Travel Award

As Editor-in-Chief of Technologies, I am pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Technologies Travel Award on behalf of the Evaluation Committee:

David Reber, PhD student at EMPA (Materials for Energy Conversion), whose research is on aqueous electrolytes for highvoltage aqueous batteries and supercapacitors in the materials for energy. He is planning to orally present his work “A HighVoltage Aqueous Electrolyte for Sodium-Ion Batteries” and post his other work “High-voltage Aqueous Supercapacitors Based on NaTFSI” at the 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting (13–17 May 2018, Seattle, WA, USA). The award consists of 500 Swiss Francs towards attending this conference.

Maher Abujelala, PhD student at University of Texas at Arlington, whose main research is in the field of human-computer interaction. He is planning to orally present his work “User Skill Assessment Using Informative Interfaces and DynamicUser Modeling for Personalized Robot Assisted Training” at the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (15–20 July 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA). The award consists of 500 Swiss Francs towards attending this conference.

It was a difficult decision with such high quality applications for the award and we thank all applicants. We wish to congratulate Mr. David Reber and Mr. Maher Abujelala for their accomplishments.

A/Prof. Manoj Gupta,


Technologies 2018 Travel Award
Past Winners


Aishwarya Natarajan
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Methapettyparambu Purushothama Jayakrishnan
Universite Grenoble Alpes, France

Award Committee

Dr. Manoj Gupta Chairman
National University of Singapore
Prof. Jarfors Anders
School of Engineering
Prof. Alessandro Tognetti
Dipartimento Ingegneria Informazione Università di Pisa
Prof. Albert Chan
Prof. Frédéric Lebon
Prof. Dr. Tarek Sobh


David Reber
Empa - Laboratory Materials for Energy Conversion, Switzerland
Maher Abujelala
University of Texas at Arlington, USA
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