
24 January 2024
Acknowledgment of the Reviewers of Medicines in 2023

In recognizing the exceptional efforts of our reviewers in 2023, we express our sincere gratitude for upholding the high standards of Medicines. Their commitment ensured the rigorous peer review that is integral to quality academic publishing.

In 2023, Medicines received 233 review reports, from 226 reviewers. This past year, we worked with reviewers from 56 countries and regions, reflecting the diversity in our collaboration with research communities. Their dedication shapes scholarly discourse and advances global research. The editorial team expresses gratitude for the vital role played by each reviewer in the Medicines family throughout 2023, and we look forward to their continued support in 2024.

The following are the reviewers who have consented to show their names:

Alexander Tamalunas Lainie Cameron
Alexandra Filippopoulou Maria Wostrack
Alexis Murillo Carrasco Mariya Smetanina
Amir Faisal Maryam Poursadeghfard
Ana Ledesma Masoud Sadeghi
Andreea Moga Megan L. Falsetta
Andrej Belančić Mickaël Bobot
Andrzej Konieczny Mohamed Lounis
Antonio Franco Mohammad Al-Wardat
Beatrice Bretherton Muhammad Latif
Berenika Szczęśniak-Sięga Naina Mohamed Maideen
Cheryl Beseler Natalia Rivera
Claudia Ferraris Nazario Foschi
Danijela Cvetković Neda Milevska Kostova
Diana Rodríguez-Hurtado Norhafiza Mat Lazim
Ekaterina A. Narodova Patrícia Pires
Elena Kotenkova Pinaki Bhattacharjee
Ewa Rychlik Plamen Todorov
Farhan Siddique Raja Singh Paulraj
Fouzia Munir Renars Erts
Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina Ritthideach Yorsaeng
Gheorghe-Emilian Olteanu Rukang Zhang
Graeme Hoddinott Salvatore Allosso
Gulali Aktas Samit Ghosh
Ighli di Bari Sebastiano Cicco
Ioan Florin Marchis Sharat Chandra
Ioana Marin Slaven Falamić
Iulian Sarbu Surya Nirmal
Jarosław Walory Thong Ba Nguyen
Jing Ma Tom Huxford
Johannes Wach Unaib Rabbani
Johnny Ionut Efanov Vera Larina
Jose Manuel Cancio-Trujillo Vibhav Gautam
Katarzyna Rolf Wan-Ju Annabelle Lee
Katsusuke Ozawa Xiaobo Wu
Kevin Fuji Yoong Soon Yong
Koichi Taira  

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