
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN1267 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN1267ChinaPP467409PP467445
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN655 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN655ChinaPP467381PP467417
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN807 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN807ChinaPP467384PP467420
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN820 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN820ChinaPP467385PP467421
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN891 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN891ChinaPP467388PP467424
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN944 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN944ChinaPP467389PP467425
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN958 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN958ChinaPP467391PP467427
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN960 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN960ChinaPP467392PP467428
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN980 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN980ChinaPP467393PP467429
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN983 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN983ChinaPP467394PP467430
Hymenogaster papilliformis BJTC FAN992 ChinaHymenogaster papilliformisBJTC FAN992ChinaPP467395PP467431
Hymenogaster parksii AF325638 USAHymenogaster gardneriTrappe 13296USAAF325638-
Hymenogaster parksii JN022510 USAHymenogaster gardneriSOC1643USAJN022510-
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN1038 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN1038ChinaPP467397PP467433
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN1049 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN1049ChinaPP467398PP467434
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN1076 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN1076ChinaPP467401PP467437
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN1126 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN1126ChinaPP467403PP467439
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN606 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN606ChinaPP467379PP467415
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN651 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN651, holotypeChinaPP467380PP467416
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN768 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN768ChinaPP467383PP467419
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN846 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN846ChinaPP467386PP467422
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN850 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN850ChinaPP467387PP467423
Hymenogaster perisporius BJTC FAN952 ChinaHymenogaster perisporiusBJTC FAN952ChinaPP467390PP467426
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479252 GermanyHymenogaster griseus 1it16_1_1GermanyGU479252-
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479289 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 1aszodvt_1991HungaryGU479289-
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479304 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 1zb1436HungaryGU479304-
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479327 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 2zb2097HungaryGU479327-
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479328 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 2zb2105HungaryGU479328-
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479340 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 1zb2576HungaryGU479340-
Hymenogaster populetorum GU479356 HungaryHymenogaster griseus 2zb3594HungaryGU479356-
Hymenogaster populetorum JF908082 ItalyHymenogaster griseus 217022ItalyJF908082-
Hymenogaster pruinatus GU479242 GermanyHymenogaster huthiiit12_3_1GermanyGU479242-
Hymenogaster pruinatus GU479308 HungaryHymenogaster bulliardiizb1485HungaryGU479308-
Hymenogaster pruinatus GU479366 HungaryHymenogaster huthiizb95HungaryGU479366-
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN874 ChinaHymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN874ChinaPP622380PP622367
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN916 ChinaHymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN916ChinaPP622383PP622370
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN967 ChinaHymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN967ChinaPP622382PP622369
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN1069 ChinaHymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN1069ChinaPP622379PP622366
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN1075 China Hymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN1075, holotypeChinaPP622378PP622365
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN1238 ChinaHymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN1238ChinaPP622384-
Hymenogaster pseudoniveus BJTC FAN1251 ChinaHymenogaster pseudoniveusBJTC FAN1251ChinaPP622381PP622368
Hymenogaster rehsteineri GU479259 GermanyHymenogaster rehsteineriit2_4_1GermanyGU479259-
Hymenogaster rehsteineri GU479293 LuxembourgHymenogaster rehsteineridt8455LuxembourgGU479293-
Hymenogaster rehsteineri MT005953 GermanyHymenogaster rehsteineriKR-M-0044018GermanyMT005953-
Hymenogaster rubyensis AY945303 USAHymenogaster sp.Fogel 2698USAAY945303-
Hymenogaster sp. MK027200 SloveniaHymenogaster niveus c
‘ryptic species 1’
Hymenogaster subalpinus AF325640 USAHymenogaster gardneriTrappe 22752USAAF325640-
Hymenogaster tener EU784363 UKHymenogaster tenerRBG Kew K(M)102406UKEU784363-
Hymenogaster tener GU479250 GermanyHymenogaster tenerit15_3GermanyGU479250-
Hymenogaster tener GU479253 GermanyHymenogaster intermediusit16_2, holotypeGermanyGU479253-
Hymenogaster thwaitesii GU479258 GermanyHymenogaster thwaitesiiit2_2GermanyGU479258-
Hymenogaster thwaitesii GU479264 GermanyHymenogaster thwaitesiiit3_2GermanyGU479264-
Hymenogaster variabilis BJTC FAN1141 ChinaHymenogaster variabilisBJTC FAN1141ChinaPP467405PP467441
Hymenogaster variabilis BJTC FAN656 ChinaHymenogaster variabilisBJTC FAN656, holotypeChinaPP467382PP467418
Hymenogaster vulgaris EU784365Hymenogaster rehsteineri c
‘ryptic species 3’
RBG Kew K(M)27363-EU784365-
Hymenogaster vulgaris JQ724028 SwedenHymenogaster rehsteineri c
‘ryptic species 3’
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1061 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1061ChinaPP622373PP622361
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1062 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1062, holotypeChinaPP622376PP622363
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1083 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1083ChinaPP622374PP622362
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1105 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1105ChinaPP622372PP622360
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1162 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1162ChinaPP622375-
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1249 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1249ChinaPP622377PP622364
Hymenogaster zunhuaensis BJTC FAN1259 ChinaHymenogaster zunhuaensisBJTC FAN1259ChinaPP622371PP622359
Uncultured Agaricales HM105539 ChinaHymenogaster minisporusQL054ChinaHM105539-
Uncultured fungus EU554705 CanadaHymenogaster sp. A2N_88CanadaEU554705-
Uncultured fungus EU554717 CanadaHymenogaster sp. A3E_60CanadaEU554717-
Uncultured Hymenogaster LT980461 ChinaHymenogaster minisporustaxon:522720ChinaLT980461-
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, T.; Mao, N.; Fu, H.; Zhang, Y.; Fan, L. Two New Species of Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from China Based on Morphological and Molecular Markers. Diversity 2024, 16, 303.

AMA Style

Li T, Mao N, Fu H, Zhang Y, Fan L. Two New Species of Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from China Based on Morphological and Molecular Markers. Diversity. 2024; 16(5):303.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Ting, Ning Mao, Haoyu Fu, Yuxin Zhang, and Li Fan. 2024. "Two New Species of Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from China Based on Morphological and Molecular Markers" Diversity 16, no. 5: 303.

APA Style

Li, T., Mao, N., Fu, H., Zhang, Y., & Fan, L. (2024). Two New Species of Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) from China Based on Morphological and Molecular Markers. Diversity, 16(5), 303.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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