The CornerGuard: Seeing around Corners to Prevent Broadside Collisions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. System Overview
2.2. Doppler Effect
2.3. The Reflector
2.4. Procedure
- Programming and integrating the radar sensor. Connect a radar sensor and an OBD device to a laptop computer (Figure 1). Write a Python program to communicate with the radar sensor and OBD via USB communication ports.
- Designing and building the stationary reflector. Secure a flexible aluminum sheet to a hardboard with screws to form the reflective surface, and bend it using paracord as bowstrings to form a arc surface (Figure 2). Secure the surface to a sharpened wooden plank to form a stake.
- Collecting and analyzing data. Record the speeds, distances, and angles of objects detected by the radar sensor in tests. Use an OBD package to constantly read the car’s speed. Compare the reading with the speeds of the objects detected by the radar sensor in the program. Save all data to a text file. If the speed of an object detected by the radar sensor is greater than the instantaneous speed of the car read by the OBD, save the detection data to a separate text file.
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Range and Blind Spot Assessment
3.2. Simulation Assessment
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Code
- # Script to read out raw target data from RFbeam K-LD7 and speed of car
- $ from OBD2, detect approaching object around corner, and save data
- # to files
- #
- # Author: Victor Xu, Sheng Xu
- # Date: Nov and Dec 2023
- # Python Version: 3#
- # Notes: Use correct COM Port (specifed by port properties
- # in device manager (in Windows) for each serial device
- # and make sure all modules are installed before executing
- import time
- import serial
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- import math
- import obd
- import re
- import winsound
- print(’Start tracking!’)
- # specify runtime, data file names
- runtime = 0.5 # minutes
- speederror = -3 # km/h
- dur = 1000 # milisecond, duration of alerting sound
- allobjfile = ’allobj282.txt’ # all objects
- detectedobjfile = ’detectedobj282.txt’ # target object
- # specify correct COM USB ports for serial devices
- COM_Port = ’COM8’ # port for radar sensor
- OBD_Port = ’COM9’ # port for OBD2
- # create serial object with corresponding COM Port and open it
- com_obj=serial.Serial(COM_Port)
- print(com_obj)
- com_obj.baudrate=115200
- com_obj.parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN
- com_obj.stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE
- com_obj.bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS
- # connect to sensor and set baudrate
- payloadlength = (4).to_bytes(4, byteorder=’little’)
- value = (0).to_bytes(4, byteorder=’little’)
- header = bytes(“INIT”, ’utf-8’)
- cmd_init = header+payloadlength+value
- com_obj.write(cmd_init)
- # get response
- response_init =
- if response_init[8] != 0:
- print(’Error during initialisation for K-LD7’)
- else:
- print(’K-LD7 successfully initialized!’)
- # delay 75ms
- time.sleep(0.075)
- # change to higher baudrate
- com_obj.baudrate = 115200
- # change max speed to 50km/h
- value = (2).to_bytes(4, byteorder=’little’)
- header = bytes(“RSPI”, ’utf-8’)
- cmd_frame = header+payloadlength+value
- com_obj.write(cmd_frame)
- # get response
- response_init =
- if response_init[8] != 0:
- print(’Error: Command not acknowledged’)
- else:
- print(’Max speed successfully set!’)
- # change max range to 100m
- value = (3).to_bytes(4, byteorder=’little’)
- header = bytes(“RRAI”, ’utf-8’)
- cmd_frame = header+payloadlength+value
- com_obj.write(cmd_frame)
- # get response
- response_init =
- if response_init[8] != 0:
- print(’Error: Command not acknowledged’)
- else:
- print(’Max distance successfully set!’)
- # create figure for real-time plotting
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
- plt.ion()
- starttime=time.time()
- connection = obd.OBD(OBD_Port) # create connection with USB 0
- print(’OBD2 successfully connected!’)
- detobj = open(detectedobjfile,’w’)
- allobj = open(allobjfile,’w’)
- # readout and plot PDAT data continuously
- # for ctr in range(100):
- while 1:
- # request next frame data
- PDAT = (4).to_bytes(4, byteorder=’little’)
- header = bytes(“GNFD”, ’utf-8’)
- cmd_frame = header+payloadlength+PDAT
- com_obj.write(cmd_frame)
- # get acknowledge
- resp_frame =
- if resp_frame[8] != 0:
- print(’Error: Command not acknowledged’)
- # get header
- resp_frame =
- # get payload len
- resp_len =
- # initialize arrays
- distances_x = np.zeros(100)
- distances_y = np.zeros(100)
- speeds = np.zeros(100)
- distances = np.zeros(100)
- angles = np.zeros(100)
- i = 0
- length = resp_len[0]
- # get data, until payloadlen is zero
- while length > 0:
- PDAT_Distance = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint16)
- PDAT_Speed = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.int16)/100
- PDAT_Angle = math.radians(np.frombuffer(,\
- dtype=np.int16)/100)
- PDAT_Magnitude = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint16)
- distances_x[i] = -(PDAT_Distance * math.sin(PDAT_Angle))/100
- distances_y[i] = PDAT_Distance * math.cos(PDAT_Angle)/100
- distances[i] = PDAT_Distance/100
- speeds[i] = PDAT_Speed
- angles[i] = math.degrees(PDAT_Angle)
- i = i + 1
- # subtract stored datalen from payloadlen
- length = length - 8
- # current time
- lapsedtime = time.time()-starttime
- # read car speed from obd and convert it to float
- cmd = obd.commands.SPEED # select an OBD command (sensor)
- response = connection.query(cmd) # send the command,
- # and parse the response
- speedstring = str(response.value)
- print(speedstring) # in km/h
- speedstr=re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.?\d+|[-+]?\d+",speedstring)[0]
- carspeed=-float(speedstr)
- print(carspeed)
- # clear figure
- plt.clf()
- # plot speed/distance
- if np.count_nonzero(distances)==0:
- print(lapsedtime,carspeed,0.0,0.0,0.0,sep=’,’,end=’\n’,file=allobj)
- print(lapsedtime,carspeed,0.0,0.0,0.0,sep=’,’,end=’\n’,file=detobj)
- sub1 = plt.subplot(121)
- for j in range(np.count_nonzero(distances)):
- print(lapsedtime,carspeed,speeds[j],distances[j],angles[j],\
- sep=’,’,end=’\n’,file=allobj)
- if speeds[j]<carspeed+speederror:
- print(“Approaching object around corner detected!”)
- freq = 1000
- if distances[j]<5:
- freq = 3000 # Hz, sound frequency
- winsound.Beep(freq,dur)
- print(lapsedtime,carspeed,speeds[j],distances[j],angles[j],\
- sep=’,’,end=’\n’,file=detobj)
- else:
- print(lapsedtime,carspeed,0.0,0.0,0.0,sep=’,’,end=’\n’,\
- file=detobj)
- point_Sub1, = sub1.plot(speeds[j],distances[j],\
- marker=’o’,markersize=15, markerfacecolor=’b’,\
- markeredgecolor=’k’)
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.axis([-75, 75, 0, 100])
- plt.title(’Distance / Speed’)
- plt.xlabel(’Speed [km/h]’)
- plt.ylabel(’Distance [m]’)
- # plot distance/distance
- sub2 = plt.subplot(122)
- for y in range(np.count_nonzero(distances_x)):
- if speeds[y] > 0 :
- point_Sub2, = sub2.plot(distances_x[y], distances_y[y],\
- marker=’o’, markersize=15,markerfacecolor=’g’,\
- markeredgecolor=’k’)
- else:
- point_Sub2, = sub2.plot(distances_x[y], distances_y[y],\
- marker=’o’,markersize=15,markerfacecolor=’r’,\
- markeredgecolor=’k’)
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.axis([-10, 10, 0, 100])
- plt.title(’Distance / Distance \n (Green: Receding, Red: Approaching)’)
- plt.xlabel(’Distance [m]’)
- plt.ylabel(’Distance [m]’)
- # draw no. of targets
- plt.text(0.8, 0.95,’No. of targets: ’ +
- \str(np.count_nonzero(distances)), horizontalalignment=’center’,\
- verticalalignment=’center’, transform = sub2.transAxes)
- # draw figure
- fig.canvas.draw()
- fig.canvas.flush_events()
- # reset arrays
- distances_x = np.zeros(100)
- distances_y = np.zeros(100)
- speeds = np.zeros(100)
- distances = np.zeros(100)
- i = 1
- # exit when time is up
- if lapsedtime>runtime*60: #lapsed time>runtime in minutes
- print(’Trial ends!’)
- break
- # close files
- detobj.close()
- allobj.close()
- # disconnect from sensor
- payloadlength = (0).to_bytes(4, byteorder=’little’)
- header = bytes(“GBYE”, ’utf-8’)
- cmd_frame = header+payloadlength
- com_obj.write(cmd_frame)
- # get response
- response_gbye =
- if response_gbye[8] != 0:
- print(“Error during disconnecting with K-LD7”)
- # close connection to COM port
- com_obj.close()
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Xu, V.; Xu, S. The CornerGuard: Seeing around Corners to Prevent Broadside Collisions. Vehicles 2024, 6, 1468-1481.
Xu V, Xu S. The CornerGuard: Seeing around Corners to Prevent Broadside Collisions. Vehicles. 2024; 6(3):1468-1481.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Victor, and Sheng Xu. 2024. "The CornerGuard: Seeing around Corners to Prevent Broadside Collisions" Vehicles 6, no. 3: 1468-1481.
APA StyleXu, V., & Xu, S. (2024). The CornerGuard: Seeing around Corners to Prevent Broadside Collisions. Vehicles, 6(3), 1468-1481.