Vehicle Engineering Design

A section of Designs (ISSN 2411-9660).

Section Information

Designs is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which provides a unifying research framework for a wide range of engineering disciplines and industrial applications, including vehicle engineering design.

The vehicle engineering design is a multi-disciplinary area as it requires high knowledge in the areas of mechanical, electrical, and aerospace engineering design. Since more than 100 years, the vehicles needed for the transportation of goods and people have known an exponential development, such as automotive, trains, airplanes, boats, and others. The design of these vehicles was continuously improved using innovative and revolutionary technologies, that are described by scientists, scholars, and engineers in various scientific works. Many examples can be found in the literature on vehicle engineering design.

Today, vehicle engineering design is developed with the main aim of reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. One example in this green vehicle technology area is the morphing vehicles design, in which the surfaces of vehicles can change their shapes using actuators, sensors, and controllers, with the aim to improve their performances. In the aerospace area, the development of morphing aircraft technology requires knowledge mainly in aerodynamics, structures, and controls, and expertise in sub-disciplines, such as optimization and artificial intelligence. Two other examples in this area are related to vehicles optimized paths or trajectories design, as well as modern full electrical vehicles design. Another example of innovative design of vehicles is related to their autonomy, more specifically to the development of unmanned systems.

This section presents new technologies, trends, and breakthroughs in vehicle engineering design with the aim to accelerate their use in transportation. We are interested in original methodologies and results on the design of vehicles and their systems, as well as in their development and experimental validation. Thus, manuscripts on vehicles (automotive, trains, airplanes, and unmanned aerial systems) and on their systems innovative design, experimental testing, and green vehicle technologies applications (with the aim to reduce greenhouse emissions and fuel consumption) are requested. Submissions addressing reviews and surveys are also requested.

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