We are pleased to announce that Dr. Norbert Herencsar has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Section “Engineering” in Fractal and Fractional (ISSN: 2504-3110). His term started in July 2021.
Name: Dr. Norbert Herencsar
Affiliation: Department of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology, Technicka 3082/12, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Website: https://www.vutbr.cz/en/people/norbert-herencsar-11823
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Norbert Herencsar received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics & Communication and Teleinformatics from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, in 2006 and 2010, respectively. In 2015, he was appointed Associate Professor at the Department of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. He was a Visiting Researcher at Boğaziçi University, Turkey, Doğuş University, Turkey, and the University of Calgary, Canada. His extensive publication record includes 100+ peer-reviewed journal articles and 120+ international conference proceedings papers. His awards include (among others): Rector Award in the University competition “Top 10 Excellent VUT” for the 9th and 8th most productive scientist at the Brno University of Technology, category “Publications”, in 2011 and 2012, respectively, “The Best Paper Award in Memory of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bayram” in 2011 at the 7th Int. Conference on Electrical Electronics Engineering (ELECO), Turkey, Certificate of Merit by IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2017, and the ELEX Editorial Contribution Award by IEICE Electronics Express Editorial Committee, Japan, in 2020. He has been collaborating on numerous research projects supported by the MEYS Czech Republic or Czech Science Foundation since 2006.
His research interests are mainly focused on the following:
- constant phase element fabrication, modeling, and optimization
- fractional-order circuits, systems, and control
- nano/microelectronics, nanodevices, and energy storage components
- VLSI analog integrated circuits and sensors
Amongst his numerous appointments and activities, he served as an organizing or a TPC member of the conferences AFRICON, ELECO, I2MTC, ICUMT, IWSSIP, SET-CAS, MWSCAS, ICECS, and TSP, as an invited reviewer for Adv. Mater. Technol., AEU - Int. J. Electron. Commun., Analog Integr. Circuits Signal Process., Chaos Solit. Fractals, Electronics, Energies, Fractal Fract., IEEE Access, IEEE Sens. J., IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I & II, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Int. J. Electron., J. Adv. Res., J. Circuits Syst. Comput., Microelectron. J., Sens. Actuators A: Phys., Sensors, etc., as an Associate Editor for IEEE Access, IEICE Electronics Express, Journal of Circuits, and Systems and Computers, as an Editorial Board Member of Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, Fractal and Fractional, and Radioengineering, and a Topics Board Member of Nanomaterials. Dr. Herencsar is an IEEE Senior Member and ranked among the world’s top 2% scientists as reported by Stanford University.
The editorial team warmly welcomes Dr. Norbert Herencsar as the Editor-in-Chief of the “Engineering” Section, and looks forward to his contribution to the continued success of Fractal and Fractional. For further information on the journal sections, please check here.