
18–22 July 2016, Liverpool, UK
Viruses of Microbes 2016

This EMBO Conference will consider the viruses and virus-like agents associated with a diverse set of microbes that inhabit environments ranging from marine ecosystems to infected human lungs.  The conference will focus on the impact these diverse viruses have upon their environment, whether that environment is the human body or a specific niche in the natural environment.  The emphasis of the meeting, therefore, will be, ‘Ecological and environmental approaches to studying viruses of microbes’.

This EMBO Conference will include keynote speakers who have pioneered novel approaches to the study of viruses in environmental systems with the view to forging greater synergy between environmental and bacteriophage communities. We believe that this will be of great interest to a wide-ranging audience, for example understanding what constrains and drives diversity will inform those interested in both the fundamental and applied aspects of virus exploitation.  Therefore, this meeting is a ‘viruses of microbes’ meeting with the ecology of those viruses at its heart.

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