Mitigating Timing Side-Channel Attacks in Software-Defined Networks: Detection and Response †
:1. Introduction
- To detect the timing side-channel attacks, this solution employs machine learning techniques to accurately predict the network timing probe activity. First, we review, the currently available SDN datasets for the timing side-channel attack parameters. Subsequently, we generated a dataset and utilised our labelling algorithm.
- A response mechanism is implemented to respond to the identified side-channel attack probes. This mechanism involves developing a feedback-oriented response, designed to block or divert the identified source, while minimising any adverse effects on legitimate network traffic. This methodology is characterised by an automated data-driven approach that enables prompt and effective responses.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Methodology
3.1. Solution Architecture
3.1.1. Detection Phase
3.1.2. Response Phase
3.2. Dataset
3.3. Solution Blueprint
3.3.1. Conversion Module
3.3.2. Pre-Processing Module
3.3.3. Algorithm (Labelling Scheme)
Algorithm 1 Classification algorithm for attack packets [47] |
N = Number of samples with no destination MAC addresses. |
T = Total Number of collected samples. |
i = N; |
t = T; |
n ← 10; |
p ← 0.8; |
3.3.4. Training Module
3.3.5. Monitoring Module
3.3.6. Data Collection Module
3.3.7. Data Analysis Module
3.3.8. Response Module
3.3.9. Feedback Module
4. Experiments and Results
5. Discussion
5.1. Comparison with Other Work
5.2. Advantages
5.2.1. Compatibility with SDN Environments
5.2.2. Validation of Attack Responses
5.2.3. Reduced Impact of Attack and Downtime
5.2.4. Reduced Human Interference
5.3. Limitations
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
SDN | Software-defined networking |
DDoS | Distributed Denial-of-Service |
TTL | Time-to-live |
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Title | Solution and Features | Issues and Limitations |
Timing-based Reconnaissance and Defense in Software-defined Networks [44] | OpenFlow Timeout Proxy: Sends default responses if the controller is taking more time. | Limited responses: An attacker can generate traffic to fill the switch flow table. Limited to less than 10,000 packets/s. |
SDN/NFV security framework for fog-to-things computing infrastructure [45] | DDoS/botnets detection and response: Detects attacks and installs Drop rules. | Sends drop rules that can drop legitimate traffic. Also, there is no revision of the drop rule suggested. |
A Framework for Real-Time Intrusion Response in Software-defined Networking Using Precomputed Graphical Security Models [46] | Real-time intrusion response in SDN using precomputation: Estimates possible attack paths. | Response drops all outgoing traffic from the affected VM, which impacts all services. |
A Security Architecture Proposal for Detection and Response to Threats in SDN Networks [13] | Network architecture for SDN with detection/protection mechanisms, including IDS technology. | The solution has a high response time (6–7 s) and the response drops all traffic from the node. |
Counteracting Attacks From Malicious End Hosts in Software-defined Networks [42] | Propose techniques for securing the Controller, switches, and legitimate end hosts from malicious end host attacks in SDNs | The solution drops incoming flow requests as a proactive response. No feedback or monitoring is used on the dropped flow request. |
Dataset Name | Source MAC Address | Destination MAC Address | Source IP Address | Destination IP Address | Time Stamp | TTL | Protocol |
SDN Intrusion Detection [48] | x | x | ✓ | ✓ | x | ✓ | ✓ |
DDoS SDN Dataset [49] | x | x | ✓ | ✓ | x | x | ✓ |
UNR-IDD Intrusion Detection Dataset [50] | x | x | x | x | x | ✓ | ✓ |
NSL-KDD [51] | x | x | x | x | x | x | ✓ |
Proposed Dataset for Solution | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
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Share and Cite
Shoaib, F.; Chow, Y.-W.; Vlahu-Gjorgievska, E.; Nguyen, C. Mitigating Timing Side-Channel Attacks in Software-Defined Networks: Detection and Response. Telecom 2023, 4, 877-900.
Shoaib F, Chow Y-W, Vlahu-Gjorgievska E, Nguyen C. Mitigating Timing Side-Channel Attacks in Software-Defined Networks: Detection and Response. Telecom. 2023; 4(4):877-900.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShoaib, Faizan, Yang-Wai Chow, Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, and Chau Nguyen. 2023. "Mitigating Timing Side-Channel Attacks in Software-Defined Networks: Detection and Response" Telecom 4, no. 4: 877-900.
APA StyleShoaib, F., Chow, Y.-W., Vlahu-Gjorgievska, E., & Nguyen, C. (2023). Mitigating Timing Side-Channel Attacks in Software-Defined Networks: Detection and Response. Telecom, 4(4), 877-900.