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10–30 November 2020, Online
1st International Electronic Conference on Catalysis Sciences

It is my pleasure to invite you to join the 1st International Electronic Conference on Catalysis Sciences in 2020 (ECCS 2020) that will be hosted online by:

An often-quoted statistic is that catalysts are used in 90% of all chemical products, a reflection of the importance of catalysis in powering a modern society. This includes the role that catalysis plays in the production of fuels, chemical manufacture, fertilizer production, environmental protection and cleanup, pharmaceutical manufacture, sustainable energy, biomass conversion, polymer chemistry, and electrochemistry. ECCS 2020 will present the latest research on the use of catalysts in these critical areas. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Single Atom Catalysts
  • Electrocatalysis
  • Photocatalysis
  • Catalysts for Natural Gas Conversion
  • Catalysts for Biomass Conversion
  • Computational Catalysis
  • Catalyst Synthesis and Characterization
  • Biocatalysis
I hope you will choose to be a part of this exciting conference and present your most transformative research on catalysis.

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