The Representation of Vernacular Architecture in the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Works of Art as Tools to Understand the Historical Landscape
2.2. The 1427 Florentine Cadastre
2.3. Previous Research on Italian Rural Architecture
3. Results
3.1. The Landscape of the Art by Lorenzo Ghiberti
3.2. The Hut as Housing Archetype
3.3. The Tent as Iconographic Paradigm
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Two of the three doors of the Florence Baptistery were commissioned to Ghiberti: the second (1403–1424) with the Stories from the Life of Christ and the third (1425–1452) with the Stories from the Old Testament. With the latter, breaking with a millenary tradition that had seen bronze doors decorated with a great number of individual panels (twenty-eight in the case of the first door by Andrea Pisano and the second door as well), the author describes the events included in the first books of the Bible in just ten panels, abandoning at the same time the quatrefoil and using the square format instead [2] (p. 68). |
2 | Here, the use of ‘landscape characterised by cultivated areas’ and ‘agrarian landscape’, rather than the general ’rural landscape’, was preferred since agriculture and crops strongly characterized the landscape of the 15th century. |
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4 | The experience described in this paper is part of a complex, interdisciplinary, and multi-scalar project called “Ghibertiana”, see, aimed at enhancing the link between the cultural heritage of the lower Valdisieve and the works of Lorenzo Ghiberti. |
5 | The representations of landscape created in this period constitute the prelude of ’Landscape art’, the movement that began from the middle of the 16th century [26]. |
6 | For the first time in Florentine tax history, taxpayers had to declare to the state their cash, credits, public debt securities, the market value of goods, and the earnings obtained from craft and commercial activities [27] (p. 37). |
7 | The 1427 Cadastre records contain the following information about the entire countryside and the city of Florence: (1) owner, description, location, form of management, worker, value and dominical income in coin and in kind of each land and property unit; (2) owner, form of management, possible breeder, value of working oxen as of other capital invested in livestock; (3) value and borrowers of loans tied to sharecropping contracts; (4) value and borrowers of other loans; (5) number and composition of households and total labor force; (6) tax rate due (cadastre), calculated for peasants on the basis of adult male labor force (per person) added to the wealth estimate. The survey is important because it also included people that had no wealth, and the primary residence was tax-free for each category, usually calculated in the cadastral lot [30] (p. 285). |
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9 | The Charter on the Built Vernacular Heritage defines built vernacular heritage as “the fundamental expression of the culture of a community, of its relationship with its territory and, at the same time, the expression of the world’s cultural diversity”. |
10 | The specific needs related to a place, a geo-political setting, a culture, etc., have led to mutations and evolutions of archetypes that, while essentially have not affected the original generative principles, actually may have contributed to making them less recognizable. This is even more applicable in the urban environment, where demographic concentration encourages a more rapid transformation. |
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Merlo, A.; Lavoratti, G. The Representation of Vernacular Architecture in the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Heritage 2024, 7, 5084-5102.
Merlo A, Lavoratti G. The Representation of Vernacular Architecture in the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Heritage. 2024; 7(9):5084-5102.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMerlo, Alessandro, and Gaia Lavoratti. 2024. "The Representation of Vernacular Architecture in the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti" Heritage 7, no. 9: 5084-5102.
APA StyleMerlo, A., & Lavoratti, G. (2024). The Representation of Vernacular Architecture in the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Heritage, 7(9), 5084-5102.