
12 May 2021
Safety | Call for Special Issue Proposal

Safety (ISSN 2313-576X) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of industrial and human health and safety published quarterly online by MDPI. Safety has been indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI—Web of Science), from Vol. 3, as well as in SafetyLit., and it is covered in Scopus (the CiteScore in 2019 Scopus data is: 1.4; it is ranked Q2 in the category of "Safety Research"). The website of Safety can be accessed here.

The Safety Editorial Team is pleased to announce this call for Special Issue proposals, which gives authors and readers the opportunity to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. We would like to solicit high-quality proposals that will be evaluated in a competitive procedure on a rolling basis throughout the year. 

Proposals for a Special Issue should have a well-articulated unifying topic and reflect, at an international level, the best work in a particular research area, either a mature area or an important emerging one, in which future investigations may be boosted by the publication of a set of excellent papers. Hence, an international group of Guest Editors and a few high-quality planned papers are always encouraged in the proposals.

Please feel free to contact the Safety Editorial Office if you are interested in this proposal. We will send further details for your reference.

Please prepare your proposal as follows:

  • A 200-word summary to rationally explain the significance, novelty, technical advancement, and adherence to the scope of the journal of the proposed topic;
  • A few keywords on the topic;
  • A plan to solicit quality papers;
  • A list of planned papers or authors in the field;
  • A brief resume of the Guest Editor.

Guest Editor’s Role:

  • Circulate the Call for Papers for the Special Issue and solicit quality papers;
  • Check the suitability of abstracts/manuscripts submitted to the Special Issue and recommend suitable reviewers as appropriate;
  • Make the final decision regarding whether to accept or reject a paper;
  • Regarding the editorial process, please visit:

Guest Editor’s Benefits:

  • If ten or more papers are published in this Special Issue, we can make a Special Issue book and send a hard copy to each Guest Editor.

Editorial Office’s Role:

  • The Editorial Office will take care of setting up the Special Issue website, arranging promotional material, assisting with invitations to contribute papers, and taking care of administrative tasks associated with peer review, including inviting reviewers, collating reports, contacting authors, and professional production before publication. 

We look forward to receiving your creative proposals here (

Safety Editorial Office

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