
31 August 2020
Recruiting Editorial Board members for Immuno

is recruiting Editorial Board members for the following sections:

The journal is looking to expand the Editorial Board in order to cover areas that need additional representation by the current team. If you are interested in serving as an Academic Editor on the Editorial Board or would like to recommend potential candidates, please reach out to us.

Immuno (ISSN 2673-5601) is an open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI covering Autoimmunity, Cancer Immunology, Developmental Immunology, Host Defense, Immunodeficiency, Immunodermatology, Immunogenetics, Inflammation, Mucosal Immunology, Neuroimmunology, Structural Immunology, Clinical/Translational, Transplantation, etc. The research of immunology must be brought to the forefront and deserve to be paid more attentions.

As an Editorial Board member, you have the following responsibilities:

  • Leading at least one Special Issue related to your research field every two years;
  • Promoting Immuno and increase its visibility at related academic conferences;
  • Inviting at least two high-quality papers from senior scholars, or help to send call-for-paper emails for Special Issues or Sections related to your research field;
  • Pre-screening submissions and making decisions on whether a manuscript can be accepted or not based on the reports we collect

To apply or request further information, please contact the Immuno Editorial Office (). We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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