
2 April 2019
The European Membrane Society (EMS) is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Membranes

In February 2019, the European Membrane Society (EMS) became affiliated to Membranes. As part of this collaboration, all members of EMS enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Membranes.

The European Membrane Society (EMS), founded in 1982, is an international non-profit organization whose aim is to promote cooperation between scientists and engineers involved in Research and Development in the field of synthetic membranes and membrane processes. The society currently has 600+ members from almost 50 countries worldwide. Its main activities are the organization of scientific conferences such as the Euromembrane series, Summer Schools (35 organized so far) and the International Congress on Membranes & Membrane Processes (organized in a carrousel between the European Membrane Society, the North American Membrane Society and the Aseanian Membrane Society). Every year, the society gives an average of 30 000 € to sponsor several scientific conferences by awarding students with travel grants and prizes for best presentations, as well as by offering free conference registration fee to young researchers and a best paper award. The European Membrane Society is also a founding member of the World Association of Membrane Societies.

EMS is a professional organization whose functions are highly relevant to the scope of Membranes. We look forward to collaborating with EMS and publishing state-of-the-art research from its members in this field.

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