Attribute-Based Encryption in Securing Big Data from Post-Quantum Perspective: A Survey
:1. Introduction
- First, we investigate the quantum-resistant attribute-based encryption characteristic and how it differs from conventional attribute-based encryption;
- Then, we discuss evaluating an ideal quantum-resistant ABE scheme that can be adapted to secure big data processing;
- We provide a comprehensive review of the recent quantum-resistant ABE schemes, divided into Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE) schemes and Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE). We reviewed and compared their algorithm design, access structure, hardness of security assumptions, threat model, revocable features, resistance to collusion attack and ciphertext indistinguishability;
- Lastly, we highlight the quantum-resistant ABE scheme’s ongoing challenges and future trends.
2. Quantum-Resistant Attribute-Based Encryption Characteristics and How It Is Different from Recent Attribute-Based Encryption
3. Evaluation of Ideal Quantum-Resistant Attribute-Based Encryption
- Algorithm design: The design of quantum-resistant ABE schemes should be able to resist quantum attacks. At the same time, performance should not compensate for achieving a more robust quantum-resistant ABE scheme. It is also important to choose an algorithm that can be easily implemented into various devices [22].
- Access structure: It is also known as access policy, which is usually expressed as a circuit over a set of attributes. Access structure controls who can decrypt ciphertext [24] and generally can be categorized into monotonic access structure, non-monotonic access structure, and hidden access structure. The monotonic access structure is widely used in ABE. It comprises AND, OR and threshold gates and leaves that describe attributes. In contrast, a non-monotonic access structure uses NOT gates, including negative key access and generation constraints. The hidden access structure allows the data owner to hide the access structure and encrypt it for secure communication [25,26].
- Hardness assumption: Quantum-resistant ABE scheme is hard in the quantum computational model, primarily derived from fundamental lattice-based problems, including the shortest vector problem (SVP) and closest vector problem (CVP). The hardness of learning with error (LWE) enjoys a worst-case lattice problem as the SVP and shortest independent vector problem (SIVP); however, it suffers from the quadratic overhead problem in computation times and key size. Implementing quantum-resistant ABE requires a practical hardness problem in the lattice. R-LWE in ideal lattice enjoys smaller storage and faster operations, thus promising another alternative towards a practical ABE scheme in supporting real-world industry [13,21,23].
- Threat model: Like modern ABE schemes, the threat model of quantum-resistant ABE schemes is analyzed using selective and adaptive models. In the selective model, also called a non-adaptive model, the attacker must choose which challenge attribute to attack before accessing the ABE scheme’s public parameters or any of the keys. Whereas in the adaptive security model (also known as full security), the challenge attribute can be chosen at any time, even after the attacker obtains the public parameters and decryption keys. When the number of parties is super-logarithmic, the adaptive security model is strictly more robust than the selective security model. In a practical situation, attackers usually break into a system during computation based on the partial information they gathered beforehand. Thus, adaptive security seems to better present realistic security threats and provide a security guarantee [27].
- Ciphertext indistinguishability: Similar to the conventional ABE scheme, the quantum-resistant ABE scheme should validate under IND-CPA and IND-CCA. IND represents the goal of security which is indistinguishable. Likewise, CPA and CCA represent the strength of the attack, whether it is a passive adversary or an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack [26]. Most quantum-resistant ABE schemes were proved to be IND-CPA secure and IND-CCA secure. A cryptosystem being IND-CCA1 secure implies that it is also IND-CPA secure. Subsequently, the IND-CCA2 secured also implies IND-CCA1 secured [28,29].
- Collusion resistant: Users should not combine their private keys with each other to obtain unauthorized data. Thus, it must be preserved as polynomials or random integers that are unable to be deciphered simply by mixing user attributes [30]. In a multi-authority ABE scheme, the total number of users must not exceed the number of attribute authorities to prevent collusion attacks [10].
- Revocable: An ideal quantum-resistant ABE scheme should address the user revocation and attribute revocation. User revocation is a mechanism to auto revoke permissions if any user leaves the system. The revoked user lost authorization, and he or she cannot decrypt the data because access rights were forbidden [31]. The user revocation in quantum-resistant ABE schemes can be categorized as direct revocation and indirect revocation. Direct revocation occurs when senders specify the revocation list while encrypting the message and has the advantage of not requiring a key update phase for all non-revoked users engaging with the key authority. In contrast, indirect revocation is enforced by a trusted key authority that regularly publishes key update materials in such a way that only non-revoked users can update their keys, thus rendering revoked users’ keys worthless [10,30] and does not require senders to be aware of the revocation lists.
4. Quantum-Resistant ABE Scheme and Recent Works
4.1. KP-ABE Schemes
- Setup (k → pp, mk): Takes a security element, k and outputs the master key, mk and the public keys, pp.
- Key Generation (τ, mk → sk): Takes the access policy, τ and the master key, mk and outputs the user’s private key, sk, corresponding to attributes in the access policy.
- Encryption (M, S → CT): Takes message, M as input the data, a set of attributes, S and outputs a ciphertext, CT associates with the attribute set S.
- Decryption (CT, sk, pp → M/⊥): Takes the ciphertext, CT as input, the user’s private key, sk and the public keys, pp to recover the encrypted message, M. The decryption is successful if and only if ciphertext attributes satisfy the access structure in the user’s private key. Otherwise, the algorithm outputs ⊥.
4.2. CP-ABE Schemes
- Setup (k → mk, pp): Takes the security parameter, k as input and outputs a master key, mk and public keys, pp.
- Key Generation (mk, S → sk): Takes the master key, mk and a set of data user attributes, S to produce a secret key, sk.
- Encryption (pp, M, τ → CT): Takes as input the public keys, pp, the message, M and an access structure, τ, and outputs a ciphertext CT.
- Decryption (CT, sk → M/⊥). The decryption algorithm takes as input the ciphertext, CT and the private key, sk and outputs the decrypted data, M. The decryption is successful only if the user attributes satisfy the access structure included in the ciphertext. Otherwise, the output is ⊥.
5. Ongoing Challenges and Future Suggestions
- Efficient quantum-resistant ABE schemes without lattice-based cryptography. Recent quantum-resistant KP-ABE schemes [41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51] and CP-ABE schemes [33,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68] are primarily constructed based on lattice-based cryptography. While lattice-based cryptography has only been secured in the inefficiency of large dimensions, it is intriguing to further investigate whether a practical quantum-resistant ABE scheme may be built from other quantum algorithms, such as supersingular elliptic curve isogeny or multivariate approach.
- Scalability and complexity of access control policy. Managing high data volume and expandable users is challenging in big data technologies. While quantum-resistant CP-ABE schemes [33,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68] better support the users’ scalability than KP-ABE schemes [41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51], designing attribute directly revocable LSSS threshold gate access policies with backward and forward secrecy is still challenging. The access structure design should consider that users might frequently change in the group, and the policies and keys should be able to be updated timely. Backward secrecy ensures the newly joined users cannot read any previously encrypted data until the data are re-encrypted with the updated attribute key. In contrast, forward secrecy provides that revoked users must not be able to read any future encrypted data till the next expiration. Instead of periodic and scheduled revocation, most recent quantum-resistant ABE schemes [61,66] focused on immediate attribute revocation. Luo et al. [50] employes concepts of proxy re-encryption, which allows semi-trusted proxies to re-encrypt data with the updated access structure. However, proxy re-encryption cannot practically support distributed applications in big data processing, and the risk of collusion attacks in semi-trusted environments needs to be further addressed.
- Adaptively secured Quantum-resistant ABE Schemes. As aforementioned, the adaptive threat model is more robust than a selective model since the challenge attribute can be selected whenever even after the attacker has obtained the public parameters and decryption keys. Existing adaptively secured quantum-resistance ABE schemes [33,54,55,57,62,64,67,68] are mainly designed based on the hardness of LWE problems that suffer from practical issues, including high dimension cost to embedded expressive access policies. While the R-LWE approach promises a more practical solution to lattice-based ABE schemes, it is necessary to design adaptively secure ABE schemes to assure realistic security in big data technologies.
- Collusion-resistant ABE schemes. In collusion-resistant ABE schemes, users cannot combine their attributes to recover the encrypted data. The LSSS widely used in constructing monotone access structures still suffers from collusion attacks and high storage costs. The hardness of LSSS assumptions is based on (t − 1) users will not collude; however, it cannot assure if at least t users collude. In distributed big data storage and processing, the possibility of collusion between the semi-trusted service providers that hold the shares secret is very high. While recent collusion-resistant ABE schemes focus on analyzing the collusion resistance among the revoked users, it is necessary to analyze the designed schemes against the collusion among authorized users to recover the secret key.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Reference | Quantum Perspective | Application Scenario | Remarks |
2014 | Balamurugan and Venkata [5] | ✕ | Cloud application | A general review and discussion on ABE in securing cloud application |
2014 | Qiao et al. [6] | √ | General application | General Comparison of ABE features and quantum-based ABE literature limited to 3 articles |
2016 | Liu et al. [7] | ✕ | Cloud data storage | A detailed technical review for each selected ABE scheme, however, limited to 4 articles |
2017 | Mhatre et al. [8] | ✕ | Health records in cloud storage | A very general non-technical review and literature limited to 13 articles |
2018 | Rachman [9] | ✕ | File Storage in the cloud | A very brief non-technical survey and literature limited to 8 articles |
2019 | Edemacu et al. [10] | ✕ | Collaborative eHealth | A detailed technical review on bilinear pairing-based ABE |
2019 | Al-Dahhan et al. [11] | ✕ | General cloud application | A general review of single and multi-authority CP-ABE schemes |
2019 | Sun [12] | ✕ | General cloud application | A detailed technical review on ABE and searchable encryption |
2020 | Zhang et al. [2] | ✕ | Cloud Storage application | A technical review on (ABE) for cloud computing access control |
2021 | Oberko et al. [4] | ✕ | General application | Focus on Multi-Authority Attribute-based encryption (MA-ABE) schemes. |
Concerns | Recent Attribute-Based Encryption | Quantum-Resistant Attribute-Based Encryption |
Algorithm constructions | Pairing-based cryptography, Elliptic curve cryptography, RSA algorithm | Lattice-based problem approach |
Computational hardness assumption | Bilinear Diffie–Hellman (BDH), Decisional Bilinear Diffie–Hellman (DBDH), and q-type | Shortest vector problem (SVP), Learning with Error (LWE), Ring-Learning with Errors (R-LWE), Nth Degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Units (NTRU) |
Storage Efficiency | Bit storage 2n n-bit strings | Bit storage one n-bit string |
Processor Efficiency | Depends on the throughput of the algorithm. | Fast with optimization techniques |
Transmission Bandwidth Efficiency | Bandwidth depends on computational power | Ranging from 0.6–2.2 KB |
Year | Ref. | Algorithm Design | Access Structure | Hardness Assumption | Threat Model | Ciphertext Indistinguishability | Collusion Resistance | Revocable |
2013 | Boyen [41] | Lattice-based | LSSS | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2015 | Boyen and Li [42] | Lattice-based | Boolean | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2017 | Kuchta and Markowitch [43] | Lattice-based | LSSS (Threshold gate) | LWE | Selective | IND-CCA | Yes | - |
2017 | Tan and Samsudin [44] | Lattice-based | LSSS (Threshold gate) | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2018 | Zelin [45] | Lattice-based | Tree | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | Yes | - |
2018 | Dai et al. [24] | Lattice-based | Boolean circuit with AND and NAND gates | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2018 | Zhao and Gao [46] | Lattice-based | LSSS (AND and OR gates) | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2018 | Yu et al. [47] | Lattice-based | Tree | Decision R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2019 | Liu et al. [48] | Lattice-based | LSSS (Threshold) | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2020 | Liu et al. [49] | Lattice-based | LSSS (AND, OR and Threshold gates) | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
2021 | Luo et al. [50] | Lattice-based | Boolean | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | User-level |
2021 | Pal and Dutta [51] | Lattice-based | Boolean | LWE | Adaptive | IND-CCA | No | - |
Year | Ref. | Algorithm Design | Access Structure | Hardness Assumption | Threat Model | Ciphertext Indistinguishability | Collusion Resistance | Revocable |
2012 | Zhang et al. [33] | Lattice-based | Threshold n gate | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
Zhang and Zhang [54] | Lattice-based | AND gates on positive and negative attributes | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - | |
2014 | Wang [55] | Lattice-based | AND-gates on multi-valued attributes | LWE | Adaptive | IND-CCA | No | - |
2015 | Fun and Samsudin [56] | Lattice-based | LSSS | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | Yes | - |
Zeng and Xu [57] | Lattice-based | AND gate | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - | |
2016 | Tan [58] | Lattice-based | LSSS | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | Yes | - |
2017 | Fun and Samsudin [59] | Lattice-based | LSSS | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | Yes | - |
Chen et al. [60] | Lattice-based | Threshold n gate | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - | |
2019 | Yang et al. [61] | Lattice-based | Binary Tree | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | Attribute-level |
Tsabary [62] | Lattice-based | Threshold n gate | LWE | Adaptive | IND-CCA2 | No | - | |
Liu et al. [63] | Lattice-based | Threshold n gate | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - | |
Li et al. [64] | Lattice-based | AND gates on positive and negative attributes | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - | |
2020 | Affum et al. [65] | Lattice-based | Boolen Threshold N gates | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | No | - |
Zhao et al. [66] | Lattice-based | Threshold N gates | R-LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | Yes | Attribute level | |
2021 | Qian and Wu [67] | Lattice-based | Access tree with AND and OR gates | LWE | Selective | IND-CPA | Yes | - |
Varri et al. [68] | Lattice-based | LSSS | LWE | Selective | IND-CKA | No | - |
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Jemihin, Z.B.; Tan, S.F.; Chung, G.-C. Attribute-Based Encryption in Securing Big Data from Post-Quantum Perspective: A Survey. Cryptography 2022, 6, 40.
Jemihin ZB, Tan SF, Chung G-C. Attribute-Based Encryption in Securing Big Data from Post-Quantum Perspective: A Survey. Cryptography. 2022; 6(3):40.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJemihin, Zulianie Binti, Soo Fun Tan, and Gwo-Chin Chung. 2022. "Attribute-Based Encryption in Securing Big Data from Post-Quantum Perspective: A Survey" Cryptography 6, no. 3: 40.