Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD), I am pleased to announce the winners of the JCDD 2022 Travel Award.

The award has been granted to Dr. Susanna Cooper, a PhD student at St. George’s University of London, UK, and Dr. Renée Tillie, a PhD student at the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, Maastricht University Medical Center, the Netherlands.

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all of the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. On behalf of the Assessment Committee, I congratulate the winners on their accomplishments.

Prof. Dr. Andy Wessels
Editor-in-Chief, JCDD

JCDD 2022 Travel Award
Past Winners


Pengyu Zong
UConn John Dempsey Hospital Calhoun Cardiology Center, USA
Sandra Díaz del Moral
INSERM, France

Award Committee

Prof. Thomas Brand Chairman
Imperial College London
Prof. Dr. Narayanaswamy Venketasubramanian
Raffles Neuroscience Centre, Raffles Hospital
Prof. Dr. Martin Schweiger
Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Pediatric Heart Center, Department of Surgery, University Children’s Hospital Zurich
Prof. Paolo Emilio Puddu
Sapienza University of Rome


Cristiana Dondi
Sanford Burnham Prebys, USA
Tamara Gonzalez-Costa
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Maurice J B van den Hoff Chairman
Department of Medical Biology
Dr. Glenn Fishman
NYU School of Medicine
Prof. Dr. giuseppe caminiti
S.Raffaele IRCCS Rome; San Raffaele Open University , 00163 Rome, Italy.
Prof. Antonino S Rubino
University of Enna Kore


Susanna Cooper
St. George's University of London, UK
Renée Tillie
Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Award Committee

Prof. Andy Wessels Chairman
medical university of south carolina
Dr. Maria Grazia Andreassi
CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology
Prof. Dr. Krzysztof J. Filipiak
Dr. Yeon Hyeon Choe
Prof. Fabio Angeli
Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Insubria, Varese and Department of Medicine and Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Maugeri Care and Research Institutes - IRCCS Tradate, Varese - Italy


Colette A. Bichsel
Boston Children’s Hospital, USA


Jae Gyun Oh
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
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