
8 June 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
HI4NLP, Workshop on Hybrid Intelligence for Natural Language Processing Tasks (co-located at ECAI-2020)

There have been spectacular advances in many tasks of natural language processing (NLP) by making use of artificial intelligence (IA) techniques such as machine/deep learning (M/DL). However, these improvements do not affect all NLP tasks, specifically those that require deep linguistic knowledge, natural language understanding, semantic inference and reasoning. In hybrid architectures, M/DL approaches co-exist with symbol-manipulation as symbolic models seem to play an important role in inference and reasoning about abstract knowledge.

We call hybrid intelligence (HI) those architectures that integrate symbolic information into statistical or neural-based models so as to allow machines to learn new knowledge in a more 'intelligent' way by endowing them with common sense and deep understanding. The main aim of HI in NLP is to inject deep and structured linguistic knowledge (not just annotated text) into M/DL models so as to develop hybrid architectures for NLP tasks. In more general terms, the concept of HI consists of combining machine and human intelligence to overcome the shortcomings of existing AI systems. Abstract and structured knowledge from specialists can be used not just as training data to learn uninterpretable black-box models, but also to design the models themselves by making them more transparent, easy to interpret by humans, and more efficient for specific purposes.

HI4NLP will provide a forum for discussing about exciting research on HI methodology for NLP tasks. It is open to any contribution that requires deep semantic analysis, such as semantic relation extraction, discourse analysis, argument mining, rumour detection, and so on. Strategies can combine statistical or neural-based models with symbolic information based on propositions, regular patterns, rules, or whatever language resource aimed at representing abstract and structured knowledge.

Important Dates

15 March 2020 — PAPER submission (23:59 UTC-12)
15 April 2020 — Notification of acceptance/rejection
15 May 2020 — Camera Ready papers
8 June 2020 — Workshop day

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