
6–11 September 2015, Milan, Italy
2015 European Aerosol Conference

The field of aerosol science has grown rapidly and EAC 2015 will provide an important summary of the state of art.

The programme of the conference will be arranged thematically according to the working groups of the EAA, namely:

  • Aerosol-based Nanotechnology
  • Aerosol Chemistry
  • Aerosol Modelling
  • Atmospheric Aerosols - Aerosol Processes and Properties
  • Atmospheric Aerosols - Specific Aerosol Types
  • Electrical Effects
  • Fundamentals
  • Combustion Aerosols
  • Indoor and Working Place Aerosols
  • Instrumentation
  • Inhalation, exposures and health (formerly Particle-Lung Interactions)
  • PMx

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