
13–14 May 2013, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
1st International Congress on History of Art and Archaeology at the Royal College of Spain in Bologna. The Empire and the Hispaniae from Trajan to Charles V: Classicism and Power in Spanish Art

The Royal College of Spain in Bologna, in collaboration with the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna announces its 1st International Congress on History of Art and Archaeology. The Empire and the Hispaniae from Trajan to Charles V: Classicism and Power in Spanish Art.

The aim of this 1st International Congress is to analyze the role of Roman Empire in  Hispanic culture from Antiquity to Renaissance, focusing on Art and Archaeology.  The relationship between Hispania and the rest of the Roman Empire, the classical legacy in medieval and modern Spain, the various visions of  Rome and classicism through time, and its role in the construction of  Modernity are some of the aspects that will be discussed.!__eng

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