Wildfires vs. Sustainable Forest Partitioning
:1. Introduction
2. Inspecting Time Series of Fires
3. The Event of the Fire
3.1. The Evolution of Fire
3.2. Reactive Methods of Facing Fires
Firefighting aims to stop the running edge of the fire either by constructing a fire break (a line where all burnable material has been removed) or by applying water or a foam mixture to reduce the surface tension of water droplets for easier penetration into the soil or biomass layer (the same principle as used in dish-washing detergent.
3.3. Proactive Methods of Facing Fires
4. The Results of Fire
5. Clustering and Growth, Partitioning and Protection
5.1. Quantification of Clustering
5.2. Partitioning and Protection
For most land-cover classes, fire does not occur as expected from a random null model; rather, it behaves selectively, showing marked preference (or avoidance) in terms of fire number and fire size.
From a management perspective, land cover (related to vegetation structure and fuel loads) is the only landscape variable influencing fire behaviour that can be manipulated.
…yields less wood than a tree farm does (that is, young trees, all of about the same age, planted in rows and harvested on a short rotation schedule), but it provides a greater protective cover for the landscape, wood of higher quality, and a home for game birds.
Most of the unburnt surface has one or more of these features: urban, agricultural or agroforestry land use; relatively low population density; flat or undulated terrain; relatively low rainfall.
Humans develop ecological consciousness when they confront the waste they produce.
6. Case Study: The Fire in Euboea
6.1. Inspecting Fires’ Parameters in the Event
6.2. Local Communities and the Forest
An order forbidden grazing, issued ex officio by the forest service, prohibits the grazing of any animal in an area that has been declared reforestable.
6.3. General Aspects
6.4. Three-Dimensionally Printed Constructions for Cultivation Areas or Corrals
- Fast collection of the material when combining materials with local soil.
- Construction without the need for scaffolding.
- Raw earth is eco-friendly and biodegradable and can produce sustainable constructions. The utilization of renewable materials is necessary nowadays.
- The construction can be inhabited almost immediately.
- Corral, warehouse, or shelter equipment such as sitting benches, workbenches, bed bases, and watering cans could be printed during the process of the printing of partition walls.
7. Discussion
…land abandonment have probably increased fire proneness at national scale by expanding shrub and tree encroachment, and thus increasing fuel connectivity and fuel build-up. Therefore, we urge for a greater integration between fire management and rural development policies.
8. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sargentis, G.-F.; Ioannidis, R.; Bairaktaris, I.; Frangedaki, E.; Dimitriadis, P.; Iliopoulou, T.; Koutsoyiannis, D.; Lagaros, N.D. Wildfires vs. Sustainable Forest Partitioning. Conservation 2022, 2, 195-218. https://doi.org/10.3390/conservation2010013
Sargentis G-F, Ioannidis R, Bairaktaris I, Frangedaki E, Dimitriadis P, Iliopoulou T, Koutsoyiannis D, Lagaros ND. Wildfires vs. Sustainable Forest Partitioning. Conservation. 2022; 2(1):195-218. https://doi.org/10.3390/conservation2010013
Chicago/Turabian StyleSargentis, G.-Fivos, Romanos Ioannidis, Ioannis Bairaktaris, Evangelia Frangedaki, Panayiotis Dimitriadis, Theano Iliopoulou, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, and Nikos D. Lagaros. 2022. "Wildfires vs. Sustainable Forest Partitioning" Conservation 2, no. 1: 195-218. https://doi.org/10.3390/conservation2010013
APA StyleSargentis, G.-F., Ioannidis, R., Bairaktaris, I., Frangedaki, E., Dimitriadis, P., Iliopoulou, T., Koutsoyiannis, D., & Lagaros, N. D. (2022). Wildfires vs. Sustainable Forest Partitioning. Conservation, 2(1), 195-218. https://doi.org/10.3390/conservation2010013