Journal History

2021 The inaugural issue was released. Biomechanics was published as a quarterly journal.
Biomechanics established the following sections:
-Sports Biomechanics;
-Injury Biomechanics and Rehabilitation;
-Tissue and Vascular Biomechanics;
-Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics;
-Gait and Posture Biomechanics.
2023 Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics was discontinued.
Biomechanics was indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
Biomechanics was indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), starting with Volume 1 (Issue 1).


2021–2022 Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Justin Keogh
2022–present Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Tibor Hortobagyi

Section Editor-in-Chief

2021–2022 Section Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Tibor Hortobagyi for the section on Neuromechanics
2022–2024 Section Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Annegret Mündermann for the section on Gait and Posture Biomechanics
2022–present Section Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Francois Prince for the section on Sports Biomechanics
2023–present Section Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Luis Augusto Teixeira for the section on Neuromechanics
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