
22 December 2020
Welcoming New Members to the Editorial Board of Membranes

It is our pleasure to welcome the following recognized researchers, who recently joined the Editorial Board of Membranes:

Prof. Dr. Akihiko Tanioka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Prof. Dr. Kew-Ho Lee, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Korea

Prof. Dr. Marek Bryjak, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland

Prof. Dr. Michael Zharnikov, Heidelberg University, Germany

Prof. Dr. José Villalaín Boullón, Universitas “Miguel Hernández”, Spain

Prof. Dr. Bart Van der Bruggen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Dr. César Valderrama, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)-BarcelonaTECH, Spain

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Stamatialis, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Ivo F.J. Vankelecom, KU Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Dr. Michael Stoukides, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Prof. Dr. Yung Chang, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan

Prof. Kamalesh K. Sirkar, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Prof. Dr. Sangho Lee, Kookmin University, Korea

Prof. Dr. Eric Guibal, Institut Mines Telecom—Mines Ales, France

Prof. Dr. Hongyang Ma, Stony Brook University, USA

Dr. Mazeyar Parvinzadeh Gashti, Research and Development Laboratory, Canada

Prof. Dr. Moon-Sung Kang, Sangmyung University, Korea

Prof. Dr. Nidal Hilal, Swansea University, UK

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