22–24 May 2024, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
European Navigation Conference 2024
The European Navigation Conference 2024 will take place from 22 to 24 May 2024 at ESA ESTEC in the Netherlands. The central role that the ESTEC facility plays in European navigation missions and innovation makes it a fitting venue for the ENC.
The main theme of the conference is resilient navigation. While the 20th century was focused on the provision of ubiquitous and accurate positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT), the 21st century’s focus has shifted to ensuring that PNT services may be trusted and are reliable and resilient. As we move to systems that are either fully automated or are automated to the point of human complacency, there is now substantial recognition of the need for PNT systems that will operate in unprecedented threat-challenged environments (both civil and military); continuously provide usability and retain integrity; and fail very rarely. Simultaneously, when these systems do fail, there is a requirement that they do so safely, securely, and elegantly.
Overall, navigation system resilience requires the vulnerabilities of not only the core systems but also those of associated systems, and data also need to be addressed, including mapping information, related databases, routing/path definition, guidance, and control.
This will be a broad and interdisciplinary conference for every professional with an interest in the fields of positioning, navigation, and timing: scientists, technicians, policy makers, and above all, users.