Smart Detection System of Safety Hazards in Industry 5.0
:1. Introduction
2. Industry 5.0: Building a Human-Centric Industry
2.1. Evolution of Industrial Revolutions and Industry 5.0
2.2. Employee Safety in Industry 5.0 Manufacturing via Safety Management
3. Related Work and Background
3.1. Synthetic Datasets
3.2. Object Detection Algorithms
4. Flexible and Adjustable Detection System
- Synthetic Dataset Creation: The initial stage contains the processes to generate a dataset of synthetic images via a virtual environment;
- AI Model Creation: The second stage focuses on the definition of the AI model architecture for object detection tasks as well as the training of the model. Additionally, the evaluation of model performance is performed based on appropriate metrics to gain insights into how well the model identifies objects.
4.1. Synthetic Dataset Creation
4.2. AI Model Creation
4.2.1. AI Model Definition and Training
4.2.2. AI Model Evaluation
5. Experiments and Results
5.1. Real-World and Synthetic Datasets Description
5.2. AI Model Training on Real-World and Synthetic Datasets
5.3. Experimenting with Synthetic and Limited Amount of Real-World Data
5.4. Synthetic Dataset of Four PPE Classes
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AI | Artificial Intelligence | R-CNN | Region-based Convolutional Neural Network |
AP | Average Precision | SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
CHV | Color Helmet and Vest | SSD | Single Shot Multibox Detector |
FN | False Negative | SYN_HV | Synthetic Helmet and Vest |
FP | False Positive | TP | True Positive |
IoU | Intersection over Union | VE | Virtual Environment |
mAP | Mean Average Precision | VNE | Virtual Network Embedding |
ML | Machine Learning | VR | Virtual Reality |
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | YOLO | You Only Look Once |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
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Research Paper | Domain | Task |
Boyong He et al. [24] | Maritime surveillance | Ship recognition in aerial images |
Kai Wang et al. [25] | Robot scene understanding | Object detection in vending machine |
Tremblay et al. [22] | Objects detection for the household environment | |
Rampini and Re Cecconi [26] | Facilities management | Facility management component object detection |
Akar et al. [27] | Industry | Dataset for object detection |
Saleh et al. [28] | Urban scene understanding | Semantic Segmentation |
Sutjaritvorakul et al. [29] | Construction site safety management | Worker detection |
Neuhausen et al. [30] | Worker detection and tracking | |
Lee and Lee [31] | Worker fall detection |
Algorithm ID | Functionality |
GridPicker/GridEnabler | Picks/Enables random layout to be displayed |
SeatPicker | Picks and enables random human postures |
ForegroundObjectRandomizer | Randomly changes rotation and scale parameters of human 3D model |
WearablesRandomizer | Picks and enables random 3D PPE on each human 3D model |
HueRandomizer | Randomly changes the hue of the 3D object |
CustomTextureRandomizer | Randomly changes the texture of the 3D object |
Trained Dataset | Precision | Recall | AP Vest | AP Helmet | mAP |
CHV | 89.6% | 84.8% | 86.4% | 91.4% | 88.9% |
SYN_HV | 77.5% | 67.8% | 67.6% | 75.5% | 71.6% |
Experiment ID | Real Images Number | Synthetic Images Number |
E1_50_0 | 50 | 0 |
E2_50_50 | 50 | 50 |
E3_50_100 | 50 | 100 |
E4_50_150 | 50 | 150 |
Ε5_50_300 | 50 | 300 |
E6_50_600 | 50 | 600 |
E7_50_1200 | 50 | 1200 |
E1_50_0 | E2_50_50 | E3_50_100 | E4_50_150 | E5_50_300 | E6_50_600 | E7_50_1200 | |
mAP | 14.3% | 16.3% | 17.3% | 71.2% | 79.5% | 84.1% | 81.0% |
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Bourou, S.; Maniatis, A.; Kontopoulos, D.; Karkazis, P.A. Smart Detection System of Safety Hazards in Industry 5.0. Telecom 2024, 5, 1-20.
Bourou S, Maniatis A, Kontopoulos D, Karkazis PA. Smart Detection System of Safety Hazards in Industry 5.0. Telecom. 2024; 5(1):1-20.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBourou, Stavroula, Apostolos Maniatis, Dimitris Kontopoulos, and Panagiotis A. Karkazis. 2024. "Smart Detection System of Safety Hazards in Industry 5.0" Telecom 5, no. 1: 1-20.
APA StyleBourou, S., Maniatis, A., Kontopoulos, D., & Karkazis, P. A. (2024). Smart Detection System of Safety Hazards in Industry 5.0. Telecom, 5(1), 1-20.