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Spanish Carbon Group (GEC)

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The Spanish Carbon Group (GEC) was born in 1990 from the common desire of a group of people, companies, and public as well as private institutions related to science and technology, with the aim of facilitating the dissemination and exchange of knowledge between different R&D agents derived from the use of carbon and carbon materials, especially on all those aspects related to energy and environmental applications. At present, the GEC has over 300 members and its main objectives are to promote relationships between Spanish research groups, to support the training of new researchers and technicians in this field of knowledge, to disseminate science, technology, and any other aspect related to the use of carbon and carbon-based materials, and to serve as a meeting point for researchers, students, producers, and users. The GEC organises biannual scientific congresses under the common name of “Reunión del Grupo Español del Carbón", as well as specialised training courses and scientific conferences for young researchers. It is also a member of the European Carbon Association (ECA), which organises the International Carbon Conference (CARBON) every three years.

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