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2 February 2024
Acknowledgment of the Reviewers of Antibodies in 2023
In recognizing the exceptional efforts of our reviewers in 2023, we express our sincere gratitude for upholding the high standards of Antibodies. Their commitment ensured the rigorous peer review that is integral to quality academic publishing.
In 2023, Antibodies received 327 review reports, from 260 reviewers. This past year, we worked with reviewers from 48 countries and regions, reflecting the diversity in our collaboration with research communities. Their dedication shapes scholarly discourse and advances global research. The editorial team expresses gratitude for the vital role played by each reviewer in the Antibodies family throughout 2023, and we look forward to their continued support in 2024.
The following are the reviewers who have consented to show their names:
Abhinav Jain | Maria Zavala-Cerna |
Aleksandra Starosz | Marino Paroli |
Alexandra Filippopoulou | Mariusz Niemczyk |
Amany Elshenawy | Matteo Riccò |
Amelina Albornoz | Mattia Matasci |
Amol Pohane | Mauricio Comas-Garcia |
Anca Bobirca | Mehdi Arbabi |
Andrés Carrazco-Montalvo | Michael Calcutt |
Anjali Geethadevi | Michael Szardenings |
Anna Timofeeva | Monica Berrondo |
Anne Zeck | Nimish Gupta |
Arghya Ghosh | Noha Hammad |
Aung Kyaw | Osman Aktaş |
Blessy Suresh | Pablo Guardado-Calvo |
Boldeanu Virgil | Parham Habibzadeh |
Chiang-Hung Chou | Partha Chowdhury |
Chitra Upadhyay | Ponraj Prabakaran |
Christian Kellner | Puneet Rawat |
Christian Klein | Ramin Raul Ossami Saidy |
Christopher David | Reyad Dada |
David Vance | Reza Jafari |
Delavar Shahbazzadeh | Reza Taheri-Ledari |
Dennis Goulet | Robert Sharp |
Dongrui Ma | Rodolfo Lagunes-Quintanilla |
Edgar García-Torres | ruining wang |
Ekaterina F. Kolesanova | Saad Salman |
Elisa Pin | Salman Shahid |
Fabio Fiorino | Sayed Sartaj Sohrab |
Federica Riva | Sergey Sedykh |
Fernando Cardoso | Sharath Madasu |
Frank Krause | Sheng-Qun Deng |
Gabriela Mellado-Sanchez | Sofia Kossida |
Gary McLean | Sreekanth Gopinathan Pillai |
Gordana Wozniak Knopp | Susumu Uchiyama |
Hao Wu | Suzan ÇINAR |
Hiroaki Taguchi | Swati Phalke |
Hrishikesh Pandit | Tanushree Dangi |
Immacolata Pietraforte | Tao Wang |
Jarosław Walory | Tesfaye Gelanew |
Jean-Pierre Gagner | Toan Nguyen |
Jeong Min Han | Veera Venkat Shivaji Rama Rao Edupuganti |
Jieqiang Zhong | Wagner Quintilio |
Josee Golay | Wei Zhang |
Juan R. De Los Toyos | Xiang Li |
Junquan Liu | Xiaotian Zhong |
Kamal Joshi | Xingyi Yang |
Konrad Szychowski | Xinyu Ling |
Krishan Thakur | Yara Michelacci |
Kumar Digvijay | Yong Gu |
Long Pham | Yue Zhang |
Lu Xiao | Zhen Wang |
Maria del Pilar Carrera- González | Zoltan Kozinszky |