
1–5 July 2019, Novosibirsk, Russia
XXV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

The Symposium is a traditional meeting of atmospheric and ocean optics and atmospheric physics community, which has a long history as a successor of the symposiums on Laser Propagation in Atmosphere and Laser Remote Sensing of Atmosphere beginning in the early seventies and organized by academician Vladimir Zuev.
We will encourage presentations on traditional atmospheric optics and physics themes, but will also increase emphasis on several topics, including the role of laser remote sensing in areas associated with climate change, potential application of new advances in optical device technology, and remote sensing of the ocean and earth surface properties.
Symposium, in addition to serving its traditional role as a venue for presentation of recent results, will also actively address the state and future of atmospheric optics and physics. The program will make use of invited talks and conference themes to describe current and future needs for atmospheric, earth and ocean measurements, present emerging technologies and platforms that promise to increase the impact and application of remote sensing, discuss the deployment of lidars as part of multi-dimensional, multi-sensor observation networks and show examples and ideas on the analysis and assimilation into models of multi-parameter, geographically extensive data sets.

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