
2–3 September 2021, Versailles, France
EAI CICom 2021 - 2nd EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications

Computational intelligence is a computer science field by which a computer can learn a specific task from data or experimental observation. It addresses complex real-world problems in which mathematical or traditional modelling are not the preferred solution given that (i) the involved computational process might be too complex for mathematical reasoning; (ii) it might contain some uncertainties during the process, or (iii) by nature, the computational process is a randomly determined one (heuristic). EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications (CICom 2021) provides solutions to various problems of this nature.

Track topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Computational Intelligence in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Transportation System
  • Computation Intelligence on Big Data, Internet of Things, and Smart Cities
  • Computational Intelligence on Wireless Communication Systems and Cyber Security
  • Computational Intelligence on Human/Brain-Computer Interfaces, and Image and Pattern Recognition

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