
3 September 2019–6 September 2018, Athens, Greece
9th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space

The EASN Association, the University of Patras and the National Technical University of Athens are glad to announce the 9th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space” which will take place in Athens, Greece from the 3rd until the 6th of September, 2019.
The Aviation & Space sector is of paramount importance for Europe’s industrial competitiveness. While the sector invests heavily in research and innovation (the cornerstone of Europe’s knowledge economy), we strongly believe that such events support the community to continue achieving milestones. In this frame, the 9th EASN International Conference intends to give the opportunity to scientists and researchers from all over the world to present their recent achievements in a series of thematic sessions, organized by internationally recognized scientists.
The conference will include a number of Plenary Talks by distinguished personalities of the European Aviation and Space sectors from the academia, industry, research community and policy makers. It will also include Thematic Sessions, along with Technical Workshops where evolving ideas, technologies, products, services and processes will be discussed. Research projects are invited to exploit the opportunity and disseminate their results and achievements in dedicated Sessions. As always, the 9th EASN International Conference is designed to foster the cooperation and interaction between participants on a multidisciplinary basis as it is structured in a way that enhances the interaction and presents an excellent opportunity for networking and creating new synergies for future collaborations on a bilateral basis or in the frame of multilateral projects.

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