
1 February 2023
Interview with Prof. Dr. Timo Kivimäki—Editorial Board Member of Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Timo Kivimäki

Prof. Dr. Timo Kivimäki is a Professor of International Relations at the University of Bath, UK. He is the former Director of the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (Copenhagen) and the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Helsinki. He has also worked as a frequent consultant to the Finnish, Danish, Dutch, Russian, Malaysian, Indonesian and Swedish governments and several UN and EU organizations on conflict and terrorism. He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited several research articles, books and chapters. In 2021, he edited a successful Special Issue entitled "The Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)" in Social Sciences (ISSN: 2076-0760), which has 10 publications and was produced into a printed book. 

The following is an interview with Prof. Dr. Timo Kivimäki:

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