Topology Optimization with Matlab: Geometrically Non-Linear Optimum Solid Structures at Random Force Strengths
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Continuum Mechanics
2.1.1. Displacement of Continuous Media
2.1.2. Green–Lagrangian Strain Tensor
2.1.3. Hooke’s Law
2.1.4. Voigt Notation
2.1.5. Cauchy Traction Vector
2.1.6. Nanson’s Formula
2.1.7. Static Equilibrium
2.1.8. Hyperelastic Material Model
2.1.9. Non-Linear Hookes Law
2.2. Finite Element Analysis
2.2.1. Weak Form of Problem
2.2.2. Element ID, Connectivity, and Edof
2.2.3. Parametric Domain
2.2.4. Ansatz Functions
2.2.5. Strain–Displacement Matrix
2.2.6. Residual of Equilibrium Equation
2.2.7. Tangential Stiffness Matrix
2.2.8. Gaussian Quadrature
2.2.9. Newton–Raphson Method
2.2.10. Compliance
2.3. Density Based Methods and Filtering Techniques
2.3.1. SIMP Method
2.3.2. Density Filter
2.3.3. Sensitivity Filter
2.3.4. BESO Method
2.4. Problem Formulation
2.4.1. Termination Criterion: Density Change
2.4.2. Termination Criterion: Compliance Change
2.5. Chemo-Mechanically Coupled Model
3. Results
3.1. Reference Parameter Definition
3.2. Calibration
3.3. Central Single Force
3.4. Forces with Random Strength and Zero Net Strength
3.5. Probability Density
3.6. Periodic Loading of Schwarz P Structure
3.7. Forces with Random Strength and Non-Zero Net Strength
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BESO | Bi-evolutionary structural optimization |
dof | Degree of freedom |
ESO | Evolutionary structural optimization |
FEM | Finite element method |
Li | Lithium |
Si | Silicon |
SIMP | Solid isotropic material with penalization |
List of Symbols
• With respect to element | Normal vector | ||
• With respect to iteration number | p | Penalization power | |
Transpose of • | P | Probability density | |
Voigt notation of • | 1st Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor | ||
Prescribed quantity | Filter radius | ||
Arranged with respect to nodal values | Residual vector | ||
Arranged with respect to elemental values | 2nd Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor | ||
Sum of diagonal elements (trace) | t | time | |
Cauchy traction vector | |||
Zero matrix | Displacement vector | ||
Identity matrix | Volume | ||
Design domain | |||
Area | w | Weights | |
Optimality condition | Density variable, minimum density | ||
Body force density | Filtered density | ||
Strain–displacement matrix | Point of a continuum | ||
c | Compliance | ||
Ref Lithium ion concentration | Total strain energy of removed element | ||
Evolutionary ratio | Threshold constant | ||
Lithium ion concentration | Variational derivative | ||
Right Cauchy–Green strain tensor | Small number | ||
d | Polynomial degree | Small strain tensor | |
D | Deviation | Damping coefficient | |
edof array for a specific element | Lamé parameter | ||
E | Young’s modulus | Test function | |
Total strain energy of removed element | Poisson number | ||
Green–Lagrangian strain tensor | Local coordinate vector | ||
Force strength | Cauchy stress tensor | ||
Force | Strain energy density function | ||
Deformation gradient | Volume (parametric domain) | ||
Linear derivatives matrix | Normalized partial molar volume | ||
h | Equidistant nodal spacing | ||
J | Jacobian | Body (0 reference, t actual, parametric) | |
Stiffness matrix | Boundary of body | ||
l | Lagrange multiplier | Elasticity tensor | |
m | Move limit | Mobility tensor | |
Stress components matrix | Neighborhood | ||
Number of elements | |||
Number of Gauss points | Partial derivative | ||
Number of simulations | ∅ | Empty set | |
Interpolation function | Union and intersection of sets |
Appendix A. Matlab Code
- Listing A1.
- 3D Matlab source code for non-linear topology optimization based on the BESO method.
- 1
- function [x,U]=TopOptBesoNL3D_mdpi(nelx,nely,nelz,volfrac,er,rmin)
- 2
- %-- if no input, then use some default values:
- 3
- if nargin<6; nelx=50; nely=16; nelz=4; volfrac=0.5; er=0.02; rmin=1.5; end
- 4
- %-- force strength (F0)
- 5
- F0=1e-9; E=1; nu=0.3; xmin=3e-5; penal=1; tolx=0.0001; maxloop=500;
- 6
- vol=1; loop=0; change=1; pos=1;
- 7
- x=ones(nely,nelx,nelz); c=zeros(1,maxloop);
- 8
- nele=nelx*nely*nelz; ndof=3*(nelx+1)*(nely+1)*(nelz+1);
- 9
- %-- loads, here: at right end along z-direction
- 10
- [il,jl,kl] = meshgrid(nelx, 0, 0:nelz);
- 11
- loadnid=kl*(nelx+1)*(nely+1)+il*(nely+1)+(nely+1-jl);
- 12
- loaddof=3*loadnid(:)-1;
- 13
- F=sparse(loaddof,1,F0,ndof,1);
- 14
- %-- supports, here: at left end along y- and z-direction
- 15
- [iif,jf,kf]=meshgrid(0,0:nely,0:nelz);
- 16
- fixednid=kf*(nelx+1)*(nely+1)+iif*(nely+1)+(nely+1-jf);
- 17
- fixeddof=[3*fixednid(:); 3*fixednid(:)-1; 3*fixednid(:)-2];
- 18
- %-- get free dofs
- 19
- freedofs=setdiff(1:ndof,fixeddof);
- 20
- %-- edof
- 21
- edofMat=zeros(nele,24); ID=reshape(1:ndof/3,nely+1,nelx+1,nelz+1);
- 22
- for iz=1:nelz
- 23
- for ix=1:nelx
- 24
- for iy=1:nely
- 25
- edofMat_1=ID([0,1]+iy,[0,1]+ix,[0,1]+iz);
- 26
- edofMat_1=edofMat_1([2,4,3,1,6,8,7,5]);
- 27
- edofMat_1=3*(edofMat_1(:)-1)’ + (1:3)’;
- 28
- edofMat(pos,:)=edofMat_1(:)’;
- 29
- pos=pos+1;
- 30
- end
- 31
- end
- 32
- end
- 33
- 34
- while change>tolx && loop<maxloop
- 35
- loop=loop+1;
- 36
- if loop>1; olddc=dc; vol=max(vol*(1-er),volfrac); end
- 37
- %-- displacement (U), sensitivities (dc) and compliance (c) from FEA
- 38
- [U,dc,c(loop)]=FEA(nele,ndof,edofMat,x,penal,E,nu,F,freedofs);
- 39
- %-- filtering of sensivities
- 40
- dc=reshape(dc,nely,nelx,nelz); dc=check(nelx,nely,nelz,rmin,dc);
- 41
- %-- stabilization of evolutionary process
- 42
- if loop>1; dc=(dc+olddc)/2; end
- 43
- %-- BESO design update
- 44
- if loop>1; x=ADDDEL(nele,vol,dc,x,xmin); end
- 45
- %-- convergence factor (change)
- 46
- if loop>10; change=abs(sum(c(loop-9:loop-5))-sum(c(loop-4:loop)))/sum(c(loop-4:loop)); end
- 47
- %-- print results
- 48
- fprintf(’It.:%4i Obj.:%10.4f Vol.:%6.3f ch.:%6.3f\n’,loop,c(loop)*1e15,sum(x(:))/nele,change);
- 49
- %-- plot densities
- 50
- display_3D(x);
- 51
- end
- 52
- end
- 53
- %-- BESO design update
- 54
- function [x]=ADDDEL(nele,volfrac,dc,x,xmin)
- 55
- l1=min(dc(:)); l2=max(dc(:));
- 56
- while abs((l2-l1)/l2)>1e-5; th=(l1+l2)/2; x=max(xmin,sign(dc-th));
- 57
- if sum(x(:))>volfrac*nele; l1=th; else; l2=th; end
- 58
- end
- 59
- end
- 60
- %-- linear density filter
- 61
- function [dcf]=check(nelx,nely,nelz,rmin,dc)
- 62
- dcf=zeros(nely,nelx,nelz);
- 63
- for k1=1:nelz
- 64
- for i=1:nelx
- 65
- for j=1:nely
- 66
- zum=0;
- 67
- for k2=max(k1-floor(rmin),1):min(k1+floor(rmin),nelz)
- 68
- for k=max(i-floor(rmin),1):min(i+floor(rmin),nelx)
- 69
- for l=max(j-floor(rmin),1):min(j+floor(rmin),nely)
- 70
- fac=rmin-sqrt((i-k)^2+(j-l)^2+(k1-k2)^2);
- 71
- zum=zum+max(0,fac);
- 72
- dcf(j,i,k1)=dcf(j,i,k1)+max(0,fac)*dc(l,k,k2);
- 73
- end
- 74
- end
- 75
- end
- 76
- dcf(j,i,k1)=dcf(j,i,k1)/zum;
- 77
- end
- 78
- end
- 79
- end
- 80
- end
- 81
- %-- FEA
- 82
- function [U,dc,cloop]=FEA(nele,ndof,edofMat,x,penal,E,nu,F,freedofs)
- 83
- %-- initialization of global stiffness matrix (K), residuum (R) and displacement (U)
- 84
- K=sparse(ndof,ndof); R=zeros(ndof,1); dU=R; U=R; dc=zeros(nele,1); del=1; loop=0;
- 85
- %-- Iteratively solve the geometric nonlinear FE balance equation
- 86
- while del>0.001 && loop<4 % or increase for more iterations
- 87
- cloop=0; loop=loop+1;
- 88
- %-- loop over elements
- 89
- for ele=1:nele
- 90
- %-- elemental quantities
- 91
- xe=x(ele); edof=edofMat(ele,:)’; Ue=U(edof);
- 92
- [RE,KE,dce]=solver(E,nu,Ue,xe,penal);
- 93
- %-- assembly
- 94
- K(edof,edof)=K(edof,edof)+KE; R(edof)=R(edof)+RE; dc(ele)=dce;
- 95
- cloop=cloop+0.5*xe^penal*Ue’*KE*Ue;
- 96
- end
- 97
- %-- residual, tangent and displacement
- 98
- R=sparse(R+F); K=sparse((K+K’)/2);
- 99
- %-- direct solver
- 100
- dU(freedofs,:)=K(freedofs,freedofs)\R(freedofs,:); U=U+dU; del=norm(dU,2)/norm(U,2);
- 101
- end
- 102
- end
- 103
- %-- FE solver
- 104
- function [RE,KE,dc]=solver(E,nu,Ue,xele,penal)
- 105
- %-- initialization
- 106
- RE=zeros(24,1); KE=zeros(24,24); dc=0; sq=1/sqrt(3); Y=eye(3); Z=zeros(3);
- 107
- %-- displacements (uij) where i=number, j=direction
- 108
- u11=Ue(1); u21=Ue(4); u31=Ue(7); u41=Ue(10); u51=Ue(13); u61=Ue(16); u71=Ue(19); u81=Ue(22);
- 109
- u12=Ue(2); u22=Ue(5); u32=Ue(8); u42=Ue(11); u52=Ue(14); u62=Ue(17); u72=Ue(20); u82=Ue(23);
- 110
- u13=Ue(3); u23=Ue(6); u33=Ue(9); u43=Ue(12); u53=Ue(15); u63=Ue(18); u73=Ue(21); u83=Ue(24);
- 111
- %-- elasticity tensor (C)
- 112
- C=xele^penal*E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))*[(1-2*nu)*Y+nu*(Z+1),Z;Z,(0.5-nu)*Y];
- 113
- %-- Gaussian quadrature over 3^2=8 points and weights=1
- 114
- for gp=1:8
- 115
- %--sign (si) of ansatz functions
- 116
- s1=1-2*mod(gp,2); s2=sign(sin(pi/4*(1-2*gp))); s3=sign(gp-4.5);
- 117
- p1=1+s1*sq; m1=1-s1*sq; p2=1+s2*sq; m2=1-s2*sq; p3=1+s3*sq; m3=1-s3*sq;
- 118
- %-- derivative of ansatz functions Ni wrt j, (dNij) where e.g. dN21=-dN11
- 119
- dN11=-m2*m3/8;dN31= p2*m3/8;dN51=-m2*p3/8;dN71= p2*p3/8;
- 120
- dN12=-m1*m3/8;dN22=-p1*m3/8;dN52=-m1*p3/8;dN62=-p1*p3/8;
- 121
- dN13=-m1*m2/8;dN23=-p1*m1/8;dN33=-p1*p2/8;dN43=-m1*p2/8;
- 122
- dN1=[dN11,-dN11,dN31,-dN31,dN51,-dN51,dN71,-dN71];
- 123
- dN2=[dN12,dN22,-dN22,-dN12,dN52,dN62,-dN62,-dN52];
- 124
- dN3=[dN13,dN23,dN33,dN43,-dN13,-dN23,-dN33,-dN43];
- 125
- %-- components of deformation gradient (Fij)
- 126
- F11=dN11*(u11-u21)+dN31*(u31-u41)+dN51*(u51-u61)+dN71*(u71-u81)+1;
- 127
- F12=dN11*(u12-u22)+dN31*(u32-u42)+dN51*(u52-u62)+dN71*(u72-u82);
- 128
- F13=dN11*(u13-u23)+dN31*(u33-u43)+dN51*(u53-u63)+dN71*(u73-u83);
- 129
- F21=dN12*(u11-u41)+dN22*(u21-u31)+dN52*(u51-u81)+dN62*(u61-u71);
- 130
- F22=dN12*(u12-u42)+dN22*(u22-u32)+dN52*(u52-u82)+dN62*(u62-u72)+1;
- 131
- F23=dN12*(u13-u43)+dN22*(u23-u33)+dN52*(u53-u83)+dN62*(u63-u73);
- 132
- F31=dN13*(u11-u51)+dN23*(u21-u61)+dN33*(u31-u71)+dN43*(u41-u81);
- 133
- F32=dN13*(u12-u52)+dN23*(u22-u62)+dN33*(u32-u72)+dN43*(u42-u82);
- 134
- F33=dN13*(u13-u53)+dN23*(u23-u63)+dN33*(u33-u73)+dN43*(u43-u83)+1;
- 135
- F1=[F11,F21,F31]; F2=[F12,F22,F32]; F3=[F13,F23,F33];
- 136
- %-- strain-displacement matrix (B)
- 137
- B1=repmat([F1;F2;F3],1,8).*reshape(repmat([dN1;dN2;dN3],3,1),3,24);
- 138
- B2=repmat([F3;F1;F2],1,8).*reshape(repmat([dN2;dN3;dN1],3,1),3,24);
- 139
- B3=repmat([F2;F3;F1],1,8).*reshape(repmat([dN3;dN1;dN2],3,1),3,24);
- 140
- B=[B1;B2+B3]; BT=B’; CB=C*B; SV=CB*Ue;
- 141
- %-- elemental residuum (RE), stiffness matrix (KE), and compliance (dc) update
- 142
- Fint=BT*SV; RE=RE-Fint; dc=dc+0.5*Ue’*Fint;
- 143
- G=[dN11*Y,-dN11*Y,dN31*Y,-dN31*Y,dN51*Y,-dN51*Y,dN71*Y,-dN71*Y;
- 144
- dN12*Y,dN22*Y,-dN22*Y,-dN12*Y,dN52*Y,dN62*Y,-dN62*Y,-dN52*Y;
- 145
- dN13*Y,dN23*Y,dN33*Y,dN43*Y,-dN13*Y,-dN23*Y,-dN33*Y,-dN43*Y];
- 146
- M=[SV(1)*Y,SV(6)*Y,SV(5)*Y;SV(6)*Y,SV(2)*Y,SV(4)*Y;SV(5)*Y,SV(4)*Y,SV(3)*Y];
- 147
- 148
- end
- 149
- end
- 150
- %--display
- 151
- function display_3D(rho)
- 152
- [nely,nelx,nelz]=size(rho); cla; face = [1 2 3 4; 2 6 7 3; 4 3 7 8; 1 5 8 4; 1 2 6 5; 5 6 7 8];
- 153
- for z=0:(nelz-1)
- 154
- for x=0:(nelx-1)
- 155
- for y=nely:-1:1
- 156
- R = rho(1+nely-y,x+1,z+1);
- 157
- if R>0.5
- 158
- vert=[x,-z,y;x,-z,y-1;x+1,-z,y-1;x+1,-z,y;x,-z-1,y;x,-z-1,y-1;x+1,-z-1,y-1;x+1,-z-1,y];
- 159
- patch(’Faces’,face,’Vertices’,vert,’FaceColor’,(0.2+0.8*(1-R))*[1,1,1]); hold on;
- 160
- end
- 161
- end
- 162
- end
- 163
- end
- 164
- axis equal; axis tight; axis off; box on; view([30,30]); pause(1e-9);
- 165
- end
- 166
- %-- Disclaimer:
- 167
- %-- The authors reserves all rights for the program.
- 168
- %-- The code may be distributed and used for educational purposes.
- 169
- %-- The authors do not guarantee that the code is free from errors, and
- 170
- %-- they shall not be liable in any event caused by the use of the code.
- 171
- %-- contact: [email protected]
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E | p | |||||||
E | nu | xmin | penal | volfrac | rmin | er | F0 | tolx |
1 | 0.3 | 1 | 0.5 | 1.5 | 0.02 |
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Werner, M.; Bieler, S.; Weinberg, K. Topology Optimization with Matlab: Geometrically Non-Linear Optimum Solid Structures at Random Force Strengths. Solids 2023, 4, 94-115.
Werner M, Bieler S, Weinberg K. Topology Optimization with Matlab: Geometrically Non-Linear Optimum Solid Structures at Random Force Strengths. Solids. 2023; 4(2):94-115.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWerner, Marek, Sören Bieler, and Kerstin Weinberg. 2023. "Topology Optimization with Matlab: Geometrically Non-Linear Optimum Solid Structures at Random Force Strengths" Solids 4, no. 2: 94-115.