Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Social Sciences 2022 Young Investigator Award is Dr. João Pedro Baptista. 

Dr. João Pedro Baptista is a researcher at the Labcom Research Unit: Communication and Arts, at the University of Beira Interior, in Portugal. Dr. João Pedro Baptista’s research interests are in social media, the role of digital journalism and fact-checking in the new media ecosystem. Dr. João Pedro Baptista received his PhD in 2022 and has an outstanding publication record, comprising 12 publications in peer-reviewed international journal. He is clearly a rising star in the field of Social Sciences. Please join us in congratulating Dr. João Pedro Baptista for his outstanding achievements. 

As the awardee, Dr. João Pedro Baptista will receive an honorarium of CHF 800, an offer to publish a paper free of charge before the end of 2023 in Social Sciences after peer-review, and an electronic certificate. 

We would like to thank all the nominators from various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee Members for their evaluation of the many excellent nominations. 

Emeritus Prof. Nigel Parton
Editor-in-Chief, Social Sciences


Social Sciences Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


João Pedro Baptista
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Award Committee

Prof. Nigel Parton Chairman
University of Huddersfield
Dr. Patrick James
Dr. Concha Pérez Curiel
Universidad de Sevilla


Myriam Ertz
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada

Award Committee

Prof. Nigel Parton Chairman
University of Huddersfield
Dr. Paula Sheppard
University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. J. Edwin Benton
Dr. Lauren Dundes
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