
3–5 June 2019, Turku, Finland
ScanVir2019 Meeting

It is our pleasure to announce that the first ScanVir Meeting will be held on June 3rd to 5th, 2019 in Turku, Finland. This meeting initiates a series of Scandinavian conferences, held every third year in one of the Scandinavian countries. The meeting will bring together Scandinavian and other international virologists, and creates opportunities for fruitful collaboration.

The topics include all aspects of virology and viral immunology - basic, applied and clinical virology. The program is divided into parallel sessions with plenary lectures given by distinguished keynote speakers. We will put extra effort in creating possibilities for stimulating cooperation by offering interactive sessions on the hot topics in virology and by providing the possibility of reserving "a think-tank room" for brainstorming sessions by small groups.

The meeting is committed to being "a green meeting": the venue, hotels and Turku city attractions, are all within walking distance and the venue providers and hotels are committed to taking responsibility for the environment. The sessions will be held on two locations conveniently connected by a pedestrian bridge over the river Aura and offering lovely views and short walking breaks between the sessions.

Information about the ScanVir2019 Meeting will constantly be updated on this webpage. Please share this message to anyone who might be interested in participating the meeting!

We warmly welcome you to the lovely summertime Turku in 2019!

Välkommen! Velkommen! Velkomin! Tervetuloa!

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