
26–31 May 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
International Rock Art Congress

The American Rock Art Research Association invites Scientists, Researchers, Educators, Conservators, and all interested people to the XVII International Congress of IFRAO in conjunction with the ARARA 2013 Conference. Our meeting in the heart of the American Southwest provides an atmosphere where rock art continues to be a daily presence in the lives of those in the area. Field trips will provide opportunities for all Congress attendees to learn about the rock art of this region. The nearby Petroglyph National Monument will allow attendees continual access to the local rock art throughout the Congress.
The Congress theme “Ancient Hands Around the World” is designed to bring together the diverse interests of the many people who study and work to conserve the pictographs and petroglyphs in all countries. Depictions of hands are found in rock art of all cultures and in all time periods, and their symbolism portrays our goal of assembling people from across the globe to share their experiences and knowledge.
In keeping with the international agenda established over the past years, the Congress will have four days of oral and poster presentations in sessions organized by topics, and Wednesday will be devoted to field trips for all attendees. Other special cultural events are planned throughout the week including evening lectures open to the public, dances by local Pueblo groups, and vendor offerings of rock art related merchandise. Opportunities to book extended field trips before and after the Congress will also be available.
Official languages of the Congress will be English and Spanish.

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