Large-Scale BESS for Damping Frequency Oscillations of Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Grid Frequency Response Characteristics
2.2. ESS Sizing for IR and PFR
2.2.1. Sizing ESS for IR
2.2.2. Sizing ESS for PFR
2.2.3. ESS Modelling for IR and PFR Controls
- Inertia Response Control (IR)
- 2.
- Primary Frequency Control (PFR)
2.3. Prony Method
2.4. Proposed Strategy for BESS
- Step 1:
- Model a low-inertia power system with a significant renewable penetration level.
- Step 2:
- Specify the ROCOF, FSS, and minimum frequency of the system.
- Step 3:
- Calculate the required size of the BESS using (6) and (8). The required size depends on the contingency type; in this study, 350 MVA loss of generation power was considered.
- Step 4:
- Determine the best location of the BESS by using the Prony method and damping ratio analysis, which is detailed in Section 3.3.
- Step 5:
- Apply a considerably large contingency, e.g., loss of a power generator unit, considering BEES size = 0 MW.
- Step 6:
- By measuring the ROCOF and system frequency, determine if ROCOF > 0.5 Hz and/or frequency deviation > 0.2 Hz. If yes, activate the BESS. Otherwise, end the process.
3. Results
3.1. System Overview
3.2. Simulation and Analysis
3.2.1. Case 1: 25% Wind Penetration
3.2.2. Case 2: 35% Wind Penetration
3.2.3. Case 3: 50% Wind Penetration
3.3. Prony Analysis
4. Discussions
5. Conclusions
- (a)
- A system design strategy for power system frequency control by using BESS, including sizing ESS for IR and PFR, and therefore investigating how sizing capacity is related to renewable energy penetration levels. It has been shown that the sizing capacity of BESS is very close to that of the actual dynamic response capacity of BESS. Based on case studies, it has been found that at a penetration level of 25%, the sizing capacity for BESS is set to 102 MW; at a penetration level of 35%, the sizing capacity for BESS is set to 136 MW; and at a penetration level of 50%, the sizing capacity for BESS is set to 188 MW. In other words, with the increase in renewable energy, the capacity of BESS for frequency control needs to be increased.
- (b)
- A BESS locating approach to determine the best location of the BESS by analysing system oscillation using the Prony method, which is easy to implement based on measurements while actual physical system models are not required. This will make the Prony method suitable for large-scale real power grid analysis based on measurements. The proposed Prony method for system stability and oscillation analysis has been demonstrated on the Kundur 4-machine, 11-bus test system. In particular, it has been shown that with BESS, system damping can be improved in comparison to that without BESS. The case studies demonstrated a significant enhancement in steady-state frequency deviation, frequency nadir, and ROCOF after the implementation of BESS at the chosen bus. Integrating BESS into the power grid can effectively prevent UFLS by choosing the appropriate size, placement, and operation strategy for the BESS.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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G2 | 900 | 700 | 4% | 6.5 |
G3 | 900 | 719 | 4.7% | 6.175 |
G4 | 900 | 700 | 4% | 6.175 |
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Scenario | Calculation Results of BESS Size (MW) | Simulation Results of BESS Size (MW) | |Error| |
Case 1 | 99 | 102 | 2.2% |
Case 2 | 143 | 136 | 4.9% |
Case 3 | 193.5 | 188 | 2.8% |
Scenario | ROCOF (Hz/s) | (Hz) | Frequency Nadir (Hz) | |||
Without BESS | With BESS | Without BESS | With BESS | Without BESS | With BESS | |
Case 1 | 0.58 | 0.50 | 0.24 | 0.18 | 59.62 | 59.71 |
Case 2 | 0.60 | 0.48 | 0.25 | 0.17 | 59.58 | 59.68 |
Case 3 | 0.69 | 0.49 | 0.35 | 0.17 | 59.38 | 59.65 |
System | Eigenvalue | |
Without BESS | 0 ± j0 | 0.00748 |
−0.0217 ± j0.9858, −0.0551 ± j0.8163, | ||
−0.0849 ± j2.6332, −0.1006 ± j 3.0462, | ||
−0.1216 ± j1.746, −0.1218 ± j1.9425, | ||
−0.1248 ± j4.2571, −0.1465 ± j4.9476, | ||
−0.1688 ± j0.2237, −0.1713 ± j5.4736, | ||
−0.183 ± j8.5048, −0.189 ± j0.1937, | ||
−0.2064 ± j27.587, −0.209 ± j9.062, | ||
−0.2114 ± j27.0249, −0.2212 ± j7.3659 | ||
With BESS located at Bus 2 | 0 ± j0 | 0.0464 |
−0.6743 ± j4.8589, −0.8391 ± j1.7627, | ||
−0.9046 ± j14.1408, −1.2914 ± j24.9384 | ||
−1.2965 ± j18.0661, −1.3356 ± j28.7655 | ||
−1.3789 ± j9.6421, −1.4198 ± j21.3423 |
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Assery, S.A.; Zhang, X.-P.; Chen, N. Large-Scale BESS for Damping Frequency Oscillations of Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration. Inventions 2024, 9, 3.
Assery SA, Zhang X-P, Chen N. Large-Scale BESS for Damping Frequency Oscillations of Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration. Inventions. 2024; 9(1):3.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAssery, Shami Ahmad, Xiao-Ping Zhang, and Nan Chen. 2024. "Large-Scale BESS for Damping Frequency Oscillations of Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration" Inventions 9, no. 1: 3.
APA StyleAssery, S. A., Zhang, X.-P., & Chen, N. (2024). Large-Scale BESS for Damping Frequency Oscillations of Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration. Inventions, 9(1), 3.