
28–29 November 2019, Peking University, Beijing, China
KIAA Forum 2019: The Future of Gravitational Wave Astrophysics

The direct detection of gravitational waves in 2015 opened a new window for us astronomers to explore the Universe. Since then, astronomy entered a new era. Through this window, we have now detected stellar-mass binary black holes, discovered a population of very massive black holes that had never been seen before, and we testified the validity of general relativity in a regime of extremely strong gravity. By joining the observations of electromagnetic and gravitational waves, we have also established the correlation between neutron star mergers and short gamma-ray bursts, constrained the equation of state of neutron stars to an unprecedentedly high accuracy, and measured in a completely independent way the Hubble constant of the local universe. In the next few years, along with the steady upgrade of the ground-based detectors and continuous operation of the pulsar timing arrays, new discoveries will certainly come and, moreover, new technologies will become ripe.

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