1. Introduction
Climate variability due to climate change worldwide has primarily been responsible for generating extreme weather conditions leading to floods and droughts. The current anthropogenic global warming of 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels has increased the intensity, frequency, and magnitude of precipitation events [
3]. Future projected warming beyond 2 °C will intensify precipitation events increasing the risk of flooding in some regions [
5]. These, in turn, impact safe and adequate amounts of water availability [
8], food production and security, soil erosion [
11], the spread of wildfires [
14], worsen the current efforts to climate resilience adaptation, damage to property and infrastructure [
15]. Hydrometeorological disasters in Sub-Saharan Africa are fast changing. Despite much research on various aspects of floods, the world still witnesses severe floods [
21]. Vulnerability and exposure to these disasters are driven by climate variability and land use changes due to rapid population growth and economic expansion. Infrastructural development and national disaster management strategies have not kept pace with the effects of changing land use/land cover patterns and climate variability on extreme rainfall events leading to floods. Floods are expected to intensify, threatening future generations due to changing climate and climate variations (15). Given the above, an improved understanding of the flooding problems is needed to develop adaptation measures and attain sustainable development.
According to the University of Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN), which ranks the country’s vulnerability to climate change, Botswana is considered a high-risk country, ranked 119 out of 181 countries [
25]. Studies indicate that regions in the semi-arid zones are highly vulnerable and likely to be hit hard by hydro-metrological disasters by the middle of this century [
26]. The rainfall in these regions is highly irregular, with high interannual variability. In addition, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has indicated that mid-latitude and semi-arid regions such as Botswana are more likely to experience extreme, intense, and frequent precipitation events [
28]. Flood disasters affect 0.24% of the population every year in Botswana [
29]. A study by [
15] further indicates that the population of Botswana exposed to floods is likely to increase by 100% if the temperature increases by 3 °C. Therefore, Botswana is a climate risk country and located in the semi-arid region has been experiencing a rise in the number of high-intensity extraordinary rainfall events leading to floods in the recent past. The country has been subjected to major repetitive floods from 1972 to 2018, affecting over 178,000 individuals leaving 34,000 homeless, causing 43 fatalities and total damage amounting to over US
$5 m (EM-DAT,
https://www.emdat.be, accessed on 27 March 2023). Typically, between 2015–2019 over 7000 individuals have been affected by heavy storms and floods, causing five fatalities [
30]. The 1999/2000 and 2001 yielded flood disasters amounting to over US
$ 700,000 in economic damage. Even though the intensity and magnitude of flood events in Botswana are increasing, systematic historical records on disaster damage and loss that inform flood risk assessment and modeling are insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to develop decision support tools that inform flood risk assessment and aid in developing cost-effective adaptive strategies to reduce the impacts of hazardous floods. These decision support tools include trend detection and the development of rainfall quantile maps which will inform the current and futuristic impact of climate variability in catchments, hence this study.
Trend detection, identification and evaluation are necessary for hydro-meteorological datasets for determining inconsistencies and fluctuations in hydrometeorological series [
31]. This information gives insight into the behavior of hydro-climatological systems and is valuable in climate research [
32], water resource planning, management, and decision-making. Trend analysis is commonly applied in stationarity and nonstationary detection of hydro metrological variables. Increasing and decreasing trends are warning indicators of a shifting system (climate change) [
33]. To understand and explore the system dynamics, these trends must be quantified. Statistical and hydro-climatological models are essential for trend and variability detection [
34]. Various trend detection techniques are available in the literature. However, Mann–Kendall (MK), Spearman Rho, and Sen’s Slope are the most frequently used. These trend detection and quantification using different methods have been studied and applied at global and regional scales in hydro-climatological variables time series [
35], such as rainfall and temperature [
36] in Northern Togo, [
37] in Udaipur district of Rajasthan state (India), [
38] in the Northeastern United States, [
39] at a river basin of Orissa near the coastal region, [
40] in Iraq, [
41] at Konya Closed Basin in Turkey, [
42] in the arid region of Pakistan, drought analysis in Botswana [
43], streamflow [
34], groundwater and water quality. Studies revealed that Mann–Kendall produces results similar to Spearman Rho [
A recent innovative trend analysis (ITA) method by [
46] has been gaining popularity in hydro metrological studies. Unlike Mann–Kendall (MK), the ITA method has no restrictive assumptions such as serial correlations, normality and sample data. It also gives a more detailed interpretation by identifying trends in low, medium, and high values [
47]. The method has been applied by [
48] alongside Sen’s Slope and Mann–Kendall (MMK) methodologies to identify trends in precipitation in the Assam region of India. It has been applied in streamflow analysis with Mann Kendall (MK) and Sen’s method [
49], trends detection for annual, autumn, winter, spring, and summer season rains in England [
50], for annual and seasonal precipitation in Ningxia, China [
51], and assessment of meteorological drought in Northwest of Algeria [
52]. The ITA method also has limitations and has been criticized by [
53] for its inconsistencies in mathematical formulation and contradicting basic principles of statistical inferences, making it equivalent to classical trend analysis methods once the inconsistencies are addressed.
Given the complexity of semi-arid catchments, the convective nature and high rainfall variability in semi-arid regions make it difficult for these catchments to be adequately represented by course resolution climate and hydro-climatological models [
3]. These regions have been considered climate uncertainty hotspots, therefore, need special attention. However, detecting future trends, integrating climate projections in regional frequency analysis, and mapping the rate of change in rainfall distribution under different climate scenarios is not yet fully exploited in the literature.
In addition to the above, the northeastern region of Botswana, Shashe catchment, which has been experiencing high rates of floods, has been identified as a suitable study area. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of rainfall to get an insight into what has changed in the past and possible future expectations. This aim will be achieved through the following objectives: (i) To project future rainfall for the Shashe catchment under Representative Concertation Pathways (RCP) 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5 using Long Ashton Research Station Weather Generator (LARS-WG) [
54] from 2021–2050, (ii) To detect trends using Mann–Kendall together with Sen’s Slope and innovative trend analysis (ITA) method in observed and projected annual maximum and annual total rainfall data, and (iii) To estimate the quantiles of annual maximum rainfall and its spatiotemporal variability under both historical and projected scenarios.
3. Results
3.1. Rainfall Projections
This study used an ensemble of eighteen General Circulation Models (GCMs) from Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) to project rainfall in ten rainfall gauging stations distributed across the country. LARS-WG model supports ACCESS1_3, bcc-csm1-1, BNU-ESM, CanESM2, CMCC_CM, CNRM-CM5, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, EC_EARTH, GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-ES, INMCM4, IPSL-CM5A-MR, MIROC5, MIROC-ESM, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, MRI-CGCM3, NorESM1-M and NCAR_CCSM4 for Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. Under RCP 2.6 only BCC_CSM1_1, CanESM2, CSIRO_MK36, GISS_E2_R_CC, and HadGEM2_ES are supported by LARS-WG model. Details about the model agency and the country it was developed are indicated in
Appendix A Table A1.
Daily rainfall projections were performed from 2021–2050, out of which annual maximum and total annual rainfall were determined under Representative Concertation Pathways (RCP) 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios. This study used a non-parametric Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing (Loess) to generate the best-fit line. This method uses weighted linear regression and weighted moving average smoother to fit a smooth curve through a scatter plot without assuming that the data must fit some distribution shape.
The projection for Francistown has high variability in the first ten and last ten years for all the climate scenarios reaching a maximum of 100 mm between 2040–2050. Jackalas 2 shows high rainfall projections between 2030–2040, the maximum being over 150 mm under RCP 8.5 climate scenario. Masunga shows less variability between 2025–2045, with highs of 100 mm under the RCP 2.6 climate scenario. Mathangwane also shows less variability averaging around 50 mm across all scenarios, with maximums recorded around 2045 estimated at around 175 mm. Matsiloje estimates are high in the first decade, decreasing with less variability towards 2050. The projections for Ramokgwebana, Siviya and Senyawe are high between 2040 and 2050, ranging from 100 to 200 mm. Tonota, on the other hand, is highly variable throughout, ranging between 40–150 mm. Below are samples for annual maximum plot projections for Francistown in
Figure 3 and
Figure 4. Other plots are in the
Appendix A Figure A1 for reference purposes.
3.2. Total Annual Rainfall Projections
Total annual rainfall projections for Jackalas 2 are highly variable, with projections reaching a maximum of 750 mm. Masunga shows a positive increase in total annual rainfall to a maximum of 800 mm across climate scenarios. A maximum of 1000 mm is expected in Mathangwane, with high variability until 2050. Matsiloje has high projections in the first and last decade, reaching a maximum of 750 mm per year. Increasing rainfall trends are anticipated in Ramokgwebana, with a maximum of 1000 mm expected around 2040. In Sebina, high variability is anticipated between the first and last decade, while Senyawe is less variable. However, over 1600 mm is expected towards 2050. Tonota, Siviya and Francistown are highly variable with undefined patterns with annual totals averaging around 500 mm across projection scenarios.
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 show projected rainfall totals for Francistown in different climate scenarios. Projections for other stations are in the
Appendix A Figure A1.
3.3. Model Validation
The LARS-WG statistical downscaling model was assessed for its performance using the Chi-square,
t-test, and f-test statistics alongside their
p-values at a 5% significance level. The sample performance of the model is shown in
Table 2 below for the Francistown station. The Chi-square shows a good performance by the model for Francistown station except for September, which has a
p-value less than the critical value of 0.05. This indicates that the observed and synthetically generated data comes from the same probability distribution. Except for June for Masunga, and July and August for Siviya, where the
p-value for the Chi-square is less than the critical value, the model performed well for other stations.
Masunga, Ramokgwebana, Sebina and Tonota have
p-values for
t-test statistics less than the critical value for March, October, April, and February, respectively. This indicates that only for these four months, the mean of observed and generated values is not from the same population. There the null hypothesis is rejected at a 95% confidence interval. The models, therefore, performed well for the datasets. However, based on the f-test statistic, this model did not perform well since the null hypothesis was rejected for June for Francistown, Senyawe, Masunga, Sebina, Mathangwane and Matsiloje. The
p-value is also less than the critical value for July for Senyawe, Sebina, Mathangwane, Siviya, and Ramokgwebana. And the month of May for Senyawe, Masunga, Mathangwane and Siviya. This indicates that observed and generated data are not from a normal distribution with the same variance for the mentioned months and stations. Other stations are in the
Appendix B section
Table A2.
3.4. Mann-Kendall, Sen’s Slope, and the Innovative Trends Analysis of Annual Total Rainfall for the Shashe Catchment
This section analyses the trend of total rainfall in ten gauging stations of the Shashe catchment for the 1981–2020 period. Six parameters of the trend are being analyzed here. The Tau value, the p-Value, the Z-Value based on the Mann-Kendall method (MK), the trend magnitude trend based on Sen’s Slope method, the Trend slope and Trend indicator at 95 percent Lower and Upper Confidence Limit using the Innovative Trends Analysis.
Table 3 below presents trends for gauging stations in the Shashe catchment using the Mann-Kendall method (MK), Sen’s Slope, and Innovative Trends Analysis. A significant decreasing trend is detected for observed datasets in Francistown, Mathangwane and Ramokgwebana. This is indicated by negative Tau and Z-values. As a result, annual total rainfall will decrease by 2.7 mm, 1 mm, and 0.2 mm per year in Francistown, Mathangwane and Ramokgwebana, respectively. The remaining station shows an increasing trend, with a maximum increase of 6.2 mm, 6.8 mm, and 8.0 mm per year in Siviya, Matsiloje and Sebina, respectively. The
p-value at 0.05 significance level only detects Matsiloje and Sebina as having a statistically significant trend as they have
p-values less than the critical value indicated in
Table 3 for observed rainfall.
Generally, it can be observed that there are discrepancies between observed and projected rainfall trends when using the Sen’s Slope and Mann-Kendall method (MK) trend indicators. For example, Siviya shows a decreasing trend under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios where rainfall decreases by 0.5–0.7 mm annually. On the other hand, a greater increase is notable for Francistown, Jackalas 2, Mathangwane, Ramokgwebana and Senyawe, with a rise between 2.4–6.7 mm per year across all climate scenarios. On the contrary, Masunga, Matsiloje, Sebina and Siviya, which show an increasing trend in observed records, have shown a decreasing trend in the projected trends.
Observed trends magnitude of total annual rainfall using the ITA is generally less than Sen’s Slope method by more than 50% except for Matsiloje, which is in the same range. The is less variation between the projected trend magnitude and the projected Sen’s Slope magnitude. Projected trends with ITA are higher than observed trends and show an increase in rainfall magnitude by up to 6.7 mm per year. Only Masunga and Siviya show a decreasing trend compared to the observed trend using the ITA method.
The trend results for the ITA method was plotted to visualize the pattern of rainfall for both observed and projected annual totals and annual maximums. According to ITA for observed total annual rainfall in
Figure 8, there is decreasing trend in minimum values for Francistown, Masunga, Mathangwane, Matsiloje, Ramokgwebana, and Siviya. Conversely, an increase in trends for minimum values is observed in Tonota and Senyawe. Jackalas_2 shows no significant observable trend. An increase in the trend for maximum values is observed in Masunga, Matsiloje, Sebina and Siviya. In contrast, a decrease in the trend for maximum values for observed total rainfall is observed in Francistown, Mathangwane, Ramokgwebana, and Tonota.
Trends for rainfall projections under RCP 2.6 scenario in
Figure 9 shows an increasing trend in minimum values and a decrease in trends for maximum values, except for Mathangwane, Sebina and Senyawe, which show an increasing trend in maximum values. The same pattern is repeated for projected total annual rainfall under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios, as shown in
Figure 10 and
Figure 11. However, Ramokgwebana shows an increasing trend for minimum and maximum values under the RCP 8.5 climate scenario.
3.5. Mann-Kendall, Sen’s Slope and the Innovative Trends Analysis of Annual Maximum Rainfall for the Shashe Catchment
The Tau, Z-value and Sen’s Slope for observed annual maximum rainfall indicates a decreasing trend for Francistown, Jackalas_2, Masunga, Matsiloje, Ramokgwebana and Sebina by a range between 0–1 mm per year. The remaining four (Mathangwane, Senyawe, Siviya and Tonota) stations show an increase by a range between 0.3–0.9 mm per year, as shown in
Table 4. Projected annual maximum rainfall shows contrary, positive trend results compared to negative observed rainfall values for Jackalas_2, Ramokgwebana and Sebina for all climate scenarios. In contrast, Francistown and Matsiloje show an increasing trend for RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 climate scenarios, while Siviya shows a decreasing trend for RCP 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios. It must be noted that the magnitude of Sen’s Slope trend ranges between −1 and 1 mm. The ITA method shows consistency in the direction of observed and projected trends for Ramokgwebana, Senyawe and Tonota for all climate scenarios. The same consistency is maintained for Francistown (RCP 4.5), Jackalas_2 (RCP 4.5 and 8.5, Masunga (RCP 4.5), Sebina (RCP 4.5) and Siviya (RCP 4.5 and 8.5). Inconsistencies between observed and projected annual maximum values are shown in Mathangwane for all climate scenarios, while Francistown, Jackalas_2, Masunga, Sebina, and Siviya for RCP 2.6. Inconsistencies are also notable between the trend magnitude of both Sen’s Slope and ITA.
The trend distribution for the ITA was also plotted for annual maximum rainfall for both observed and projected climate scenarios, as shown in
Figure 12,
Figure 13,
Figure 14 and
Figure 15. The plots for observed data sets show a decreasing trend for minimum values for Francistown, Jackalas_2, Masunga, Ramokgwebana, and Sebina. Only Mathangwane and Tonota show an increasing trend for minimum values. Matsiloje shows no significant visual trend, while Senyawe shows no significant trend for minimum values. There is a significant increasing trend in maximum values for Francistown, Ramokgwebana, Sebina, Siviya and Senyawe, as shown in
Figure 12.
Climate projections of annual maximum rainfall are somewhat more similar to the pattern of the ITA trend. Francistown, Masunga, Ramokgwebana, and Sebina show no significant trend in minimum rainfall values, while no significant trend is observed for maximum rainfall in Tonota. On the other hand, Ramokgwebana and Jackalas_2 show an increasing trend in maximum rainfall values. In contrast, a decreasing trend in maximum rainfall is observed for Francistown, Masunga, Mathangwane, Matsiloje, Sebina, Senyawe and Siviya.
3.6. Sample L-Moment Test Statistics for Sites in the Region
Annual maximum rainfall was used to determine sample test statistics for each site in the study region, as shown in
Table 5 for observed data,
Table 6 under RCP 2.6,
Table 7 under RCP 4.5, and
Table 8 under RCP 8.5 climate scenario. These test statistics are based on their position in the L-loment ratio diagram. The L-moment ratio diagram is developed based on the scatter plot of L-skewness (t3) and L-kurtosis (t4) for the ten sites of the study region concerning different 3-parameter distributions. This is used to choose a distribution that best fits the data.
The goodness of fit of a distribution is determined by how well L-skewness and L-kurtosis of the fitted distribution match the regional weighted means of L-skewness and L-kurtosis of the observed data [
81]. The regional average L-skewness and L-kurtosis are shown in
Table 9. Notably, the discordancy measure of all the sites in all four different study periods is less than the 2.491 critical value. This indicates that the study region is homogeneous.
3.7. Heterogeneity Measure for the Region
The heterogeneity (H) measure for the region based on L-skew/L-kurtosis ratios was determined for all the study periods based on 500 simulations, as indicated in
Table 10 below. The results show that the heterogeneity measure based on the L-skew/L-kurtosis ratio is the perfect fit for the study area since all the H values are less than the threshold for heterogeneity. A region is considered heterogeneous if H is sufficiently large. When H ≥ 2, the region is homogeneous if H < 1 and possibly homogeneous if 1 ≤ H < 2. Data for 1981–2020, the period under RCP 8.5 is acceptably homogeneous as H is between 1 ≤ H < 2; under RCP 2.6 and RCP4.5, the region is considered heterogeneous as H ≥ 2.
3.8. Goodness-of-Fit Statistical Measure and Parameter Estimates for Distributions
For this study five distributions with three parameters Generalized Logistic (GLO), Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Generalized Pareto (GPA), Log-Normal (LNO), and Pearson type III (PIII) are fitted regional average L-moment ratios. The
ZDIST goodness-of-fit measure selects a distribution that gives the closest estimate as observed data. A region is considered homogeneous if
if it is close to zero and it is acceptable of
. The results in
Table 11 indicate that Generalized logistics is the only best-fit distribution for observed and under-climate projections. All other distributions have a Z-Value greater than 1.64; hence not fit for further analysis. Parameters estimates for the best fit Generalized Logistic distribution were determined as indicated in
Table 12.
3.9. Estimation of the Quantiles
Parameter estimates for Generalised Logistic distributions were used for the estimation of quantiles. Three recurrence intervals (10-year, 50-year, and 100-year) were estimated using observed data with associated quantiles. First, quantiles for each rainfall gauging station were estimated, and the spatial distribution of each quantile was mapped in the study using the distance inverse Interpolation method, as shown in
Figure 16. Then, the same approach was repeated using climate projections. However, the quantiles were estimated for 10-year, 50-year, 100-year, 150-year and 200-year recurrence intervals, as shown in
Figure 17,
Figure 18 and
Figure 19. Corresponding areal coverage for spatial rainfall distribution for each recurrence interval was also computed. Changes in areal coverage are indicated in
Table 13,
Table 14,
Table 15 and
Table 16.
Generally, it can be observed that 10-year rainfall quantiles have less variability in spatial coverage compared to other return intervals. In a 10-year return interval for observed data, RCP 2.5 and RCP 8.5, a rainfall range between 91–120 mm covers at least 94% area of the entire catchment. Similarly, a 10-year rainfall range between 106–120 under RCP 4.5 covers over 80% of the entire catchment area. It is also observed that under climate projections, spatial areal coverage for lower rainfall ranges decreases while higher rainfall ranges increase. For example, a 50-year rainfall with magnitude 136–165 mm will have spatial areal coverage around 86%, 92% and 94% based on observed RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5, respectively, when it happens. Spatial coverage of a 100-year rainfall between 151–180 will be 81% based on observed data and 87% based on projected data under RCP 2.6 scenario. Under RCP 4.5 scenario, 92% of the area will be covered by rainfall between 166–195 mm. A 150-year rainfall with high spatial coverage will be of magnitude 166–195 mm (82%) under RCP 2.6 scenario, 181–210 mm (91%) under RCP 4.5 scenario and 181–210 mm (91%) under RCP 8.5 scenario. A 200-year rainfall that ranges between 196–225 mm under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 have high spatial coverage of at least 79% and 82%, respectively.
4. Discussion
Climate change has brought uncertainties and variations in hydro-metrological events by increasing and decreasing temperature trends, rainfall, droughts, and floods. Therefore, necessary to improve scientific research on hydro-climatic variables to reduce associated risks. This study analyses the characteristics of annual total and annual maximum rainfall for observed and under-projected climate scenarios. Annual total rainfall characteristics are required for water resources planning and management, while annual maximum rainfall characteristics are necessary for disaster management and risk assessment.
The Long Ashton Research Station Weather Generator (LARS-WG) statistical downscaling model was applied to downscale rainfall data from ten gauging stations in the Shashe catchment. Its performance was assessed using the Chi-square,
t-test, and f-test statistics alongside their
p-values at a 5% significance level. Generally, the Chi-square and
t-test performed well, with over 95% of datasets having a
p-value greater than the 0.05 critical value details in
Appendix B section
Table A2. Three distinctive trend analysis methods and one frequency analysis method were used in this study. The Mann-Kendall method for trend detection, Sen’s Slope to determine the magnitude of the trend, and the Innovative Trends Analysis (ITA) for quantifying and visualizing the distribution of trends. Regional frequency analysis based on L-moment was applied to annual maximums of observed and future rainfall projections to determine the magnitude of rainfall at given recurrence intervals. The magnitudes of rainfall were then mapped to provide a visual representation of rainfall in various scenarios.
Table 3 shows that there are inconsistencies between observed and projected total annual rainfall for all trend detection methods. Francistown Mathangwane and Ramokgwebana show a decrease in observed rainfall while futuristic projections are increasing. Observed total rainfall trends for Masunga, Matsiloje, Sebina and Siviya are increasing while projections are decreasing for both Sen’s Slope and ITA method.
Analysis of total annual rainfall based on the ITA plot shows a decreasing trend in rainfall for minimum values for Francistown, Masunga, Mathangwane, Matsiloje, Ramokgwebana, and Siviya in
Figure 8,
Figure 9,
Figure 10 and
Figure 11. An increase in trends for minimum values is observed in Tonota and Senyawe. Jackalas_2 shows no significant observable trend. An increase in the trend for maximum values is observed in Masunga, Matsiloje, Sebina and Siviya. In contrast, a decrease in the trend for maximum values for observed total rainfall is observed in Francistown, Mathangwane, Ramokgwebana, and Tonota as shown in
Figure 8. Trends for total rainfall projections under RCP 2.6 scenario in
Figure 9 shows an increasing trend in minimum values and a decrease in trends for maximum values, except for Mathangwane, Sebina and Senyawe, which show an increasing trend in maximum values. The same pattern is repeated for projected total annual rainfall under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios, as shown in
Figure 10 and
Figure 11. However, Ramokgwebana shows an increasing trend for minimum and maximum values under the RCP 8.5 climate scenario.
As for annual maximum rainfall, the ITA method shows consistency in the direction of observed and projected trends for Ramokgwebana, Senyawe and Tonota for all climate scenarios. The same consistency is maintained for Francistown (RCP 4.5), Jackalas_2 (RCP 4.5 and 8.5, Masunga (RCP 4.5), Sebina (RCP 4.5) and Siviya (RCP 4.5 and 8.5). However, inconsistencies between observed and projected annual maximum values are shown in Mathangwane for all climate scenarios, while Francistown, Jackalas_2, Masunga, Sebina, and Siviya for RCP 2.6. Inconsistencies are also notable between the trend magnitude of both Sen’s Slope and ITA.
The trend distribution for the ITA for annual maximum rainfall for both observed and projected climate scenarios is shown in
Figure 12,
Figure 13,
Figure 14 and
Figure 15. The plots for observed data sets show a decreasing trend for minimum values for Francistown, Jackalas_2, Masunga, Ramokgwebana, and Sebina. Only Mathangwane and Tonota show an increasing trend for minimum values. There are notable high outlying points with maximum values for Francistown, Ramokgwebana, Sebina, Siviya, and Senyawe, have shown in
Figure 12. Climate projections of annual maximum rainfall distribution pattern plots using ITA for Francistown, Masunga, Ramokgwebana, and Sebina show no significant trend in minimum rainfall values also, no significant trend is observed for maximum rainfall in Tonota. Ramokgwebana and Jackalas_2 show an increasing trend in maximum rainfall values, while decreasing trend in maximum rainfall is observed for Francistown, Masunga, Mathangwane, Matsiloje, Sebina, Senyawe and Siviya.
There is large rainfall variability in semi-arid regions, unlike in monsoon and tropical regions with less rainfall variability. Inconsistencies in trend analysis methods are prevalent in hydro-metrological studies. A recent study by [
48] found inconsistencies between Mann–Kendall test, the Modified Mann–Kendall (MMK) and the innovative trend analysis (ITA) method when analyzing precipitation data. Rainfall trends have also been found by several studies to be more unstable compared to temperature. Discrepancies between observed and projected trends may be due to significant uncertainties in climate model simulations [
82], and difficulties in climate models in understanding local climate processes [
83]. A study by [
85] also indicated that uncertainties in hydrological regimes might be due to climate scenarios, General Circulation Models (GCMs), and the choice of downscaling method.
The catchment is homogeneous as there is no discordant site in the region. The discordancy measure of all the sites in all four different study periods is less than the 2.491 critical value. Data for the 1981–2020 period and under RCP 8.5 is acceptably homogeneous as heterogeneity measure (H) is between 1 ≤ H < 2 while under RCP 2.6 and RCP4.5, the region is considered heterogeneous as H ≥ 2. Even though RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5 were heterogeneous, they were also included in the analysis for comparison purposes. The Generalized Logistic distribution was the best-fit distribution for observed and under-climate projection data. The assessment was based on the Z-Value, which is less than the critical value of 1.64. Therefore, it was used to estimate the quantiles for the region.
The quantiles have been estimated using the Generalized Logistic distribution. For observed data, quantiles were estimated for the following recurrence intervals: 10-, 50-, 100-year, while for combined dataset (observed and projected climate scenarios), quantiles were estimated for 10-, 50-, 100-, 150-, 200-year. The selection of these frequencies is based on the fact that return intervals should not be more than three times the size of the datasets, beyond which the accuracy reduces [
18]. It is also necessary to include higher recurrence intervals since previous extreme rainfall within and beyond 150 and 200-year quantiles has been recorded recently. Typically, between 1991–2011 over seven rainfall gauging stations recorded rainfall between 148–250 mm, consistent with 150 and 200-year recurrence intervals, with the highest being 250 mm recorded in Senyawe in 2004. It is observed in
Table 14,
Table 15 and
Table 16 that under climate projections, spatial areal coverage for lower rainfall ranges decreases while higher rainfall ranges increase. In a 10-year return interval for RCP 8.5, a rainfall range between 91–120 mm covers at least 94% of the entire catchment area. Similarly, a 10-year rainfall range between 106–120 mm under RCP 4.5 covers over 80% of the entire catchment area. A 50-year rainfall with magnitude 136–165 mm will have spatial areal coverage around 86%, 92% and 94% based on observed RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5, respectively, when it happens. Spatial coverage of a 100-year rainfall between 151–180 will be 81% based on observed data and 87% based on projected data under RCP 2.6 scenario. Under RCP 4.5 scenario, 92% of the area will be covered by rainfall between 166–195 mm. A 150-year rainfall with high spatial coverage will be of magnitude 166–195 mm (82%) under RCP 2.6 scenario, 181–210 mm (91%) under RCP 4.5 scenario and 181–210 mm (91%) under RCP 8.5 scenario. A projected 200-year rainfall that ranges between 196–225 mm under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 is likely to have a spatial coverage of at least 79% and 82%, respectively.
These results agree with a study by [
15], which indicates that Botswana’s population exposed to floods is likely to increase by 100% if the temperature rises by 3 °C. For instance, a 100-year rainfall higher than 181 mm has a spatial coverage of only 15% under current conditions compared to over 95% coverage under RCP 8.5 future climate scenario.
It is also observed that under climate projections, spatial areal coverage for lower rainfall ranges decreases while higher rainfall ranges increase. The interpretation of the result is that if a rainfall of high magnitude is to happen, it is highly likely to have more spatial coverage. Another notable observation is that rainfall increases from the west and northwest towards the east and northeastern parts of the catchment. The west and northwest receive relatively lower rainfall than the east and northeastern parts of the catchment. The north and northeastern are currently receiving rainfall of high magnitudes, and projections indicate that the magnitudes will increase further. This combination will increase rainfall runoff downstream, increasing the likelihood of floods.
One interesting discovery in this study is that floods have been hitting most places in the catchment, such as Francistown, the second capital city, because of its location relative to rainfall spatial distribution. For example, Francistown is in the eastern part of the catchment, which receives high rainfall magnitude. It is also located at the confluence of two significant rivers whose upstream is developed and receives high rainfall. Even though extreme rainfall is decreasing in the Francistown area, as indicated in
Table 3 and
Table 4, other factors, such as high-intensity rainfall and a combination of changing land use which increases surface runoff and reduces infiltration, can influence floods. Land use change has the potential to shift the natural hydrological and hydro-ecological cycles and processes, resulting in changes in structures, forces and parameters driving these cycles [
88]. It can modify the runoff process, increasing risk and vulnerability to climate change and associated natural disasters such as floods. Land use modification has a significant influence in determining time to concentration, travel time and discharge volume. Urban development lowers retardancy to flow, reduces infiltration rate, and decreases the time of concentration and travel time due to increasing the peak discharge [
93]. Therefore, it is unsurprising that despite insignificant trends in extreme rainfall events, floods are experienced in the catchment. Therefore, this study recommends further studies on the potential effect of land use change on the rainfall-runoff process.