Russian Icons, 17th–18th c. Non-Destructive, Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methodology for an Integrated Study of Micrographic Triptychs from the Benaki Museum Collection
:1. Introduction
Criteria Relating to the Methodology and the Choice of Analysed Spots
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Visual Examination
2.2. Imaging
2.3. XRF Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Metal Frames
3.2. The Panels
3.3. The Canvas
3.4. Design
3.5. Use of Metal Leaves and Striations
3.6. Paint Layers
3.6.1. Pigments
3.6.2. Painting Techniques
The Painting of the Faces and Flesh Parts
The Painting of Garments
4. Evaluation
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pigments | #14126 | #14147 | #14461 | #29534 & #29535 |
Lead white | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Carbon black | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Iron oxides | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Cinnabar | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Azurite | ● | ● | ● | |
Malachite | ● | ● | ● | |
Copper green (Verdigris) | ● | ● | ● | |
Green earth | ● | ● | ● | |
Umber | ● | |||
Orpiment | ● | |||
Minium | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Ultramarine | ○ | ○ | ||
Indigo/woad | ○ | ● | ||
Red lake | ● | ● | ● |
Colour/Area Description | #14126 | #14147 | #14461 | #29534 & #29535 |
Browns & salmon pinks Faces & flesh parts | U: red iron oxides, lead white, green earth, carbon black and copper green or blue MT: lead white, iron oxide, cinnabar | U: iron oxides, lead white, green earth MT: lead white, iron oxide S: iron oxide, cinnabar | U: yellow ochre, lead white, carbon black MT: iron oxides, lead white H: lead white | Iron oxides, lead white, cinnabar, green earth U: also includes umber |
Red garments | U: cinnabar, lead white S: lake | Cinnabar S: lake | U: cinnabar plain or with lead white or minium, carbon black | Cinnabar, lead white and/or minium, iron oxides and/or green earth |
Orange garments | Iron oxides, cinnabar, lead white, carbon black | Iron oxides, lead white, cinnabar | ||
Orange (Salmon) garments | Lead white, red lake, iron oxides, azurite | |||
Pinks | Table cover U: lead white, cinnabar, carbon black S: iron oxide | Building U: lead white, cinnabar, azurite | Building Lead white, cinnabar | |
Purple maphoria | Red lake | Red lake, iron oxide, carbon black | Red iron oxide, azurite, lake | |
U: lead white, red iron oxide Sc: red lake | ||||
Purple garments | U: red iron oxide, lead white, azurite, carbon black | Lead white, cinnabar, umber and/or iron oxides, possibly green earth and lake | ||
Ochres | Mountain Iron oxides, lead white, carbon black S: lake | Horse Lead white, yellow ochre | ||
Browns | Garments Azurite or malachite, chervlen or lake, green earth or iron oxides | Hair U: iron oxides, lead white, carbon black | Wings, garments U: umber, possibly red iron oxide, lead white, carbon black, copper blue or green pigment, green earth | |
Blue garments | Azurite, verdigris or indigo/woad | Ultramarine or indigo/woad, lead white, iron oxides | ||
Blues | Sky Lead white, carbon black | Building Lead white, azurite, verdigris, cinnabar | ||
Green garments | Verdigris, lead white | U: green earth, lead white, possibly iron oxides | Malachite, lead white, iron oxides | U: lead white, green earth, orpiment, cinnabar, umber |
U: verdigris S: iron oxides, lead white or minium | ||||
Green mountains | Verdigris, lead white, green earth or carbon black | U: lead white, iron oxides, cinnabar S: green earth, carbon black | ||
Greens | Sky Lead white, azurite | Leaves Malachite, iron oxides | ||
Background Verdigris, lead white | ||||
Water Verdigris, green earth | ||||
Greys | Building U: lead white, iron oxides, carbon black | Garment Lead white, green earth, cinnabar, carbon black | ||
Hair Lead white, iron oxides, green earth | ||||
Tomb stone U: lead white, verdigris, carbon black | ||||
White garments | Lead white | Lead white | Lead white, iron oxides, carbon black | |
Blacks | Horse U: carbon black, lead white, iron oxides | Background Carbon black, lead white, umber and/or iron oxides | ||
Ground U: carbon black, iron oxides and/or green earth, lead white |
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Share and Cite
Kalliga, A.E.; Alexopoulou, A.G. Russian Icons, 17th–18th c. Non-Destructive, Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methodology for an Integrated Study of Micrographic Triptychs from the Benaki Museum Collection. Heritage 2023, 6, 1325-1343.
Kalliga AE, Alexopoulou AG. Russian Icons, 17th–18th c. Non-Destructive, Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methodology for an Integrated Study of Micrographic Triptychs from the Benaki Museum Collection. Heritage. 2023; 6(2):1325-1343.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKalliga, Alexandra Eleni, and Athina Georgia Alexopoulou. 2023. "Russian Icons, 17th–18th c. Non-Destructive, Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methodology for an Integrated Study of Micrographic Triptychs from the Benaki Museum Collection" Heritage 6, no. 2: 1325-1343.
APA StyleKalliga, A. E., & Alexopoulou, A. G. (2023). Russian Icons, 17th–18th c. Non-Destructive, Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methodology for an Integrated Study of Micrographic Triptychs from the Benaki Museum Collection. Heritage, 6(2), 1325-1343.