The Value of Context-Based Interface Prototyping for the Autonomous Vehicle Domain: A Method Overview
:1. Introduction: Autonomous Vehicles and the Nature of Prototyping
2. Context-Based Interface Prototyping
2.1. What Is Context?
2.2. Context in Human–Computer Interaction
Context [in HCI] is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user and applications themselves.([21], pp. 3–4)
2.3. Prototyping as a Means to Consider Context in HMI Design
2.4. Considerations and the Impact of (Context-Based) Prototyping
Prototyping in HCD is of greatest value when it most simply and efficiently supports achieving the goals of a particular activity, such as analysis, design, or evaluation. Prototyping can, for example, make ideas, concepts, and contexts visible, tangible, or measurable.
3. Methods for Context-Based Prototyping of In-Vehicle Interactions
3.1. Static Mock-Ups
3.2. Ride Simulation
3.2.1. Virtual and Mixed Reality
3.2.2. Video and Immersive Video
3.3. Social Context Simulation
3.3.1. Actors and Enactment
3.3.2. Items and Props
3.3.3. Sound
3.4. Wizard-of-Oz
3.5. Experimental Vehicle
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AMoD | Autonomous mobility-on-demand |
AR | Augmented reality |
AV | Autonomous vehicle |
CAVE | Computer automatic virtual environment |
CGI | Computer-generated imagery |
HCD | Human-centered design |
HCI | Human–computer interaction |
HMI | Human–machine interface |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
MDPI | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute |
MR | Mixed reality |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
TV | Television |
UX | User experience |
VR | Virtual reality |
WoOz | Wizard-of-Oz |
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Method | Challenges | Recommendations |
Static mock-up | ||
Static elements—that do not show (dynamic) changes over time—provide a spatial representation of AV interior and exterior components. | Weighing (study) requirements (e.g., regarding fidelity) and effort to construct a mock-up. | Use static mock-ups for spatial prototyping of AV interiors and exteriors; Combine with other methods to increase immersion, e.g., ride simulation. |
Ride simulation | ||
Simulating the dynamic (physical) context of riding in an AV using VR, MR, (spatial) sound, (immersive) video, or a combination of the mentioned approaches. | Achieving a sufficient level of fidelity for participants’ immersion in the simulation [29] that is required for a valid contextual representation; Coping with occurring simulator sickness symptoms [37,38]. | Use VR and MR to prototype context that needs to respond to human input; Use real-world videos for (passive) high-fidelity simulation; Consider combining immersive video and VR/MR (e.g., [39]) to get the best of both worlds if required skills and resources are available; Use the checklist provided by [38] to design valid simulator studies and address issues such as simulator sickness. |
Social context simulation | ||
Simulating interactions and communication with others, e.g., co-passengers in shared AV rides. Prototypes can, e.g., make use of sound and actors [10] or enactment and props [40]. | Incorporating social context into (semi-)controlled test environments can lead to adverse effects. E.g., people might feel uncomfortable with other (unknown) people present in certain situations, which might also lead to adverse effects in terms of simulator sickness [10]. | Use sound as a baseline fo social context simulation. For instance, to simulate a shared ride, enhance the audio from the physical environment with noises of people entering or leaving the vehicle [10]; If social aspects are a crucial facet of a study, consider using actors and enactment to increase immersion and validity. |
Wizard-of-Oz (WoOz) | ||
Making participants believe they are riding in a real AV while a human driving wizard controls the vehicle [41]. WoOz can be used to prototype AVs on test tracks and on public roads. | Keeping up the WoOz deception throughout the conduct of the study; Coping with varying environmental conditions (e.g., weather, other road users) and ensuring comparability of test rides [34,41]. | Use fitting cover stories [42] to maintain the deception of participants; Support the story with a consistent “AV-like” driving style (e.g., “like a professional limo driver” [43]) and fitting hardware [44]. |
Experimental vehicle | ||
Vehicles with actual (but to some extent limited) automated driving capabilities [31]. | Counteracting (technological) limitations that might not meet participants’ expectations (see, e.g., [45]) and affect their assessment, e.g., limited speed, restricted areas, presence of a safety driver. | Transparently inform participants about the vehicles’ capabilities (if not in conflict with the study design); If possible, use experimental vehicles that can perform the respective driving scenario without restrictions. |
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Flohr, L.A.; Wallach, D.P. The Value of Context-Based Interface Prototyping for the Autonomous Vehicle Domain: A Method Overview. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2023, 7, 4.
Flohr LA, Wallach DP. The Value of Context-Based Interface Prototyping for the Autonomous Vehicle Domain: A Method Overview. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2023; 7(1):4.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFlohr, Lukas A., and Dieter P. Wallach. 2023. "The Value of Context-Based Interface Prototyping for the Autonomous Vehicle Domain: A Method Overview" Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 7, no. 1: 4.
APA StyleFlohr, L. A., & Wallach, D. P. (2023). The Value of Context-Based Interface Prototyping for the Autonomous Vehicle Domain: A Method Overview. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(1), 4.