The Variational Reduction for Low-Dimensional Fermi Gases and Bose–Fermi Mixtures: A Brief Review
:1. Introduction
2. The Fermi Gas
2.1. The Two-Dimensional Reduction
2.2. The One-dimensional Reduction
3. The Bose–Fermi Mixture
3.1. The Two-Dimensional Reduction
3.2. The One-Dimensional Reduction
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation for the Fermionic Superfluid
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Díaz, P.; Laroze, D.; Malomed, B.A. The Variational Reduction for Low-Dimensional Fermi Gases and Bose–Fermi Mixtures: A Brief Review. Condens. Matter 2019, 4, 22.
Díaz P, Laroze D, Malomed BA. The Variational Reduction for Low-Dimensional Fermi Gases and Bose–Fermi Mixtures: A Brief Review. Condensed Matter. 2019; 4(1):22.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDíaz, Pablo, David Laroze, and Boris A. Malomed. 2019. "The Variational Reduction for Low-Dimensional Fermi Gases and Bose–Fermi Mixtures: A Brief Review" Condensed Matter 4, no. 1: 22.
APA StyleDíaz, P., Laroze, D., & Malomed, B. A. (2019). The Variational Reduction for Low-Dimensional Fermi Gases and Bose–Fermi Mixtures: A Brief Review. Condensed Matter, 4(1), 22.