
9–12 June 2020, Rimini, Italy
XVIII International Parvovirus Workshop

The XVIII Parvovirus Workshop will be held in Rimini, Italy, 9-12 June 2020. The meeting will be hosted by the University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, and organized jointly by the University of Bologna, Italy, the DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, and the Luxembourg institute of Health.

Since 1985, the International Parvovirus Workshops provide the opportunity for the parvovirus scientific community to meet and share knowledge and ideas in a very friendly, constructive and collaborative setting. All aspects of parvoviruses are covered, from genomics and molecular structure to virus-cell interactions, from clinical implications of pathogenic viruses to the development and clinical use of parvoviruses in gene therapy or oncolytic immune virotherapy. We are confident that the XVIII Parvovirus Workshop will maintain the high standard and interest to researchers, providing a comprehensive overview of the field, highlighting its new directions and horizons, while reinforcing existing collaborations and fostering new ones.

Location in Rimini will offer to attendants a very enjoyable staying, in one of the most famous seaside resort in Italy, notable for its culture heritage and renowned for the warm hospitality and lively entertainment opportunities.

For information, registration and abstract submission visit the official meeting website:

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Giorgio Gallinella
University of Bologna
Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology
email: [email protected]

Antonio Marchini
Luxembourg Institute of Health & German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
email: [email protected]

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