
15–19 June 2020, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
Extragalactic Jets on all Scales—Launching, Propagation, Termination

Energetic and collimated beams of plasma launched from the centre of galaxies have fascinated the community for a century. In spite of the advancement in observational and theoretical modelling techniques, many aspects regarding the detailed physics of extra-galactic jets remain not fully understood. This conference aims to push forward our understanding of extra-galactic jets bringing together experts from theory and observations.
The main focus shall be on the theoretical side. One major aim of this conference is to demonstrate recent advances in the multi-scale numerical modeling of jets and to discuss strategies for how to better constrain simulations with multi-wavelength and high-resolution observational data. Another focus shall be the universality of jet properties and understand what we can learn from other jets sources such as non-relativistic jets or GRBs.

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