
19–21 August 2022, Hangzhou, China
The 2022 International Workshop on Cyber Security (CSW 2022)

The purpose of the CSW 2022 is to have in-depth discussions on the extremely important discipline of cyber security. We intend to bring together some of the leading international research leaders, thought leaders, scholars and other interested parties involved in cyber security in order to provide a platform for the exchange of real information and the advancement of the field of cyber security.

In the last few years, cyber security has grown to be one of the most important fields, as it has now become totally integrated in everybody’s daily lives. Cyberspace has basically grown into a borderless environment, and is not really controlled by anybody. Every day, increasing amounts of data are stored in cyberspace, and  increasing numbers of systems and applications operate in cyberspace. Due to the amount of people all over the world that have become dependent on cyberspace, it seems that it would be completely impossible to operate without it. Of course, in parallel with this growth of cyberspace, we have seen the uncontrolled growth of cybercrime that exploits weaknesses in cyberspace and causes untold grief and problems for nation states, governments, enterprises and ordinary people. The essential and strategic role and importance of cyber security can therefore never be overemphasized.

One example of the accelerated impact of cyber security can be seen by just doing a web search of cyber security and COVID-19, on which pages and pages of results can be found. Within the first year of the virus being discovered, cyber security became a major player in the pandemic. Furthermore, developments related to the 4th Industrial Revolution only add further emphasis on cyberspace. The worries and concerns that surround new emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning and autonomous systems will only continue to put more pressure on cyber security to provide solutions to these problems.

It is now well accepted that cyber security must be approached from a multi-disciplinary angle—from technical sciences such as computer science and engineering, to human sciences such as psychology, education and human behavior. Solutions to create real cyber security resilience need to include all of the above disciplines, and such new solutions are urgently needed.

Therefore, an invitation is extended to all researchers in all disciplines who are active in the cyber security field to submit contributions to really make CSW 2022 as inclusive as possible. During the conference, we will hold keynote speeches, plenary lectures and research contributions reflecting the newest developments in cyber security and cyberspace.

We will meet in mid-summer in Sweden, which will add a lot of other benefits to attending CSW 2022.

As Conference Chair, I am looking forward to meeting you, and I will do all I can to make sure that as much as possible is done to ensure CSW 2022 adds real value to the discipline of cyber security and benefits humankind in general—come and join us to achieve that!

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