
18–22 June 2016, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
ASV 2016

ASV President, Grant McFadden, the Officers, Councilors, Committee Members, and the local organizing committee, invite you to participate in the 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology being hosted at the beautiful campus of Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia.

The 2016 ASV scientific program will include symposia, three (3) satellite symposia; concurrent workshops and poster sessions on a wide range of virology topics; and special educational presentations punctuated by collegial mixers and social events and a showcase of exhibitors. The meeting begins Saturday morning, June 18th with the three satellite symposia and kicks off with the Welcome Reception at 3:30 pm. A Keynote Address will be presented from 5:30 to 6:30 pm and the first group of simultaneous workshop sessions will follow beginning at 7:00 pm.
Note: The deadline for submission of abstracts ended February 1, 2016.

Registration Deadlines
May 20, 2016 at 11:59 pm EST deadline for EARLY registration fees;
May 21, 2016 – June 7, 2016 at 12:00 am EST registration fees increase for all registrants;
June 8, 2016 through on-site a LATE REGISTRATION FEE is assessed for all registrations.

On-campus residence hall accommodations are available for participants from June 17th through June 23rd. In addition, a number of rooms have been blocked at local hotels which may be reserved by ASV 2016 meeting participants. Visit the conference web site at for complete program information; online meeting registration; as well as information on travel and lodging accommodations.

We look forward to seeing you at ASV 2016!

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