Semantic Bridging of Cultural Heritage Disciplines and Tasks
:1. Introduction
2. Method
2.1. Data Sources Collection and Study
2.2. Identifying Disciplines and Tasks
3. Merging, Mapping and Extending the CIDOC CRM
3.1. CIDOC CRM Family Models
3.2. Merging and Mapping Approaches
3.3. Extending Approaches
4. Overview and Association of Different Approaches
5. Conclusions
- Education and entertainment (edutainment)
- Approach and Information of the Community (national and international) and Development of new Communities
- Information Service
- Enhanced public access over the Internet
- Control of Content Management
- and Measurement of Results.
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | ISO Standard “Information and Documentation: A Reference Ontology for the Interchange of Cultural Heritage Information” (ISO 21127:2006). |
2 | |
3 | |
4 |
Disciplines | Projects |
Archaeology | Star Project [9], DECHO Project [10], ARCHES Project [11], PARTHENOS Project [14], ARIADNE Project [15], GROPLAN Project [19] |
Architecture | ARCHES Project [11] |
CH (in general) | “Sampo” portals [8], PARTHENOS Project [14], 3D-COFORM Project [16] |
History | “Sampo” portals [8], PARTHENOS Project [14], Papyrus Project [20] |
Library and Archival Science | WissKI Project [12], DOREMUS Project [21] |
Museology | ResearchSpace [7], Invisibilia Project [22] |
Preservation Science | DALI Project [13], DOC-CULTURE Project [5], CASPAR Project [17], PARCOURS Project [18] |
Description | Type | Discipline | Task | Encoding | Year |
ABC and CIDOC/CRM ontologies merging | Merging | Library and Archival Science | Information provenance; Multimedia | RDFS | 2006 |
Mapping from the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Dublin Core (DC) metadata to CIDOC/CRM | Mapping | Library and Archival Science | - | (encoding neutral) | 2007 |
FRBRoo is a conceptual model for bibliographic information | Extending | Library and Archival Science | - | RDF | 2008 |
CRM-EH covers the archaeological excavation and analysis workflow | Extending | Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | RDF, SKOS | 2008 |
CRMgeo provides an “articulation” between the standards of the geospatial and the cultural heritage community | Extending | Geography | - | RDFS | 2009 |
STAR Project Ontology implements archaeological time periods using CIDOC CRM and SKOS | Extending | Archaeology | Dating | RDF | 2010 |
Papyrus History ontology captures the history perspective on events and topics covered by the news | Extending | History | Information provenance, Information retrieval | RDF/OWL | 2010 |
CRMdig encodes metadata about the steps and methods of production (“provenance”) of digitization products and synthetic digital representations | Extending | CH (in general) | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis; Digitization | RDFS | 2011 |
Mapping the Traditional Malay Textile Knowledge Model (TMT) for textile description to CIDOC CRM | Mapping/Merging | History | - | RDFS | 2011 |
Combining the CIDOC CRM and MPEG-7 to describe multimedia in museums | Mapping | Library and Archival Science | Multimedia | (encoding neutral) | 2011 |
Mapping the VRA Core, which provides guidance to describe artwork, to CIDOC CRM | Mapping | Library and Archival Science | Visualization | Path-oriented MDL | 2011 |
Mapping the Italian archaeological documentation system (ICCD) to CIDOC CRM | Mapping | Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | (encoding neutral) | 2013 |
PRESoo represents the underlying semantics of bibliographic information about periodicals | Extending | Library and Archival Science | - | RDF | 2014 |
Arches project—Mapping CIDOC—CDS to CIDOC CRM | Mapping | Architecture; Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis; Multimedia | (encoding neutral) | 2014 |
Ontology of Paintings and Preservation of Art (OPPRA) covers the needs of paintings conservation and material analysis | Extending | Preservation Science | Conservation treatment; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | OWL DL, OWL 2 RL | 2014 |
Invisibilia project—Intangible Component of Contemporary Art Ontology | Extending | Museology | Visualization | RDF/XML | 2014 |
CRMsci is a global schema about scientific observation, measurements and processed data | Extending | CH (in general) | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | RDFS | 2015 |
CRMinf is a global schema about argumentation and inference making | Extending | CH (in general) | Scientific reasoning | RDF | 2015 |
CRMarchaeo supports the archaeological excavation process and the various entities and activities related to it | Extending | Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis; Dating | RDFS | 2015 |
GROPLAN provides the management of the coherence of measurement results about 3D models that have been created based on photogrammetric processes | Extending | Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis; Multimedia; Digitization | OWL 2 | 2015 |
DOC-Culture Ontology defines the conservation interventions and analysis methods performed on artefacts | Extending | Preservation Science | Conservation treatment; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | (encoding neutral) | 2015 |
Ontoceramic is an OWL ontology for ceramics cataloguing and classification | Extending | Archaeology | Information provenance; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | OWL 2 | 2015 |
CRMepi encodes epigraphic concepts and models the scientific process of investigation related to the study of epigraphy | Extending | Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | XML | 2015 |
CRMba encodes metadata about the documentation of archaeological buildings | Extending | Architecture; Archaeology | Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis; Dating | RDF | 2016 |
Ontology for Dutch Golden Age artwork importing Getty ULAN controlled vocabulary | Extending | History of Art | Scientific reasoning | RDF/OWL | 2017 |
Bio CRM is an extension of CIDOC CRM into the sub-domain of biography | Extending | History | - | RDF/OWL | 2017 |
Polygnosis is a thesaurus about conservation and laser technologies that uses CIDOC CRM as a backbone | Extending | Preservation Science | Conservation treatment; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | XML/XSD | 2017 |
PARCOURS conservation/restoration ontology focuses on conservation-restoration processes | Extending | Preservation Science | Conservation treatment; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | OWL 2 QL | 2017 |
Mapping CMDI metadata to Parthenos Entities model (CRMpe) | Mapping | CH (in general) | Language Resources | X3ML | 2017 |
CRMpe (PARTHENOS Entities) is a super—model to support research into the human past | Extending | CH (in general) | Information provenance | RDFS | 2017 |
CulTO ontology characterizes religious historical building and supports its modeling | Extending | Architecture; Preservation Science | Digitization; Multimedia; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | OWL 2 | 2017 |
Building Conservation ontology facilitates the reality-based 3D semantic annotations of the building conservation state | Mapping | Preservation Science; Architecture | Conservation treatment; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis, Digitization; Multimedia | Protégé-OWL, SQL/SPARQL | 2018 |
CORE focuses on materials and techniques, condition state and conservation processes of artwork, and particularly byzantine icons | Extending | Preservation Science | Conservation treatment; Scientific observation, analysis and diagnosis | OWL 2 | 2018 |
OntoMP uses CIDOC CRM, FOAF and DBPedia to create virtual rooms and enable visitors to lookup individual life stories and also inter-cross information among them | Extending | Museology | Visualization | RDF | 2018 |
DOREMUS adds new elements to FRBRoo and CIDOC CRM whenever needed to precisely express any music-related concept or relationship | Extending | Library and Archival Science | Multimedia; Information provenance | RDF, LYAM++ | 2018 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Moraitou, E.; Aliprantis, J.; Christodoulou, Y.; Teneketzis, A.; Caridakis, G. Semantic Bridging of Cultural Heritage Disciplines and Tasks. Heritage 2019, 2, 611-630.
Moraitou E, Aliprantis J, Christodoulou Y, Teneketzis A, Caridakis G. Semantic Bridging of Cultural Heritage Disciplines and Tasks. Heritage. 2019; 2(1):611-630.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMoraitou, Efthymia, John Aliprantis, Yannis Christodoulou, Alexandros Teneketzis, and George Caridakis. 2019. "Semantic Bridging of Cultural Heritage Disciplines and Tasks" Heritage 2, no. 1: 611-630.
APA StyleMoraitou, E., Aliprantis, J., Christodoulou, Y., Teneketzis, A., & Caridakis, G. (2019). Semantic Bridging of Cultural Heritage Disciplines and Tasks. Heritage, 2(1), 611-630.