Prioritizing the Potential Smartification Measures by Using an Integrated Decision Support System with Sustainable Development Goals (a Case Study in Southern Italy)
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Fuzzy Delphi Analytic Hierarchy Process (FDAHP)
2.1.1. Survey of Experts and Calculation of Fuzzy Numbers
2.1.2. Determining the Fuzzy Pairwise Comparison Matrix
2.1.3. Calculating the Relative Fuzzy Weight of Parameters
2.1.4. Defuzzing the Weights of Parameters
2.2. Fuzzy Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS)
2.2.1. Formation of Decision Matrix
2.2.2. Determining the Weight Matrix of Criteria
2.2.3. Normalization of the Fuzzy Decision Matrix
2.2.4. Determining of the Weighted Normalized Fuzzy Decision Matrix
2.2.5. Determining of Fuzzy Positive Ideal Solution (FPIS,A*) and Fuzzy Negative Ideal Solution (FPIS,A−)
2.2.6. Calculating of the Distance from Fuzzy Positive Ideal Solution and Fuzzy Negative Ideal Solution
2.2.7. Determining of the Closeness Coefficient (CC)
2.2.8. Ranking of Alternatives
3. Case Study
- A2, Mediterranean Highway, which is the only highway realized in Calabria;
- SS 106, which is the main road along the Ionic coast;
- SS 18 represents the most significant link between the Tyrrhenian coast’s internal areas and coastal settlements.
- SS 280, a State Road that links Lamezia to Catanzaro;
- SS 107, a State Road from Paola to Crotone;
- SS 534, a State Road from Firmo to Sibari;
- SS 283, from Guardia Piemontese to Spezzano Albanese;
- SS 182, a State Road from Vibo Valentia to Soverato;
- SS 682, a State Road from Rosarno to Gioisa Ionica.
4. Modelling by FDAHP-FTOPSIS and Discussion
4.1. Determining Criteria’s Weights Using FDAHP
4.2. Ranking of Smartification Measures Using FTOPSIS
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Linguistic Variables for Ranking Alternatives | |
Linguistic Variable | Corresponding Fuzzy Number |
Very Low (VL) | (0,0,1) |
Low (L) | (0,1,3) |
Medium-Low (ML) | (1,3,5) |
Medium (M) | (3,5,7) |
Medium-High (MH) | (5,7,9) |
High (H) | (7,9,10) |
Very High (VH) | (9,10,10) |
Ci | Environmental Sustainability (C1) | Economic Sustainability (C2) | Safety (C3) | Benefit–Cost Ratio (C4) |
Environmental sustainability (C1) | (1,1,1) | (0.2,1.377,6) | (0.143,0.287,1) | (0.333,1.236,7) |
Economic sustainability (C2) | (0.167,0.726,5) | (1,1,1) | (0.143,0.203,0.333) | (0.111,0.508,3) |
Safety (C3) | (3,5.207,7) | (3,4.925,7) | (1,1,1) | (0.2,1.524,9) |
Benefit–cost ratio (C4) | (0.143,0.809,3) | (0.333,1.967,9) | (0.111,0.656,5) | (1,1,1) |
Criteria | Global Weights |
Environmental sustainability (C1) | 0.179 |
Economic sustainability (C2) | 0.116 |
Safety (C3) | 0.486 |
Benefit–cost ratio (C4) | 0.199 |
Category | Smartification Measures | Environmental Sustainability (C1) | Economic Sustainability (C2) | Safety (C3) | Benefit–Cost Ratio (C4) |
Active safety | Alerts on the presence of emergency vehicles (A1) | (0,0,1) | (0,3.25,7) | (1,7.25,10) | (0,5.25,10) |
Alerts on the presence of slow vehicles (A2) | (0,4,9) | (0,3.75,9) | (7,9,10) | (0,6.75,10) | |
Collision warning in the vicinity of intersection (A3) | (0,0.25,3) | (0,4,9) | (5,9.25,10) | (1,7.5,10) | |
Signaling of the presence of motor vehicles (A4) | (0,0.25,3) | (0,2.25,7) | (0,3.5,10) | (0,4,10) | |
On-board propagation of brake light signals (A5) | (0,2.25,9) | (0,2.75,9) | (3,8.25,10) | (3,6.75,10) | |
Driving in the wrong direction (A6) | (0,2,9) | (0,2.75,7) | (7,9.75,10) | (3,8,10) | |
Signaling of the presence of a stationary vehicle due to an accident or breakdown (A7) | (0,3.25,9) | (0,2.75,9) | (7,9.25,10) | (3,7.25,10) | |
Traffic conditions reporting (A8) | (3,6.5,9) | (1,5.5,9) | (3,7.25,10) | (5,8.5,10) | |
Detection of traffic sign violations (A9) | (0,3.5,9) | (0,2.75,9) | (3,7.25,10) | (3,6.75,10) | |
Work zones signaling (A10) | (0,4.5,9) | (3,6,9) | (5,8.75,10) | (3,7.25,10) | |
Risk of accident alert (A11) | (0,2.5,9) | (0,6,10) | (3,8.75,10) | (5,9.25,10) | |
Crowdsourced data: dangerous site (A12) | (0,2.5,9) | (0,6,10) | (3,8.25,10) | (5,9,10) | |
Data from vehicles (crowdsourced data): rain, snow (A13) | (0,3,9) | (0,5,9) | (5,8.75,10) | (3,8,10) | |
Data from vehicles (crowdsourced data): Slippery road (A14) | (0,3,9) | (0,5,9) | (5,8.75,10) | (3,8,10) | |
Data from vehicles (crowdsourced data): visibility problems (A5) | (0,3,9) | (0,5,9) | (5,8.75,10) | (3,8,10) | |
Data from vehicles (crowdsourced data): wind (A16) | (0,3,9) | (0,5,9) | (3,8.25,10) | (3,7.5,10) | |
Traffic | Speed limit notification (A17) | (3,5.5,9) | (3,7,10) | (0,6,10) | (7,9.5,10) |
Traffic information and recommended itineraries (A18) | (3,7,10) | (3,7,10) | (0,3.75,10) | (0,6.25,10) | |
Signaling of road closures and alternative routes (A19) | (3,7,10) | (3,7,10) | (0,2.75,7) | (0,5.25,10) | |
Assisted navigation (A20) | (1,6.5,10) | (1,6.5,10) | (0,4,10) | (5,7.5,10) | |
Repetition of signals in the vehicle (A21) | (0,4.25,10) | (0,6,10) | (0,6.75,10) | (0,5.75,10) | |
Local cooperative services | Notification of points of interest (A22) | (0,4.75,10) | (1,7.25,10) | (0,2.5,10) | (3,7,10) |
Automatic management of parking and accesses (A23) | (1,7.25,10) | (5,8.25,10) | (0,2.75,10) | (5,7.5,10) | |
Internet services | Insurance and financial services (A24) | (0,1,5) | (0,5,10) | (0,1.5,7) | (0,4.75,9) |
Vehicle fleet management (A25) | (0,4,9) | (3,7,10) | (0,2.75,7) | (3,6.5,9) | |
Solar and ecological roads | Photovoltaic systems spread along the road axis (A26) | (7,9.75,10) | (5,9,10) | (0,0.5,3) | (5,8.75,10) |
Green islands for charging electric vehicles (A27) | (9,10,10) | (7,9.75,10) | (0,0.75,3) | (5,9,10) |
Smartification Measures | (C1) | (C2) | (C3) | (C4) |
(A1) | (0,0,1.294) | (0,0.035,0.532) | (0.009,0.372,2.331) | (0,0.109,1.734) |
(A2) | (0,0.068,1.165) | (0,0.04,0.684) | (0.067,0.462,2.331) | (0,0.14, 1.734) |
(A3) | (0,0.004,0.388) | (0,0.043,0.684) | (0.048,0.475,2.331) | (0.002,0.156,1.734) |
(A4) | (0,0.004,0.388) | (0,0.024,0.532) | (0,0.179,2.331) | (0,0.083,1.734) |
(A5) | (0,0.039,1.165) | (0,0.029,0.684) | (0.029,0.423,2.331) | (0.007,0.14,1.734) |
(A6) | (0,0.034,1.165) | (0,0.029,0.532) | (0.067,0.5,2.331) | (0.007,0.166,1.734) |
(A7) | (0,0.056,1.165) | (0,0.029,0.684) | (0.067,0.475,2.331) | (0.007,0.151,1.734) |
(A8) | (0.0078,0.112,1.165) | (0.0019,0.059,0.684) | (0.029,0.372,2.331) | (0.011,0.177,1.734) |
(A9) | (0,0.06,1.165) | (0,0.029,0.684) | (0.029,0.372,2.331) | (0.007,0.14,1.734) |
(A10) | (0,0.077,1.165) | (0.006,0.064,0.684) | (0.048,0.449,2.331) | (0.007,0.151,1.734) |
(A11) | (0,0.043,1.165) | (0,0.064,0.76) | (0.029,0.449,2.331) | (0.011,0.177,1.734) |
(A12) | (0,0.043,1.165) | (0,0.064,0.76) | (0.029,0.423,2.331) | (0.011,0.177,1.734) |
(A13) | (0,0.052,1.165) | (0,0.053,0.684) | (0.048,0.449,2.331) | (0.007,0.166,1.734) |
(A14) | (0,0.052,1.165) | (0,0.053,0.684) | (0.048,0.449,2.331) | (0.007,0.166,1.734) |
(A5) | (0,0.052,1.165) | (0,0.053,0.684) | (0.048,0.449,2.331) | (0.007,0.166,1.734) |
(A16) | (0,0.052,1.165) | (0,0.053,0.684) | (0.029,0.423,2.331) | (0.007,0.156,1.734) |
(A17) | (0.0078,0.095,1.165) | (0.006,0.075,0.76) | (0,0.309,2.331) | (0.015,0.197,1.734) |
(A18) | (0.0078,0.12,1.294) | (0.006,0.075,0.76) | (0,0.192,2.331) | (0,0.13,1.734) |
(A19) | (0.0078,0.12,1.294) | (0.006,0.075,0.76) | (0,0.141,1.632) | (0,0.109,1.734) |
(A20) | (0.0026,0.112,1.294) | (0.0019,0.069,0.76) | (0,0.205,2.331) | (0.011,0.156,1.734) |
(A21) | (0,0.073,1.294) | (0,0.064,0.76) | (0,0.346,2.331) | (0,0.119,1.734) |
(A22) | (0,0.082,1.294) | (0.0019,0.078,0.76) | (0,0.128, 2.331) | (0.007,0.146,1.734) |
(A23) | (0.0026,0.123,1.294) | (0.009,0.088,0.76) | (0,0.141,2.331) | (0.011,0.156,1.734) |
(A24) | (0,0.017,0.647) | (0,0.054,0.76) | (0,0.077,1.632) | (0,0.099,1.561) |
(A25) | (0,0.069,1.165) | (0.006,0.075,0.76) | (0,0.141,1.632) | (0.007,0.135,1.561) |
(A26) | (0.0182,0.168,1.294) | (0.009,0.096,0.76) | (0,0.026,0.699) | (0.011,0.182,1.734) |
(A27) | (0.0234,0.172, 1.294) | (0.013,0.104,0.76) | (0,0.038,0.699) | (0.011,0.187,1.734) |
Smartification Measures | Distance of Positive Ideal | Distance of Negative Ideal | Closeness Coefficient (CCi) |
(A1) | 4.804 | 3.421 | 0.416 |
(A2) | 4.693 | 3.447 | 0.423 |
(A3) | 4.835 | 2.999 | 0.383 |
(A4) | 5.017 | 2.883 | 0.365 |
(A5) | 4.736 | 3.44 | 0.421 |
(A6) | 4.696 | 3.363 | 0.417 |
(A7) | 4.69 | 3.447 | 0.424 |
(A8) | 4.695 | 3.441 | 0.423 |
(A9) | 4.747 | 3.436 | 0.420 |
(A10) | 4.683 | 3.447 | 0.424 |
(A11) | 4.695 | 3.49 | 0.426 |
(A12) | 4.704 | 3.487 | 0.426 |
(A13) | 4.694 | 3.446 | 0.423 |
(A14) | 4.694 | 3.446 | 0.423 |
(A5) | 4.694 | 3.446 | 0.423 |
(A16) | 4.716 | 3.442 | 0.422 |
(A17) | 4.719 | 3.482 | 0.425 |
(A18) | 4.784 | 3.545 | 0.426 |
(A19) | 4.855 | 3.14 | 0.393 |
(A20) | 4.774 | 3.547 | 0.426 |
(A21) | 4.758 | 3.553 | 0.428 |
(A22) | 4.82 | 3.543 | 0.424 |
(A23) | 4.784 | 3.545 | 0.426 |
(A24) | 5.008 | 2.66 | 0.347 |
(A25) | 4.873 | 2.966 | 0.378 |
(A26) | 5.015 | 2.606 | 0.342 |
(A27) | 5 | 2.608 | 0.343 |
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Guido, G.; Haghshenas, S.S.; Haghshenas, S.S.; Vitale, A.; Gallelli, V.; Astarita, V. Prioritizing the Potential Smartification Measures by Using an Integrated Decision Support System with Sustainable Development Goals (a Case Study in Southern Italy). Safety 2022, 8, 35.
Guido G, Haghshenas SS, Haghshenas SS, Vitale A, Gallelli V, Astarita V. Prioritizing the Potential Smartification Measures by Using an Integrated Decision Support System with Sustainable Development Goals (a Case Study in Southern Italy). Safety. 2022; 8(2):35.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuido, Giuseppe, Sina Shaffiee Haghshenas, Sami Shaffiee Haghshenas, Alessandro Vitale, Vincenzo Gallelli, and Vittorio Astarita. 2022. "Prioritizing the Potential Smartification Measures by Using an Integrated Decision Support System with Sustainable Development Goals (a Case Study in Southern Italy)" Safety 8, no. 2: 35.
APA StyleGuido, G., Haghshenas, S. S., Haghshenas, S. S., Vitale, A., Gallelli, V., & Astarita, V. (2022). Prioritizing the Potential Smartification Measures by Using an Integrated Decision Support System with Sustainable Development Goals (a Case Study in Southern Italy). Safety, 8(2), 35.