
28 July–2 August 2019, Ventura, CA, USA
New Science in Air Quality and Climate from Charney to AR6

In the 40 years since the Charney Report to the National Academy of Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry has progressed from isolated and largely disconnected research communities to an interconnected whole. During that time, advances in instrumentation have repeatedly led to revolutionary advances in our understanding. Forty years ago, there were separate disciplines of global atmospheric chemistry (exemplified by the ground-breaking publication of Logan et al 3 years after the Charney Report); local air pollution and air-quality engineering focused on photochemical smog; and climate science. Now we understand the connections between all of these, with the global role of air pollution, especially fine particles, driven by progressive oxidation chemistry associated with global atmospheric chemistry leading directly to the leading climate uncertainties of forcing associated with light scattering by particles and clouds.

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