
7 September 2023
Vision | Aims and Scope Update

Vision has updated the aims and scope of the journal, under the guidance of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Andrew Parker, to fit with its evolving identity. 

Aims (previous version):

Aims (updated version):

Vision (ISSN 2411-5150) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, and short communications on all aspects of human and biological visual systems. There is no restriction on the maximum length of the papers as we encourage researchers to publish their innovative ideas and results in as much detail as possible. Additionally, we encourage authors to publish related electronic files or software along with their publication as “Supplementary Material”. To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Vision follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences.

Vision (ISSN: 2411-5150) provides an advanced forum for studies related to all aspects of human and biological visual systems. It publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, and short communications, as well as Special Issues on particular subjects.

The aim of Vision is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Full experimental details should be provided so that the results can be reproduced. There is no restriction on the maximum length of the papers. Additionally, we encourage authors to publish related electronic files or software along with their publication as “Supplementary Material”. To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Vision follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences.


Scope (previous version):

Scope (updated version):

  • Visual Neuroscience
  • Genetics of Vision
  • Anatomy and Developmental Biology of the Eye and Visual System
  • Ocular and Neuronal Cell Biology
  • Immunology and Microbiology of the Eye and Visual System
  • Ophthalmology and Neurology of Visual Disorders
  • Clinical and Epidemiological Research
  • Cellular and Systems Imaging
  • Bio-engineering and Computational Neuroscience
  • Visual Physiology of the Eye and Central Nervous System
  • Retinal Function and Disease
  • Psychology, Psychophysics and Optometry
  • Supporting Technologies for Vision Research
  • Visual Neuroscience;
  • Retinal Function and Disease;
  • Ophthalmology and Neurology of Visual Disorders;
  • Anatomy and Developmental Biology of the Eye and Visual System;
  • Genetics of Vision;
  • Ocular and Neuronal Cell Biology;
  • Visual Physiology of the Eye and Central Nervous System;
  • Visual Decision Making;
  • Visual Working Memory;
  • Oculomotor Control;
  • Visual Psychology, Psychophysics and Perception;
  • Basic and Clinical Optometry;
  • Bio-engineering and Computational Neuroscience;
  • Comparative Physiology and Anatomy of the Eye and Visual System;
  • Immunology and Microbiology of the Eye and Visual System;
  • Epidemiology of Visual Disorders;
  • Cellular and Systems Imaging;
  • Supporting Technologies for Vision Research;
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality.

For any queries or additional information, please kindly contact [email protected].

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