
16 March 2023
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Technologies

Technologies (ISSN: 2227-7080) is currently recruiting scientists to join the Editorial Board.

As an Editorial Board Member, you would have the following responsibilities:

  • Promoting Technologies on your social media or among your acquaintances;
  • Supervising the quality of the papers in Technologies (when we have new submissions that fit well with your expertise);
  • Acting as/recommending a Guest Editor for a Special Issue on a topic related to your research interests;
  • Providing conference/society cooperation recommendations;
  • Providing suggestions or comments on journal development.

As an Editorial Board Member, you would have the following benefits:

  • Publishing one paper free of charge in Technologies per year, and also publishing extra papers with special discounts;
  • Publishing one paper free of charge in your own Special Issue per year;
  • Organizing or promoting your own conferences by using our platform SciForum;
  • A CHF 500–1000 travel grant will be offered to Editorial Board Members that make significant contributions to the journal;
  • Recommending/inviting your colleagues to submit full research articles or review papers with special discounts.

Technologies is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal singularly focusing on emerging scientific and technological trends. It was launched in 2013 and has been indexed in several main databases such as ESCI-Web of Science, Scopus, and Inspec. Technologies will receive the first IF in June 2023.

If you are interested in joining the Editorial Board of Technologies, please send your full academic CV and a short cover letter that details your interest and enthusiasm for the position to [email protected].

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