
18 July 2024
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Medicines

We are recruiting Editorial Board Members for Medicines (ISSN: 2305-6320). You can learn more about the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link:

Medicines is an international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal aimed at disseminating cutting-edge research in the field of drug discovery and clinical application. This journal welcomes manuscripts covering a wide range of aspects, including the search for target molecules (e.g., receptors), specificity, side effects, hormesis (bimodal actions), emergence of resistance during long-term administration, potentiation by combinational treatment with more than two drugs, and factors that modify its pharmacological actions (such as sex differences, aging, environmental factors, and physiological fluids).


  • Clinical application of drugs;
  • Combination effects of more than two drugs;
  • Drug development;
  • Hormesis;
  • Identification of the target molecule of the drug;
  • Modulation factors of drugs;
  • Overcoming drug tolerance;
  • Pharmacodynamics;
  • Pharmacokinetics;
  • Specificity and adverse effects of drugs.

The main responsibilities of Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  • Pre-screening and making decisions on new submissions related to your research interests;
  • Setting up at least one Special Issue during your term on a topic related to your research interests (or supervising Special Issues related to your research field);
  • Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Helping to promote the journal among your peers or at conferences;
  • Attending Board meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
  • Reviewing manuscripts;
  • Helping to attract suitable expert authors and inviting young scholars to join the topical advisory panel.

The benefits of being an Editorial Board Member are as follows:

  • Contributing to open science and exchange;
  • Increasing your knowledge of your research field by exposure to new research and the research of your peers;
  • Expanding your research network by collaborating with other Editorial Board Members of the journal;
  • Advancing your career by being active in your research field through your contribution to the journal;
  • Receiving one full waiver on publication per year once accepted by the journal;
  • Supporting discounts for fields with low funding levels or authors from low- and middle-income countries.

If you are interested in joining us, please provide your academic CV or official website and a list of keywords related to your research interests to the Editorial Office.

Medicines Editorial Office

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